Sometimes some events happen in one’s life  that changes the pattern of life. Of course some events steer the life to a prosperous, peaceful and adventurous one but some events ruin the very essence of peaceful and comfortable living. I am trying to present you such an event and the consequences thereof to me.


Like few of the housewives of Bengal, I had been following a very happy life doing my household cores with my own hands for the last 40 years. I liked to sweep the floors of the flat, clean and wash clothes and iron the dresses singlehandedly. In this way I kept my health also nicely. I used to walk a stretch of nearly 3 Km in the morning everyday . My two sons are abroad and they keep contact on phone, e-mail from there.


In 2002, during early October, we visited several Durga Puja Pandals in south Kolkata during Saptami and Astami days which fell on 12th and 13th October. On 14th October, 2002, the date I will remember forever, I was watching running commentary  of Durga Puja in progress at Belur Ramkrishna Ashram and then wanted to go to Navami Puja after preparing breakfast. Then the inevitable incident happened. I fell down near the entrance to the kitchen on my left leg. I cound not rise up. I cried  aloud to my husband who was in the bedroom reading newspaper. He came running and literally drag me up on to a stool. I could not stand on my left foot. I tried but I could not do anything.


Dr. Roy, a retired Medical Officer of a Central Government Undertaking, came on call but he concluded that  I had broken my femur bone near the neck and need to be hospitalized. He recommended Ramkrishna Mission Seva Pratisthan on the Sarat Bose Road. So my husband admitted me there on the same day in the evening. We were both inexperienced since we never suffered any serious illness since our marriage in 1961 except for the delivery of my two sons at Durgapur Steel Hospital. So we did not mention any preferences and I was put in a cabin under a doctor named Dr. Gautam Basu. As the senior doctors were on leave, I was kept waiting there for 9/10 days under the supervision of junior doctors who attended to minor issues.


My husband was advised by one Dr. Paul to purchase certain metal parts to be used during the operation from a non-descript individual, living at Ultadanga Road at a price of Rs. 3000/-. Operation was performed on the 23rd of October by Dr. Gautam Basu and his colleagues. I was awake during the operation as local anaesthesia was used and I was wearing a pair of black spectacles so that I could not see the proceedings. I saw the senior doctor who performed the operation for the first time just before the operation. He looked very much like the Governor Mr. Shah with beards. He asked  me next day to tell  my husband to meet him  regarding some appliances. My husband could meet him only at the Operation Theatre where he told him to use an electromagnetic device round the fractured foot for ease of union. After my release on 7th November, 2002, the agents came to our flat and asked for Rs. 10,000/- for using the appliance for 4 weeks. The use of the Italian machine caused much uneasiness  but we followed Dr. Basu’s advice. I was to be in full bed rest for two months.


In spite of all the care I received, the doctor said that that the neck is absorbed and advised me to use crutch with left foot hanging. He sent a helper from the hospital who taught me how to use the crutch. I did not know the consequence of the absorption of neck but we went to see another doctor (Dr. S.L.Sarkar) who advised operation to remove the appliances used to union the fracture and a third operation may also be required to replace the hip bone. I was scared but eventually I was admitted to his Nursing Home called “INFIRMARY” on the Dr. Meghnad Saha Sarani, Kolkata. After removal of the appliances. I was released on 23rd April, 2003. On 31st May, 2003, Dr. Sarkar said  that I did not need another operation and advised me to consult a Physiotherapist to do some exercises. Dr. Jibak Mukherjee, Physiotherapist charged Rs. 300/- per visit and it appeared I would be able to walk soon. On 31st July, 2003, I started using Elbow crutch. From 4th September, 2003, I started training under a female physiotherpist, Mrs Namita Nandi as Jibak Mukherjee did not respond to our calls.


