The Preliminary Round: (25 WRITTEN QUESTIONS) 1. Which engineering company advertises on the front page on the '98 telephone directory of Pune? Kirloskar 2. Name the 1920's french tennis champion who invented the steel tennis racket, who turned into a clothing entrepreneur? Lacoste 3. Price of which food item is used by economists to compare international rates & is seen as a good indicator of a country's financial status? Big Mac index 4. Is there a veg Pizza Hut anywhere in the world? Yes 5. Bollywood in Mumbai, Hollywood in L/A., where in Pakistan is Lollywood? Lahore 6. If you required a toothbrush in a hotel which dept would you call? Housekeeping 7. Pix was shown: (a)a bird was shown, have to identify the bird & say it is the visual for which ad (hint: photo roll brand) Parakeet, Agfa 8. Pix was shown: Indian businessman Kishore Chabbria 9. Pix of a car: (hint:2 word answer) Honda Civic 10. Pix of a woman: Sulaija Firodia Motwani 11. What do the following have in common (hint: something related to computers) Colours of the Apple iMac 12. Tropicana the 100% fruit juice is a subsidiary of which company? Pepsi Cola 13. What's the name of the Chinese restaurant at Holiday Inn, Pune? The Orient 14. What brand of personal care product does Karisma Kapoor endorse? Dabur 15. A commercial was shown: drum beating, lots of ice, coke bottles popping up & people dancing to a drum beat: (a) what was being pushed right at the beginning? Ice Block (b) Only one man was wearing a cap…what was its colour? Red 16. (A) 5 letter word for the type of band shown (hint: it is also a type of product) Steel band 16. (B) What is the duration of the ad? 30 secs 17. If you're looking at a newspaper's stock prices page & look under 'z', the price of which computer companyis Rs 70/-? Zenith 18. The British Royal family is now anti smoking, & has withdrawn the royal warrant from which brand? Benson & Hedges 19. "Losing my Virginity" is a book by? Richard Branson 20. When Standard Chartered came to India it was called Chartered Bank of? India 21. Ad shown: shoes walking through water: identify the brand? Liberty Coolers 22. Ad shown: JK tyres, fastest Indian in the world is the caption: Who is the gentleman? Karthikeyan 23. Music: Some rap song with strong beats: Will Smith is singing to promote which place in America? Miami 24. Music: song "Uptown Girl": (A): Identify the famous model featured in the video: Chrissie Brinkley (B) The name of cosmetics company ___________ cosmetics (hint: a word from the song)? Uptown cosmetics 25. How did Rahul Dravid get the nickname "jammy"? Father worked for Kissan Jams The Main Round: Finalists: Tata Steel, Lever Johnson, ABN Amro, Holiday Inn, Quadrant, and Citibank TACTICAL ROUND 1. Which country is the largest exporter of frog's legs? Indonesia 2. Which profession were Levi's jeans made for? Miners 3. Some colours were written: Colours of the Hero Honda Splendour 4. Which painter abandoned a career in banking for painter? Gaughin 5. Hanna Barbera's first production? Puss Got the Boots 6. Various names were mentioned on screen? Various dolls for Lego's Scala Range. MIND YOUR BUSINESS 1. 1. Who once said "I hate the news, it makes people feel bad, I don't want anything to do with it" Ted Turner 2. What was founded in England in 1694 to fund the battle against the Dutch? The Bank of England 3. In the top 100 World Brands ranked by the Economist for 1998-99, there was only one Asian brand? Sony 4. Mont Blanc, the famous pen brand , a former cricketer is the boss behind it. Who? Dilip Doshi 5. What was created at the Raffles Hotel in Singapore? Singapore Sling Cocktail 6. Sher Dil Jawan is a brand of which tata tea? Tiger Grand Brands (letters floating around in red circle, guess the brand name) 1. Reliance 2. Swiss Air 3. Tetrapak 4. Mirinda 5. Cadbury Video Round 1. (Govinda movie clip, showing Khaitan fan pix in the background), name the film? Chote Sarkar 2. Man shown in shoes, tie, pen, caption naming them as all world famous expensive, exclusive brands: what is the product being advertised? ANZ Grindlays cards 3. A man being interviewed, who is he? JJ Vallaya 4. What is the character's name in the film ARJUN PANDIT, that is a popular Indian brand to do with food, a clip from the movie is shown, with the name blanked out) Haldiram 5. A clip showing some men chasing etc. what is the brand? BPL Quadra Point Focus 6. Trigger Jeans ad shown: who is the female model? Shehnaz Treasurywalla BOSS IS GENEROUS: 1. This fashion designer has appeared naked in ads What's so special about Luciano Benetton? 2. Outside the Australia & New Zealand, this country constitues the largest operations for the ANZ Group What is India in relation to the ANZ group? 3. Levington is the official supplier of Turfcare products to this tournament Who are the Turfcare products supplier to Wimbledon? 4. The world's largest moped manufacturer What is TVS? 5. India's first digital hindi movie channel What's special about B4U? 6. Fortune called this sportsperson the "100 billion dollar man" What is Mike Johnson called? Some visuals are shown 1. Pix: Sanjay Lalbhai 2. Ad for kerala tourism (some boats lovely sunset in the background) 3. Car pix: identify the brand: Volvo 4. Pix: Narayan Murthy 5. Name of the model in the ad: Karan Kapoor 6. A pix of an alchohol bottle, identify the brand: Glenfidich 7. An ad shown of a man with goblin's ears, holding a telephone, identify the character who's the inspiration for this ad? Captain Spock ROUND 7 1. "Take care of the children…. Tobaccowill kill you"… last words of Wayne…Who was he? The Original Marlborough Man 2. Add a sportsman to the following list: Ritu Beri, Montek Singh Ahluwalia, K.K. Dadiseth? Ajay Jadeja (all advertising for the Y2K bug. 3. What was Bill Gate's referrring to when he said this was made by a finnish college student? Linux 4. Which film was this: "Just when you thought the world was safe"? Jaws 5. Monica Lewinskydid not take up Oprah Winfrey's invitation because they couldn't offer her fee. How much did Oprah offer her? No money, Oprah does not pay her guests. 6. What is common to Bin Hussain, Manjari, Manju & Poonawala? All stud farms in and around Pune FAST BUCKS (BUZZER) 1. The Kalashnikov brand of rifles comes from which country? Russia 2. Some "OM" legend died this year… name? David Oglivy 3. Olympics Airlines is the airline of which country? Greece 4. What 5 letters must have every Indian cricketer worn during their career? Wills 5. What is the inflight mag of Jet Airways? Jet Airways 6. What is the currency of Nepal? Rupee 7. Who is NOT the husband of Delialah? Samsonite 8. What is the name of the new Music Store opened by Times Music in Mumbai? PlanetM TIE-BREAKER QUESTION What logo does Rahul Dravid have on his back? Britannia _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Whats is common to : Amritakumbho Chocolate pastry Pearafuli Shonkho Babu 1. Various ' SONDESH ' ( bengali sweet ) from K C Das 2. Which American sportspersons' name is related to companies that delivers packages ? 