Student's Bill Of Rights

We ,the students of our schools, declare these Rights to be self-evident, inalienable, and granted to all.

1. Neither School Board nor faculty shall enforce a single religion, beliefs, or practices over another; nor shall the customs of a religion be forced on students. No student is to be discriminated against because of his or her religion or beliefs.

2. Students have the Rights to freedom of speech, peaceful assembly, and free expression. No faculty member shall in any way impede or limit those Rights as long as they are not used in ways that are profane, slanderous, threatening, or illegal, or harmful to others.

3. All students have the Right to defend their innocence when accused of a violation of Handbook policy. The accused shall be assumed innocent until their guilt can be proven or disproven to a satisfactory degree. No disciplinary action shall be taken until the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) have been notified and consulted.

4. No student shall be punished twice for a single infraction. No student shall be punished in a way that is cruel, unusual, or unjust.

5. No personal property shall be searched or seized without the consent of the student and parents/guardian. In cases of suspected criminal activity, police shall be present at all actions taken by the school board.

6. All students have the Right to privacy. No student can be forced to reveal personal and private information that is not a necessary part of the curriculum.

7. No student shall be singled out or be biased against by faculty for any reason. No one shall be prevented from participating in extracurricular activities by reason of gender or race. No student shall be discriminated against by faculty or staff due to his or her clothing, hair, life-style, appearance, or previous offenses. Academically, all students are to be treated equally to the greatest extent possible.

8. All students shall have equal access to books, computers, and multi-media tools that are a necessary part of curriculum, or for personal use that falls under Handbook guidelines for such equipment/materiel. Access can be limited or denied if the student has violated the policies dictating the use of said materials.

9. Students shall have the Right to petition for changes in policy that they feel are unjust or impede their Rights, or make amendments that they feel would be constructive to the overall school environment. This Right shall not be limited by faculty, staff, or administration in any way.

10. The students have the Right to elect members of the student body to a representative council. The council shall have the power to vote on matters concerning the student body. Neither the School Board nor faculty has the power to prevent the council from voting on issues they address at their meetings.

11. Students are to be treated appropriately in the cafeteria. Food items of equal value can be exchanged and substituted. Students cannot be forced to sit in any one location, except under certain circumstances mandated by time, or safety. The cafeteria is a place of fellowship, and any encroachment of such shall be considered a violation of Right.

12. None of these Rights can in any way be infringed upon, reduced, or violated by anyone, faculty, staff, or student.

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