On 19th September, 2003 I had fever and the temperature tended to stay at above 100°C. Dr. Roy gave some medicine and the temperature came down. But after the Durga Puja celebration I had temperature around 102°C again. This time Dr. Roy’s medicine did not work except paracetamol which lowered the temperature  temporarily. On the advice of Mr. Dipankar Chowdhury, our neighbour, Dr. S. Mukhopadhyay was called to see me at home. He adivised  blood and urine culture test. In spite of several doses of anti-biotics no Improvement was in sight. On the advice of my cousin in-laws, we called Dr. Asim Kumar Sarkar to see me. He gave malaria medicine but it did not work. He advised me to consult a specialist in medicine.


I was taken to Dr. Sanjay Sen’s clinic near Dover Lane on the 21st November, 2003. He advised several blood & urine tests. After seeing the reports, he prescribed certain medicines. Temperature dropped to 98°C and the doctor stopped the medicine. But the temperature soared again and this time no medicine could stop temperature rise except by taking paracetamol only temporarily.


We were fed up with spending money but to no effect. We went to Dr. Avijit Bhattacharya to have an opinion. Dr. Bhattacharyay on looking at X-ray report told us that there was no union of the femur bone fracture and I need hospitalization for studying the underlying cause of the fever. However, we were crestfallen as we thought fracture was healing up.


On 7th January, 2004, we left for Vellore to get me examined there at CMC hospital. We deposited Rs. 385/- for an appointment with Dr. Titus  Dr. Titus advised certain tests including X-ray, Bone Scan etc. Rs 4500 was spent for the tests On 17th January, 2004, I was admitted to the S-Ward General Bed. The doctors shifted me to Medicine department on 21st January, 2004, when they could not stop temperature rise. This new ward provided a private two bed room with attached bath and a bed for the attendent. Bone marrow sample was taken on 23rd January, 2004; but the tests provided no clue. On 28th January, 2004, CT scan was performed but nothing concrete emerged from the tests. In view of the negative test results, Dr. O.C.Abraham  took it for granted that the cause of the fever is TB and prescribed medicines for 1 month after which to report. TB medicine started on 31st January, 2004. There was no fever for 10 days and we met Dr. Titus who said the operation is not possible before one month. So we decided to leave for Kolkata after getting all the reports. On 8th February, 2004, we reached Kolkata.


From next day I developed temperature again but the medicines are having no effect.. I was having gastric trouble also. So I insisted my husband to stop the TB medicine which proves futile. I stopped taking TB drug from 17th February,2004. On 23rd February, 2004,  I was admitted to Kothari Medical Centre to be treated under Prof. Dr. Sital Ghosh. Blood tests, Endoscopy and Ultra Sonography was done but the tests did not give any clue. On 9th March, 2004, loxof was given and it seemed to work and the temperature came to normal without the use of paracetamol. Dr. M.S. Ghosh  examined me but said that he would be on a overseas assignment and the operation would be delayed. Dr. Sital Ghosh arranged with Dr,. Durga Pada Baksi, eminent orthopaedic surgeon to operate me for the hip replacement. Dr. Baksi along with a junior Dr. chakravorty, examined me and arranged operation to be performed on 5th April, 2004. The operation was successful and the appliance used cost Rs. 35000/- besides cost of medcine etc. On 25th April, 2004, I was given stereoid for the first time and the temperature dropped. On 5th May, 2004, I was discharged  though I was having cough acquired from the hospital.


No fever till 25th may, 2004 but from 26th temperature rose again. Fed up with allopathic medicines we went to Dr. Gautam Chakraborty, a Homeopathic doctor who gave some medicine. From 5th June to 18th June, 2004, I had temperature below normal and the homeopath stopped the medicne and gave a new medicine. Temperature soared again. In spite several vatiations prescribed by the doctor, no relief was forthcoming. Of course Dr. Chakraborty did not tell us to stop sazo, a medicine for arthritis.