2. Jim Courier 3. Name the British compnay that manufactured the rifles where the use of greased cartidges led to the outbreak of the 1857 war of independance ? ( seven words ) 3. Enfield 4. A pretty long question framed in my own way - I joined the red cross in 1917 at the age of 15 . There I met two brothers - one them was Dick whose company I took over in 1961 for a pautry ( by todays means ) sum of 2.5 mill dollars - now one of the largest chain restaurants in the world ? Who am I ? 4. Founder of MAC ( Couldnt follow the name ) 5. In the BSE which company is slotted in between BASF India and Bausch and Laumb ? 5. Bata 6. Forbes magazine named him to be the ' Businessman of the century ' . Name him . ( Straight lift from the TOI/ET of the day ) 6. Henry Ford 7. Visual - Achetypal building 7. Ffort Radisson 8. Visual- Vehicle ( Sumo/Armada type ) 8. Jeep Cherokee 9. Visual- Personality 9. Satyabrata Ganguly ( famous kidnapped chairman of Exide ) 10. Visual- Print advertisement 10. Outlook 11. What confectionary do you come accross while surfing the net ? 11. Cookies 12. What is the cake shop at Taj Bengal ( the official hosts ) ? 12. La Patesserie 13. Elizabeth Hurley and which famous personality run the Simian films ? 13. Hugh Grant 14. '' More than the package '' is the corporate slogan of which Pune based Swedish company ? 14. Tetrapack 15. Silly question - Visual - Sachin/PEPSI ad on kids with Sachin mask a) What is Sachin wearing on the other hand which has no braclet ? Googly a) Nothing !! b) Does Sachin lift the mask with the left hand or right hand ? b) Left 16. Relate BENZER, MRF , PROLINE , TANISQ, Head and Shoulders and Dil Se ? 16. Malaika Arora 17. Pretty long boring complicated question on a company acquiring a company sourcing raw materials to this company and blah ... blah ... blah ..... . What is this process called ( two words eight and eleven ) 17 Backward Integration 18. 'Victoria's secret ' is a brand associated with ......... 18 Lingerie 19. Which french footballer endorses Christian Dior ? 19 Zidane 20. Audio --- Maruti/Euphoria AD 21. Audio piece -- Fill in the blanks ..... Wrapped in a ...... ( four ).................(five)..............(four) 21. five pound note 22. Visual - Comic strip. Name the co producer . 22. Scot Adams 23. Visual - Asian paints ad . Name the co and brand . 23 Apex 24. Md Younis of B Desh found which bank ? 24 Gramin Bank 25. What is the liquid found in any MAC outlet worldwide ? 25 Coke _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.. He is remembered only for his foot-in-the-mouth remarks such as: "If Lincoln were living today he would turn over in his grave." On another occasion he confessed that he was a great fan of baseball and "I watched a lot of games on the radio... I mean television." At a White House dinner he toasted President Anwar Sadat in the following words: "To the great people and the government of Israel, excuse me, of Egypt." Little wonder that Johnson had said of him "He is so dumb that he can't fart and chew gum at the same time." ## Gerald Ford, who also played pro football (for the LA Rams, methinks) and is notorious for tripping on the steps leading to an airplane. I recall reading a MAD magazine which had quotes by famous people followed by snide remarks from bystanders. For example; Hitler's "Today Germany, tomorrow the world" was followed by Goering "Can you make it day after tomorrow, Adolf? Wednesday's I go bowling!". The quote attributed to Ford was "Ouch!" :-) 2. As Richard Nixon's running mate, he made this election promise: "I have often been accused of putting my foot in my mouth, but I will never put my hand in your pockets." As ill luck would have it, he had to later confess on television that he had indeed diddled the public. ## Spiro Agnew 3. When only 12 years of age, had told his mother: "I want to be an old-fashioned lawyer, an honest lawyer who can't be bought by crooks." . Hint: American President. ## Richard Nixon. Why else would I ask it? (this quote gave the clue that HYSP had referred to the book 'Don't quote me'. 4. In Britain the tradition has been for politicians to affect to be gentlemen rather than professionals. The details were to be left to the officials to be worked out, the minister was expected to concern himself only with airy matters of general policy. That is how Lord _____, who was Chancellor of the Exchequer, could afford to declare while referring to decimal points in budget figures: "I never could make out what those damned dots meant." ## Lord Randolph Churchill. Kudos to those who got it. 5. When he became Prime Minister, asked a senior official in the foreign office: "Yeh batao, yeh Pol Pot kya cheez hai? Aadmi hai yaa mulk hai? (Tell me, what is this Pol Pot? A man or a country?)" ## Chaudhary Charan Singh. When he died, Morarji called him a 'party breaker par excellence' and added "just because he is dead, don't expect me to say good things about him" ;-) But most writers have commended his honesty. 6. He is said to have insisted to civil aviation ministry officials that he would not grant approval to Tata-Singapore Airlines to operate in India unless Singapore first permitted Indian Airlines to operate in its domestic sector. ## C. M. Ibrahim. This was the Deve Gowda cabinet. 7. South Block wits used to joke about this foreign minister. He had a style all his own. For example, in a debate on Vietnam, he said: "The basic thing to remember is that North Vietnam is to the north of South Vietnam which is to the south of North Vietnam." But every diplomatic professional admired the way in which he took on Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in the United Nations. ## Sardar Swaran Singh. Most of you said Vajpayee. Could someone post Swaran Singh's famous anecdotes? --the foll are from memory. the quotes may not be 100% exact ----- 8. America has a lot to contribute to the Third World War. (He repeated this gaffe 9 times in his speech. He meant 'third world countries'). ## Ronald Reagan, who obviously could not "recall" the correct term. 9. I am a jelly doughnut ## John F. Kennedy. This was the famous "Ich Bin Ein Berliner" quote. He should've said "Ich Bin Berliner". The insertion of one word "ein" made him a much cherished doughnut :-). Similarly, one word made a world of a difference elsewhere. Neil Armstrong goofed up his line "One small step for *A* man, a giant leap for mankind". He said "One small step for man, a giant leap for mankind". This is like saying 'mankind' twice :-). NASA refuted it and Amstrong was adamant that he had said the right thing. Check out the net for loads of pages devoted to this topic :-) 10. Jean Harlow to this sharp witted wife of a famous Brit Prime Minister on being told her name; "Pleased to meet you Lady ____. How do you pronounce M-a-r-g-o-t? Margot _________: " The t is silent. Same as in Harlow". Q. Fill in the blank with the last name. ## Lady