So we went back to Dr. Abhijit Bhattacharyay on 2nd July, 2004, and told him how I suffered in spite of medication. He  advised  certain tests and to stop sazo. He suspected Still’s disease (AOSD – Adult Onset of Still’s Disease) from the blood and other reports   and from the fact of my high temperature and high leucocyte count in the blood but absence of any evidence of specific bacterial or viral infection.. My husband pointed out the positive Rh factor but he said sometimes it is possible to have a positive Rh factor in a patient with Still’s disease. On 8th July he advised Philadelphia chromosome study by taking bone marrow blood sample. On 13th July, 2004, I was too indisposed, but went by taxi to Ranbaxy where they took blood from bone marrow. Report would be available only on 22nd July, 2004. Next day I was feeling drowsy all the time and could not take milk or tea. Sisirda came to see me on my husband’s request. On 15th July, 2004, I learnt later that I was drowsy in the morning and was examined by Dr. Biswanath Das who said that I should be given oxygen as I having respiratory problem. I was shifted to Sri Aurobindo Seva Kendra –  a EEDF health center. The hospital authorities put me under oxygen and later shifted me to ICCU on advice from Dr. Bhattacharyay . I was put on ventilator as the doctor felt Carbon dioxide content in blood has increased. On my sister’s insistence my son Bunai was requested to come down to us because it appeared that I was in my last few days. I got back senses on 19th July but could not talk properly. I learnt that Bunai & Ekta went with me to A Medical Service Centre for CT Scan of the chest. I was moved to Bed  on 20th July, 2004. Bunai left on 22nd July, 2004. I was given blood tranfusion on 24th July since haemoglobin content of blood was 7.2.  On 25th July I was again moved to ICCU. The doctors used certain drugs to free my lungs from any suspected blood clots which effectively increased my carbon dioxide content in blood and decreased platelet count in blood. I was put in ventilator which was so disturbing as I could not express my discomfort and miseries in the ICCU under the nurses who were supposed to keep vigil on my condition. A pipe was feeding oxygen through my mouth all the time. I was examined by Dr. Sukumar Mukherjee but we were not impressed by his deliberation as it appeared to give stamp of  approval to the Dr. Bhattacharyay’s dispensation. I learnt that Dr. Mukherjee took Rs. 1500/- cash as his fee. It appeared to my husband an  unnecessary  step by Dr. Bhattacharyay..


On 28th July platelet count was below 20000 and doctor advised fresh blood.  I am sure that low platelet count is due to wrong medicines used and stopping of Sazo the drug I was having before I came to Dr. Bhattacharyay. Fresh blood dramatically improved platelet count and haemoglobin and so I was shifted to the ward at last on 9th August, 2004. After freed from ventilator I could express myself against staying in the hospital any further. My husband, Nitin, consulted Dr. Nirup Mitra, a physician recommnnded by a client of Mr. R.L.Auddy, Partner, Sandersons & Morgans. Dr. Mitra said he would take up the case after she moves out of the hospital. I was having temperature and the doctor wanted to subject me to further invasive tests.involving introduction of pipes to the chest. As I was feeling a bit better, I insisted my husband to take me home. I asked the nurses to inform my husnband before they make any further tests. At last, I was taken out of the hospital on 25th August, 2004, after my husband, Nitin, signed risk bond. I came home with my private nurse who was looking after me in the hospital and Nitin arranged an attendent for the night. He also arranged Oxygen to be administered as and when needed. Doctor advised also nebulizer, but I insisted I do not need it.


Dr. Nirup Mitra  advised certain specific blood tests besides normal tests; the new tests included quantitative Rh factor, IgG,IgA,IgM, prothrombin time, etc. Though he gave a anti-biotic medicine but that did not have any effect on my fever. At last when the test results were at hand Dr. Mitra  started administering Sazo and HCQS on 4th August, 2004, along with omnacortil5 and it had the desired effect. On 4th August, report of TSH indicated thyroid problem and so he advised eltroxin half tablet daily before breakfast. I had to take half paracetamol i.e. 250 mg till 10th September, 2004,  when the temperature stood at below normal without paracetamol for the first time. But the cough which I picked up from hospital continued for sometime. Doctor said it was due to allergy and would subside gradually. (I feel the cough was due to the injury sustained when the ventilator pipe was withdrawn from the throat.)