Margot Asquith 11. "Would you like some potato cripps, Mr. Chips?". Very famous tongue twister uttered at a wedding party by the bride. Who? # Funny how most of you missed this. I thought that this was a sitter. I think you were put off the track by 'Mr. Chips'. A lot of you guessed Monroe/Hepburn etc. Sorry, I should've put some more clues. It was Indira Gandhi. Nehru had invited Sir. Stafford Cripps for the wedding. I don't know how far this story is true. But it has been mentioned in more than one autobiography. Hey, it's a good story.:-) 12. "Jab tak hain samosa mein aloo. Tab tak hain _____ mein _____" (This cannot be translated without losing the original *humor*. Identify this famous leader who talks of himself in the third person a la Caeser. # Sitter of the lot. Everyone got this. Bihar mein Laloo. The quintessential entertainer if you're not residing in Bihar. If you are, may the lord be with you :-). One of my favorite stories about him and his ilk comes from an edition of India Today (or was it Outlook?) way back in 1995-6. When the CBI registered criminal cases against him, his 11 kids held banners and walked up and down the garden of his official residence to put up a show for the assembled journos. They raised slogans like "CPI murdabad", " CPI ki tanashahi, nahin chalegi". When a journo pointed the gaffe out - CPI (Communist Party of India) were Laloo's electoral partners - Laloo remarked with his typical non chalaance, "Inko training dena hoga." ;-)) 1. The remnants of the supernova explosion of 1054, first recorded by Chinese astronomers, is the very first entry M1 in the Messier catalog of astronomical objects. It is better known by what name? ANSWER: The crab nebula. (10 hits) When the explosion happened, it was temporarily brigher than Venus, and was visible in the sky for 23 days! Viswanath Vinod pointed out that the Anasazi Indian tribe of southwestern US also recorded it in their petrographs (rock diagrams) 2. This is a passage from one of essayist Annie Dillard's writings describing...what? "...the world was wrong. The grasses were wrong; they were platinum. Their every detail of stem, head and blade shone lightless and artificially distinct as an art photographer's platinum print. The hillside was a nineteenth-century tinted photograph from which the tints had faded." ANSWER: Her eyewitness description of a total solar eclipse. (3 hits) The eerieness of the landscape is supposed to be quite characteristic at the time nearing totality and shortly after. In hindsight, I should have maybe given more clues on this one. 3. The Bayeaux tapestry, which records a pictorial history of the Norman invasion of England in 1066, shows a scene of king Harold being told of this well-known astronomical phenomenon. What was it? ANSWER: Halley's comet. (18 hits) It made a grand appearance during the Battle of Hastings and had many scrambling to figure out what the omen meant. 4. This large V-shaped open star cluster in the constellation Taurus marks the head of the bull. It is named after the half-sisters of the Pleiades, being daughters of Atlas and Aethra. What is its name? ANSWER: The Hyades. (5 hits) The red star Aldebaran (Rohini) marks the left eye of the bull. 5. You've probably seen paintings and photographs of sunsets where beams of light radiate outward from the sun which has already set. These rays are usually visible in clear skies up to 15 minutes after a sunset. The specific name for this radiation is derived from the Latin word for twilight. What is it called? ANSWER: Crepuscular radiation from Latin crepusculum, meaning twilight. (2 hits: Siva Kumar, Viswanath Vinod) 6. This satellite of one of the planets is considered the most volcanically active object in the solar system. Name it. ANSWER: Io, one of Jupiter's moons. (11 hits) A volcanic crater bigger than that of Hawaiis Kilauea volcano (appropriately called Prometheus) has recently been photographed on Io by NASAs Galileo spacecraft. 7. This spectacular constellation was described by trader and explorer Andrea Corsali as a "marveylous crosse in the myddest of fyve notable starres". This constellation also appears on the flags of some countries. What is it called? (bonus points if you can name any of the countries) ANSWER: The Southern Cross, a.k.a Crux. (12 hits) The countries with Crux on their flags (at least, those I'm aware of!) are Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Western Samoa and some territories in the South Pacific. The five surrounding stars in the description are most likely from nearby Centaurus. Crux was used as a navigational aid by sailors and was a source of inspiration for many. 8. Two of the navagrahas in Indian astrology actually represent two nodes of the moon, i.e., points north and south where the orbit of the moon intersects the path of the sun. Mythologically, they are supposed have formed out of the two halves of Vasuki, the serpent used by the devas and asuras in churning the ocean. Name them. ANSWER: Raahu and Ketu (14 hits) According to myth, Vasuki drank the nectar of immortality secretly. The sun and the moon complained to Vishnu, who in anger threw the sudharshan chakra at Vasuki and cut him in two. 9. This was song popular in Lewis Caroll's time that he parodied in a poem titled "Soup of the evening" in the book "Alice in Wonderland". Just complete the blank last line of the first verse: Beautiful star in heav'n so bright, Softly falls thy silv'ry light, As thou movest from earth afar, ---------------------------------------------. ANSWER: "Star of the evening, beautiful star" - a song of the same title written by J. Sayles (3 hits) Lewis Carroll's take-off on this was the refrain "Soup of the evening, beautiful soup" in the Turtle Soup poem. Nothing really to do with astronomy...I just added this on a whim :-). Many people guessed "twinkle twinkle little star" which actually fits quite neatly... 10. An "event horizon" borders the area surrounding a black hole - the threshold of no return, so to speak. The radius of this area is named after a German astronomer who is credited with discovering solutions to Einstein's equations of the General Theory of Relativity. Who is he? ANSWER: Karl Schwarzschild - the "Schwarzschild radius" (12 hits) He literally completed his work on the equations on his deathbed, and sent them to Einstein who read his papers to the Academy of Sciences in Berlin a few weeks before Schwarzschild died. 11. In the first of Frank Herbert's Hugo and Nebula award winning books in the "Dune" series, the main character Paul Atriedes moves with his family to an dry planet called Dune known for its population of giant worms and an addictive substance called melange spice. What was the other name of this planet? ANSWER: Arrakis. (6 hits) Incidentally , the "non-fictional" Arrakis is a star in the constellation Draco, the dragon. The meaning of the name translates to "dancer". The movie "Dune" based on this book stars Kyle MacLachlan, Patrick Stewart (of Star Trek TNG) and rock musican Sting. 12. The information (hint, hint) for this final question was gathered from the final episode in a TV series: This most recent post held by this fictitious TV series character is Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge. The post in real life currently belongs to Stephen Hawking and was previously held by such notables as Sir Isaac Newton. Name this character. ANSWER: Data, the android from Star Trek, The Next Generation. (3 hits) Picard encounters him in the future while slipping back and forth in time in the final episode "All Good Things". I thought the clue was quite leading... Q1) What popular phrase was developed by Western Union to test that the alphabet letters were working on their equipment for telex communications ? Ans : The Sentence " The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter in the alphabet, therefore made a good test for the equipment. ( 12 Hits ) Q2) Citizen Kane - The dying Charles Foster Kane uttered a single word " Rosebud "; those around him don't know why. What was " Rosebud " ? Ans : The sled Kane owned when he was a child. The wealth & power Kane had accumulated in his lifetime insulated him from true friendship. No one present at his deathbed knew him well enough to know what Rosebud was. The clitoris funda given by lot of respondents is correct but not relevant in the context of the question. ( 9 Hits ) Q3) We all know what a credit card is but what is a debit card ? Ans : Your bank account is directly debited as soon as you make the purchase. ( 14 Hits ) Q4) The Jazz Singer ( 1927 ) was the first talkie. But which was the last silent movie ever made ? Ans : ' The Four Feathers ' finished in 1929 is the answer I was looking for. Junta referred to Pushpak. I don't sure whether Pushpak can be classified as a silent movie. ( 1 Hit ) Q5) When was cricket last played in the Olympics ? Ans : 1900 - Paris. Quite a few respondents tried 1904 and other believed that cricket was never played in the Olympics. ( 5 Hits ) Q6) The Westin Century Plaza hotel in Los Angeles unveiled a 8000 Sq Ft Presidential Suite in this Hotel in Feb 1999. This Suite is one of the largest suites in the World and occupies the entire 30th floor of the tower. The Suite is named after an US president and was inaugrated on his Birthday. Name the Suite / President ? Ans : Ronald Reagan Suite. In fact the inaugration was on his 88th Birthday. I guess the month of Feb misled people in believing that it was George Washington. ( 5 Hits ) Q7) Cartoons : Betty Boop's first iteration was designed as a little dog ( French Poodle ) with feminine legs; her voice & persona were modelled after a real person. Name the person. Ans : Singer Helen Kane. Most Common Answer was Marilyn Monroe. ( None got this ) Q8) The thirteen acres enclosing the Tower of London are widely considered the most haunted spot on earth. Its most famous ghost is of a headless woman, usually seen near Tower Green.Who is she supposed to be the ghost on ? Ans : Anne Boleyn, the second wife of Henry VIII, who was beheaded on Tower Green. ( 11 Hits ) Q9) " Pinocchio" was made from what kind of wood ? Ans : Pine ( 5 Hits ) Q10) When movie theatres opened the early 20th Century, they were called by a special name. What was the name ? Ans : Nickeldeons - the word is a combination of the " cost of the movies, a nickle" & the " latin word for the theatre Odeon". 1. Which was the first hotel-chain started in Madras in the 1930's - Woodlands 2. Which company, before Microsoft, came as nearest to the anti-trust case and was split up? - Standard oil 3. If Bombay is Bollywood, Lahore is Lollywood, where is Kollywood - Kathmandu 4. Cheese from ..., Lettuce from ..., tomato from ... etc. Give a single name to connect these. - McDonald 5. Which was first sport Ted Turner indulged in? - Yatching 6. In Ogilvy and Mather, Procter and gamble etc. what is the symbol in between called? - ampersand Picture rounds ----------------------- 7. Shows a watch with the brand name removed, released for the 50th year of Independence - Cartier 8. Who's the person? - Gurucharan Das 9. Shows picture of truckers stricking. Which country? - France 10. Identify this non-European , Non- American city - Johannesburg ---------- 11. Whats common to an athletic sport and selling stocks low to become an unatractive buy? -Hammering (Hammer Throw) 12. Harry's Hut of Leeds invented this fast food ? - Fish 'n Chips 13. a) Which ad agnecy ran the first politcal ad campaign? b) for which party? - a) Rediffusion b) Cong (I) 14) Mumbai's the new name. Which company established in 1879 retains the old name as part of its name? - Bombay Dyeing 15) Shows an ad and asks arbit q's . The bajaj ad during the world cup in which guys are standing on top of each other to know the score. a) what were the 2 objects on the table ? - remote control and Ashtray b) The bowler in the match being shown on the TV in the ad- bowling round the wicket or over the wicket? - Round the wicket. 16) What 3 letter would you associate THomas Watson Jr. with? - IBM 17) Which brand of watch does Azhar pitch for? - Tissot 18) Who claims to be India's largest non-life insurance company - New India Assurance 19) Some quote by Elizabeth Arden and fill in the blanks- 7 letter word (Sorry about this vague q compilation) - Beauty 20) In PSPO, PS is Peak Speed what's PO? - Performance Output 21) Video clipping of a place. a) Which palce is this b) Who owns it? - a) Atlantic City b) Donald Trump 22) Plays a song (Getup, Stand up,....) and says an ad uses it? Who sung the original song and the Product which uses this song? - a) Bob Marley - b) Ayurvedic Concepts 23) Plays a song. which shopping area was mentioned in it? - Singapore's Orchard Road. 24) P&G introduced a product "Dreft" the first of its kind. What product was this? - Detergent 25) In a hotel if you get a news paper but you want a different paper, who would you contact? - Bell Captain 1) Who is the only bowler to take a 100 wickets in One day Internationals at one venue? # EVERYONE GOT THIS- WASIM AKRAM at SHARJAH 2) Next to Don Bradman, who holds the test record for scoring the most career test runs against a individual country ? # JACK HOBBS vs AUSTRALIA (I'LL CHECK IF ALLAN BORDER HAS EXCEEDED HIS TALLY) 3) In the 1960s a promising Bombay opening batsman migrated to the United States. According to Sunil Gavaskar, if not for this, the world would never have heard of Sunil Gavakar. Who was this batsman? # RAMESH NAGDEV 4) Which player represented seven sides in Ranji trophy in the course of his career? M.V. (VINOO) MANKAD 5) Which player has the second highest career first class batting average? VIJAY MERCHANT 1. What is common to Henry Wilcoxon, Claude Rains, Timothy Dalton, Rex Harrison, Charlton Heston ? They all acted as a lead either as Anthony or as Caesar in a Cleopatra Movie. Claudette Colbert and Henry Wilcoxon ("Cleopatra," 1934) Vivien Leigh and Claude Rains ("Caesar and Cleopatra," 1946) Leonor Varela and Billy Zane ("Cleopatra," 1999) Lynn Redgrave and Timothy Dalton ("Antony and Cleopatra," 1981 ) Elizabeth Taylor and Rex Harrison ("Cleopatra," 1963) Hildegard Neil and Charlton Heston ("Antony and Cleopatra," 1973). No one got it fully correct 2. Superstitions of Super Stars. Larry Bird(NBA Great) - rubbing hands on sneakers; Wayne Gretzky(NHL Great) - tucking in only right side of shirt; Hank Aaron(Baseball Great) - always wearing same shower shoes (for 22 years); Jackie Joyner-Kersee(Track & Field Great) - eating chicken before competing; ???????????????????? (?????????) - wearing college shorts under uniform; Jimmy Connors (Tennis Great) - carrying note from Grandma in sock. Fill in the Blanks. If you need, you can ask for a clue (will get .5 deducted). Michael Jordan. 