In the meantime, on the insistence of Khuku, my sister, we arranged Narayan Puja at our place 29th August, 2004, attended by Gopa, Dipa, Susanta, Mejajamaibabu and Mejdi.. A fire was lit for offering some ritual of the Puja.Purohit of Mr. Dpankar Chowdhury performed the Puja and Khuku did all the arrangements necessary for the Puja. The Puja might have a psychological effect on me as I felt better from that day onwards.


On 16th September, 2004, I started walking on my own in the flat and I felt much better. On 22nd blood tests confirmed reduced Rh factor in the quantitative analysis of blood. Nurse attended for the last time on 23rd September, 2004, and I had no nurse or attendent to take care during the night. Attendent was relieved on 1st October, 2004 as I could take care of me myself. There is no cough, nor had I any problem of taking bath or go to toilet.


On 16th October, I had some pain in the left lower side of chest for which Dr. Mitra advised at first carbozyme and later on 17th October advised Ulgel  which reduced the pain dramatically. I take valium5 for sound sleep at night which I reduced gradually to one valium2.  a day.


I do not know what lies ahead for me but it appears to me and all my relatives that I am having a new life under Dr. Mitra. Let us hope I will not have any debiliting disease again.





Additions made by Nitin Kumar Basu

Unfortunately for my wife, she died on 2nd February, 2005, after she was diagnosed as a case of lymphoma. It is really sorry tale of unreliable doctors dillydallying with her case. Firstly, at the preliminary stage she was taken to be a normal infection and usual anti-biotic therapy. When it failed the doctors such as Sanjay Sen et al could not suggest anything. At Vellore the young doctors carried out all sorts of tests but never thought of the cause of her fever. Rather they made a peculiar conclusion that since no clue is found the fever may be related to TB somewhere in the body and administered anti-TB drugs which caused her immense suffering.

Mr. Sital Ghosh who boasts of so many cures and a wealth of experience did not suspect cancer. Even though Dr. Amitabha Bhattacharyya sensed something he was also biased only to take the fever due to leukomia or some infections in the lungs with no evidence. Though she had fever and night-time sweating even in the winter, doctors should have suspected lymphoma.

She was admitted to a preferred Nursing Home of Dr.N.Mitra where she was found to have some growths in the retroperitoneal region from the CT Scan (Contrast mode). They did not sense cancer ; they were thinking of the abdominal pain may be due to gall bladder stone. She was admitted to Genesis hospital where Dr.Purnendu Roy came up with a suggestion that the pain is not due to gall bladder stone but may be due to some other cause and advised her to be admitted to Kothari Medical Centre under Dr. Sharmila Chandra expert in hematology. Dr. Chandra made bone marrow tests verified at her chosen laboratory at Park Clinic since she boasted of having under her many leukemia patients. But she never thought of Lymphoma. So we decided to put her under Dr. Malhotra for her diagnosis. Dr. Malhotra, after tests carried out with gland near the throat, confirmed the disease to be lymphoma.

Next came the tragic end of Mina since the senior doctors left the responsibility of starting chemotherapy on junior doctors at night. She was better when the transfusion started but the condition deteriorated at midnight. Who is responsible for her death ? It is the ignorance of the practising doctors about symptoms of cancer. I heard many cases of lung cancer being not diagnosed at first and when the doctors did, it was the fag end of their life. I write this whole story for my readers so that they are not harassed by unscrupulous doctors

Only Dr. Purnendu Roy was honest and let go his patient as he was not after money but truth and competency. When he found the case is beyond his means he relented but the others in the profession failed to be responsible, honest and sincere in their efforts.

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