13% Hits 3. Identify this person who gave the world the custom of Coin Toss , whose head appeared on one side of every coin in the empire he was ruling. Because he was, he said, divinely appointed emperor, his image alone was sufficient to settle lawsuits. Consequently, property disputes, marital discords and even guilt or innocence in criminal proceedings could be determined by the toss of a coin, since This person's image landing upright meant that he and by extension the gods agreed with the decision. Who is he? Julius Caesar. 26% Hits 4. Sitter. How do we better know this. This is known as 'Half Circle, Full Circle, Half Circle, A, Half circle, Full Circle, Right Angle, A' among school kids. Coca Cola. 80% hits 5. Absolute Sitter. What would you be doing if you are in a state of 'Anatomical juxtaposition of two orbicularis oris muscles in a state of contraction'? Kisssing 43% 6. What is unique to the Following Sherlock Holmes mysteries, The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax and The Final Problem ? These are only two cases where Holmes is outside the British Isles. In The Final Problem where he was at the Rickenbach Falls. In the other one he was at France 6.5% hits 7. Alexander Dumas of the 'Three Musketeers' and 'Count of Monte Cristo' fame induced an Inventor for his/her invention. This invention is used used all over the world by the science scholars and even school kids. Name the Invention and the Inventor. Mendeleef and the Periodic Tables. No one got it ( I guess I should have given more clues...) 8. Identify this person. As a youngster, he attended plays and musicals with his mother Evelyn and took classes in dance, swimming, cello and piano. An 18-year-old freshman at the University of Houston in 1980, he won his first NCAA championship event and then earned a berth on the Olympic team. He won the 1981 Sullivan Award his idol, was the first to receive it. Though he didn't play college football, he was drafted in the 12th round by the Dallas Cowboys as a wide receiver in 1984. Two months later, the Chicago Bulls drafted him in the 10th round. At the 1984 Olympics, his younger sister Carol placed ninth in the long jump. Who is he? If possible identify his Idol. Carl Lewis. Idol ( J C Owens better known as Jesse Owens) 22% hits 9. This person was a member of the group Bluesology at 14. He rock musician derived his professional name by borrowing the first name of leader of Bluesology and the first name of a saxophonist named Dean. Born with a first name of Reginald, He went solo when he became disillusioned with the direction leader of Bluesology headed. Who is he? Elton John 13% hits 10. Sitter. Connect these US President Pairs. Woodrow Wilson - Ronald Reagan Thomas Jefferson - Bill clinton. Ronald Reagan's middle name was Wilson. The second President with the same type of middle name was William Jefferson Clinton 1. Where are you most likely to meet the Polisario? Polisario It is the independence movment in the former Spanish or Western sahara which call itself the Saharwi Democratic Republic.Its next to Morrocco so all answers around this accepted.No, it was not any kind of police force as many thought! 10 got this one 2. Where is the Un organisation HABITAT headquartered? Nairobi. 10 got this 3. During the apartheid era in S. Africa who were designated or called "honorary whites"? The Japanese because they had what others did not! Only sunil pandey got this! 4 Where is COMESA located? In Lusaka Zambia Only 2 got this 5 Northern Rhodesia is now called? That's what northern Rhodesia is called…..Zambia 14 got this 6.In the late 1960's secession was once again tested in Africa when Nigeria broke into two and the breakaway was actually recognised by several countries(including the just demised Nyerere). What was the breakaway country called? Biafra 7 got this;more should have… 7 Which African country is now a member of the Commonwealth but was never a British colony? Mozambique( the critical word in the question was "now") It was Portuguese but joined and was allowed to as its surrounded by the Commonwealth members. This one for the host! 8Which African country was a Danish colony? None..The Danes were never great colonialists except in Greenland! Sorry trick question but history buffs should have remembered the Berlin Conference! 9 Who made Robben (Robyn?) Island famous? Nelson Mandela as he was imprisoned there…many (16)got this 10 Which gemstone mined near Mt Kilimanjaro is the fashion rage in the USA? Tanzanite only arul mani got it though Sudev got Tsavorite which was close geographically but not in the fashion world! 11 Bonus question for 2 points:PM Narasimha Rao made an Ougadougou declaration in 1995. What was it about? Interestingly PM Rao spoke to India on J&K from one got it though the purpose of the query was served by all the lovely whacky tries! This for the host…a true bonus..shows that we don't follow Narasimha Raos foreign policy as seriously we did Nehru's. 1) I devised an ingenious, easy, and secure method to encode and decode messages. I had relied primarily on messengers to hand-carry sensitive letters, but codes became an essential part of my correspondence since European postmasters opened and read all letters passing through their command. Although I apparently abandoned use of this device, it was "re-invented" just prior to World War I and used by the United States Army and other military services. Who am I or what did I invent? Answer: Thomas Jefferson invented the wheel cipher. For info on this multi-faceted prez of US visit For info and pic of wheel-cipher... #Hits: 0 Most common answer for Q1. Morse code. Hamming codes and Caesar ciphers also featured in the answer. 2) I am best known for my invention, which appears in my book The Whetstone of Witte (1557). I was educated at Oxford and Cambridge. I became physician to King Edward VI and Queen Mary. I served for a time in Ireland as 'Comptroller of Mines and Monies'. I virtually established the English school of mathematics and first introduced algebra into England. Who am I or what did I invent? Answer: The 'equals' symbol '=' appears in Robert Recorde's book The Whetstone of Witte published in 1557. He justifies using two parallel line segments "bicause noe 2 thynges can be moare equalle". 3) I was named after an American ornithologist and author of the book entitled 'Birds of the West Indies.' My parents were killed in a climbing accident. Who am I? Answer: Our very own James 007 Bond. Parents: Andrew Bond and Monique Delacroix. Can anyone furnish more details on the parents climbing accident. I am also enclosing a pic of the cover of 'Birds of the West Indies' by American ornithologist James Bond. The name caught Fleming's attention when he noticed the book sitting on his coffee table at Goldeneye, his house in the West Indies. <> 4)There are 3 new years. The Shehanshahis, who comprise about 75% of the population observe it in August while the Kadimis, who constitute 15% have their new year in July and the Faslis observe it in March. Who are we? Answer: Parsis. I have also given credit to Zarathushtis and Zorastrians, assuming that they are one and the same. Also Sudev Rajah points out that one of the sects is shahenshai and not shahenshahi 5) I am a bollywood actress with a graduate in criminal psychology. My first words on screen were "Are you a virgin?" Who am I? Answer: Preity Zinta. Looks like the first words funda is wrong. Sorry! 6) I have a number 0. People who have collaborated with me on scientific papers have a number 1. People who have collaborated with people who have collaborated with me have a number 2 Ex: Einstein has number 2, since he wrote a paper with Ernst Straus, and Straus wrote many papers with me. If you have written any paper you have a number 7. Incase you haven't written a paper, you have a number infinity. Who am I or what are these numbers named after me? Answer: Paul Erdos (pronounced Airdish). Erdos Numbers. Supposedly the most prolific mathematician of all time more than Euler as far as writing papers are concerned. Colloborated with over 493 people on 1,475 papers. For info on the Edos Number Project #Hits:2, Rajarshi Gupta and Suresh Ramasubramanian only. 7)"Sometimes in dream, I have violence or am meeting women. Then in dream I remember, 'I am monk'. Never in dream do I remember I am ________. ________ is not important." Fill in the blanks. Both blanks are one and the same. For ex: "...I remember I am Laloo Prasad. Laloo Prasad is not important." Answer: Dalai Lama (in a recent interview) 8)My mother was on the school board. I was on my way to MIT to study computer engineering but choose otherwise. My girlfriend is Jada Pinkett, who starred in 'Set It Off' and 'The Nutty Professor.' Who am I? Answer: Will Smith. CS Vijay pointed out that Jada Pinkett may probably be married to The Big Willie coz she has changed her name to Jada Pinkett-Smith. I picked this question up from newspaper more than a year back. So the marriage development may have happened in the meantime. But isn't it possible that she changed her name to Jada Pinkett-Smith and still lives-in just as his girl-friend ;-) Does anybody have any info on her? 9)I have 7 children, Nurul Hana (aged 7), Nurul Izzah (18), Nurul Iman (9), Nurul Nuha (15), Nurul Ihsan (14) and Nurul Illham (12). Who am I? Answer: Former deputy premier of Malaysia, Anwar Ibrahim. #Hits:1, Sudev Rajah. 10)I was named after my mother's favourite song, a Judy Collins' cover of a Joni Mitchell song. Who am I? Answer: Chelsea Clinton. #Hits:1, Satya Simha. Name of the Hillary's fav song: Chelsea Morning. The song appeared on Joni Mitchell's Clouds album. 1. What would possibly connect Stephen J. Cannell, Robert Conrad, k. d. lang, Gregory Peck, Sidney Poitier, Desi Arnaz, and Elvis Presley and James Cameron. ---- all truck drivers before achieving famme (1-- from lalitha raman) 2. About whom was Aerosmith's "Dude Looks Like A Lady," written ? ---- vince neil of 'motley crue' (1-- from vijay) 3. His real name was Harry Lillis _______ (leaving out the obvious giveaway). The nickname by which is he better known was given to him by a childhood friend who thought the young Harry resembled "Bingo," the lead character in their favorite comic book, "The BingvilleBugle." Who's the guy ? (DEAD SIMPLE;-) ---- bing crosby (5-- the highest) 4. On TV game shows, what term describes a contestant who freezes before the camera ? ---- bambi 5. Connect The Devils Rain (1975) and Halloween (1978) (MOULDY OLD STUFF) ---- slightly longish this. The budget of HHALLOWEEN was not really anything to boast about. So the prop department had to use the cheapest mask they could find in the costume store for Michael 'The Shape' Myers. This was a William Shatner mask from THE DEVIL'S RAIN. They spray-painted the face white and teased the hair. Nice enough funda that lends itself to a myriad connection questions. ;-) (1-- madhav nair) 6. Connect Rosemary's Baby(1968) and The Beatles ---- Slightly twisted but I have seen worsee ;-). ROSEMARY'S BABY was directed by Roman Polanski who was married to Sharon Tate. In 1969, she was murdered (pregnant at that time too) by Charles Manson and his followers, who titledd their death spree 'HELTER SKELTER' after the 1968 Beatles song. (some did get close though) 7. Connect Charles Manson , THE SEVEN YEAR ITCH and THE MATRIX. (Vaguely vague) ---- Easy enough. Brian Warner took the namme Marilyn Manson (ROCK IS DEAD on the soundtrack of THE MATRIX) from Charles Manson and Marilyn Monroe (THE SEVEN YEAR ITCH) (2) 8. The name of which fictional place derived from the author's filing cabinet ? ---- Guessable. OZ (A-N,O-Z) in The Wizard Of Oz (4) 9. What word did Thomas DeQuincy invent in 1822, in his book Confessions of an English Opium Eater, to describe the effect of opium ? ---- tranquilizer 10. 'Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue with that; I'm right and I will be proved right. __________________________; I don't know which will go first - rock 'n' roll or Christianity. Jesus was all right but his disciples were thick and ordinary. It's them twisting it that ruins it for me." Fill in the blanks ;-) ---- Really easy. The exact words are "We'rre more popular than Jesus now". John Lennon. (4) 11. He has a Masters in Elec. Engineering, has a pen called Brenda and invented the D-Chip Television Filter. ---- DILBERT (1-- Suresh) 12. Opening lines of a novel. Just give me the title and the author.'On St.Valentine's Day, 1989, the last day of her life, the legendary popular singer Vina Apsara woke sobbing from a dream of human sacrifice in which she had been the intended victim. Bare-torsoed men resembling the actor Christopher Plummer had been gripping her by the wrists and ankles.' (LOTS OF HINTS THERE!) ---- THE GROUND BENEATH HER FEET by Salman Rushdie. Vina Apsara was the biggest giveaway. (4) 13. Connect: A nightclub entertainer, A Scotsman, A Scots dog, Arnold Schwarzenegger, A slot machine, A pink rabbit, A pair of lips, Robert De Niro, Pinocchio, Julius Caeser, A game-show host, Jack Nicholson, A bee and the moon. ---- My favourite in this set. These are soome of the many avatars of the genie in Disney's ALADDIN ;-) (1-- madhav nair strikes again ... kudos) 14. Which series of sci-fi films features references to Joseph Conrad novels ? ---- The ALIEN series. Some of them are NOOSTROMO, the trucker ship in the first part, NARCISSUS, the shuttle that Ripley escapes in, again the first part SULACO, from the second part, also the town in Conrad's NOSTROMO 15. The working title of this 1977 classic was ANHEDONIA (The inability to experience pleasure). Which film ? ---- Potential entendre here. It's Woody Alllen's ANNIE HALL. There were, of course, other alternatives like 'It Had to Be Jew' as rightly pointed by madhav nair 1. What condition did lord Ganesha put to the sage VedaVyasa when the latter approached him write the great epic? What rule did VedaVyasa in turn put Ganesha which later on helped save his life? LORD GANESHA TOLD VEDAVYASA THAT ONCE HE STARTED WRITING , THERE TO BE NO STOPS IE VYASA HAD TO RECITE THE EPIC NONSTOP. VYASA IN TURN SAID THAT GANESHA WAS NOT TO PUT DOWN ANYTHING IN WRITING UNTIL AND UNLESS HE UNDERSTOOD IT COMPLETELY. AS VYASA WENT ON RECITING NONSTOP HE COULD NOT STOP EVEN TO TAKE A BREATH ....SO HE COMPOSED A COMPLICATED VERSE AND WHEN GANESHA PAUSED TO UNDERSTAND IT HE TOOK HIS BREATH. MOST OF U GOT ONLY HALF THE FUNDA RIGHT 2. Which cousin of Krishna , also known as Yuyudhana , learned archery under Arjuna and went on become a great warrior himself ? SATYAKI 3. Name the village which the Pandavas went to after escaping from the burning of the house of lac and where Bheema killed the rakshasa Bakasura . EKACHAKRA 4. We all know that during the agnaatavasa or the thirteenth year of exile which the Pandavas had to spend in disguise , they went to the court of the king Virata under assumed names. Yudhishtra became Kanaka , Bheema called himself Vallala , Arjuna took the name of Brihannala. What i want to know , is under what names did the twin brothers - Nakula & Sahadeva and Draupadi go to palace of Virata. DAMAGRANTHI , TANTRIPALAKA , SAIRANDHARI OR MALINI 5. One more question on the 'agnaatavasa'. On which tree did the Pandavas hide their weapons before entering the city of Virata. SAMI TREE 6. This one is simple - just give me the reason for the king Dhritirashtra being born blind. WHEN DHRITHIRASHTRA'S MOTHER WAS PERFORMING NIYOGA ( A FORM OF INTERCOURSE FOR WOMEN WHO COULDN'T HAVE CHILDREN ) WITH VEDA VYASA SHE CLOSED HER EYES TERRIFIED BY THE SIGHT OF VEDA VYASA...HENCE SHE GAVE BIRTH TO A BLIND CHILD 7.Which deadly poison did Duryodhana mix with the food and feed Bheema . KALAKOOTA 8. Jayadratha was given a unique boon by his father which made killing him a difficult task , and in fact when Arjuna finally killed him in the famous false sunset created by Krishna , he had to kill him in a unique fashion. Just tell me what boon did Jayadratha get from his father and how did Arjuna overcome it. JAYADRATHA'S FATHER HAD GIVEN HIM THE BOON THAT WHOSOEVER MADE HIS (JAYADRATHA'S) HEAD FALL TO THE GROUND IN WAR ,HIS OWN HEAD WOULD BURST INTO A 1000 PIECES. SO ARJUNA FIRED HIS ARROW SUCH THAT JAYADRATHA'S HEAD FELL ON HI FATHER'S LAP WHO WAS MEDITATING NEAR THE BATTLEFIELD.WHEN JAYADRATHA'S FATHER GOT UP THE HEAD FELL TO THE GROUND AND THE OLD MAN'S HEAD BURST 9. We all know that the Mahabharata is full of divine beings taking human forms , for example - Arjuna and Krishna were Nara and Narayana , Kamsa and Shishupala were Jaya and Vijaya , etc . But who was Balarama supposed to be an incarnation of . ADISHESHA OR ANANTNAG 10. Pritha was her original name which she changed after her marriage. She was the sister of Vasudeva. Who ? (workoutable) KUNTI WORKOUTABLE IF U KNEW THAT ARJUNA WAS PARTHA 11. This one is my favourite - What reason does Arjuna give for being given the name of ' Savyasachi' ? ARJUNA WAS AMBIDEXTROUS IE HE COULD FIRE ARRAOWS WITH BOTH HANDS 12. Name the bow which Arjuna strings and hits the target with during the swayamvara of Draupadi thus winning her . KIRUDHANA 13. During the Mahabharata war , Krishna takes upon himself an astra actually aimed at Arjuna as that astra would have certainly killed Arjuna. Name the astra . VAISHNAVA ASTRA OR NARAYANA ASTRA FIRED BY BHAGADATTA 14. There is an instance where Bheeshma , the 'Pitamaha' , fights a battle with his own guru or teacher , Bhargava , when his guru orders him to do something which he cannot obey . Can u tell me what the order of Bhargava was . BHARGAVA OR PARASHURAMA ORDERS BHEESHMA TO MARRY AMBA 15. And finally , Duryodhana once remarks that there are only four people who are greater than Indra in strength , prowess , bravery and the power of physique .Two of them are Balarama and Salya .Who are the other two ? Hint : One of them kills the other in the course of the exile . BHEEMA AND KEECHAKA 1. Other than Bill Clinton, who is the only other US President to have > been impeached ? (1 point) > > Answer - Andrew Johnson, 17th President of the United States (1865-69) > > Johnson completed Lincoln's 2nd term after Lincoln was assassinated. His > term was during a very turbulent time of US History called "The > Reconstruction" as it focused on bringing the South back into the US after > the US Civil War. Most Northern politicians wanted to be punitive towards > the South, but Johnson continued Lincoln's approach of forgiveness. > During a purely political battle, Johnson attempted to get the Secretary > of War to resign for conspiring against him with Congress. As > retribution, the Congress brought impeachment charges against President > Johnson. The President never appeared himself during the hearings. The > vote was only one shy of the required 2/3 majority to remove the President > Johnson from office. > > Most popular incorrect answer was Richard Nixon 37th President of the > United States (1969-74). Nixon, infamous for the Watergate affair, > resigned the office of President before impeachment charges were brought > against him. I think some of the confusion about who has and has not been > impeached is many people equate "impeached" with "removed from office", > when it is more closely means "charges brought against an office holder". > Andrew Jackson was also popular, though incorrect, for this question. > > > 2. Who is the only man to be elected to nonconsecutive terms as President > of the United States ? (1 point) > > Answer - Grover Cleveland, 22nd and 24 President of the United States > (1885-89 and 1893-97) > > Cleveland was defeated in the 1888 election by Benjamin Harrison in one of > the dirtiest campaigns up to that time. Harrison accusing the bachelor > Cleveland of adultery. Cleveland actually received approximately 100,000 > more popular votes than did Harrison, but lost by about 60 electoral > votes. (if this is confusing to anyone, look up the Electoral College, > which is how the US President is actually elected, not by the people of > the US). Cleveland returned to politics in 1892 to reclaim the White > House, the only President to ever do so. > > > 3. Who is the only man to hold the office of President of the United > States, yet never to have been elected to an office of any type by the > entire American people (i.e. only elected at a state or local level, never > won a national election in which the entire US participated) ? (1 point) > > Answer - Gerald Ford, 38th President of the United States (1974-77) > > This gets a bit confusing, the here goes..... Spiro Agnew was Richard > Nixon's Vice President from 1969-1973. Agnew came under investigation for > taking bribes, was convicted of tax evasion, and resigned the office of > Vice President. While serving as the Republican minority leader in the US > House of Representatives (representing Minnesota), Ford was nominated to > replace Agnew as President. When Nixon resigned from office barely eight > months later, Ford became 38th US President, although he had never ran for > a national office where the entire US population voted. Ford ran for > re-election in 1976 and was defeated by Jimmy Carter. > > > 4. What US President was originally named Leslie King Jr. ? (1 point) > > Answer - Gerald Ford, again ! > > Ford was originally named Leslie Lynch King, Jr., but his parents were > divorced when he was two, and when his mother remarried he assumed the > name of his stepfather. > > > 5. What current US Senator ran for US President in 1948 ? (1 point) > > Answer - Strom Thurmond, Senator from South Carolina > > Strom Thurmond will be 97 years old this year and is the oldest as well as > the longest serving Senator in US history. After serving in WW II and > participating in the D-Day invasion at the age of 42, Thurmond became > Governor of South Carolina. In 1948 in opposition to the policies of > President Truman, a predominantly Southern portion of the Democratic party > separated to form the States' Right Party, also called the "Dixiecrats". > The platform of the party was heavily tied to maintaining the racial > segregation policies of the South in place. Thurmond won approximately > 10% of the electoral vote. In1954 Thurmond was elected to the US Senate > as a write-in candidate, and has served in this position ever since. > Thurmond has indicated he is considering not seeking re-election in 2002. > > Most people got this question correct. Popular incorrect answers were > Jesse Helms and Thomas Dewey, of "Dewey defeats Truman" fame. > > > 6. Name one of only two US Presidents who never, not before or after > being President, ran for the office of President ? (1 point) > > Answer - Either, John Tyler 10th President of the United States (1841-45) > or Andrew Johnson, 17th President of the United States (1865-69) > > John Tyler was known as "The Accidental President". Tyler became US > President after William Henry Harrison died in office after serving > exactly one month (March 4 - April 4, 1841). Harrison spent nearly the > entire month in bed after contracting pneumonia while delivering the > longest inauguration address in US history up to that point. Tyler never > ran for re-election. > > Andrew Johnson became US President following the assassination of Lincoln. > After being impeached while in office, Johnson soured on politics and > never ran for re-election. > > I think many people misunderstood this question, thinking I only meant > what US Presidents never ran for re-election after being elected. This is > quite a few more Presidents. What I meant, sorry it wasn't more clear, > was which Presidents never ran for office, period. Not even to become > President. > > > 7. Who is the only person to be elected Governor from one state, > President of his country, and Senator from a different state ? (1 point) > > Answer - Sam Houston, Governor of Tennessee, President of Texas (yes, > Texas!), and Senator (and Governor) of Texas > > Okay, call it a trick question if you must, I didn't say "US President", > Sam Houston was a "frontiersman" who was adopted in early childhood by > Cherokee Indians of Tennessee. Houston served in the US military and was > elected to US Congress representing Tennessee and then became Governor of > Tennessee. In 1829, Houston resigned as Governor and aborted a very > bright political career after his wife left him, preferring instead to > travel to Oklahoma and return to living with the Cherokee Indians. He > worked as trader and drank heavily. In 1833 Houston traveled to Texas > and became a leader in the fight for Texan independence from Mexico. > After leading the Texan troops in defeating Mexico and gaining > independence in 1836, Houston became President of the Country of Texas. > After Texas experience financial and border troubles, Houston led the > effort for Texas to join the United States. Once Texas became a state in > 1845, Houston became the first US Senator from Texas and afterwards became > Governor of Texas. He adamantly opposed Texas leaving the United States > to join the Confederacy (Southern States) in the US Civil War and was > removed unlawfully from office. He refused assistance from the US > government, which would have required US troops attacking Texas on his > behalf, to restore him to office. > > Bonus - Texas was granted several special conditions when it became a US > State, one of which is it is allowed to fly it's state flag at the same > height as the US Flag, rather than slightly lower as all other states do. > > Sorry to say no one got this correct and there was no concentious for a > favorite incorrect answer. Everything from Johnson, Taft, JFK, Clinton, > Reagan, Nixon, and Roosevelt were guessed. > > > 8. At 5 feet, 4 inches and less than 100 pounds, who was the smallest US > President ? (1 point) > > Answer - James Madison, 4th President of the United States (1809-17) > > James Madison was known as the "Father of the Constitution" as he was one > of the principle authors and defenders of the US Constitution. At about 5 > feet 6 inches, the second smallest US President was probably Martin Van > Buren, 8th President of the United States (1837-41). > > Many people got this correct although many guessed Van Buren and Taft. > > > 9. Who is the youngest man to become US President ? (1 point) > > Answer - Theodore Roosevelt 26th President of the United States (1901-09) > > Teddy Roosevelt qualifies as the youngest to become US President, barely > squeaking by John F. Kennedy. Teddy Roosevelt was 1 1/2 months shy of his > 43rd birthday when McKinley was assassinated and Roosevelt became US > President. John F. Kennedy was about 4 months shy of his 44th birthday > when he became US President after winning the election of 1960, making > Kennedy the youngest man to win the Presidency himself, but not the > youngest to hold the office. Clinton was approximately 46 1/2 when he > took office in January of 1993. At almost 70, Reagan (I think) was the > oldest man to become President. > > A few got this correct, although many went for Kennedy or Clinton. Paul > Paquet and a couple of other nailed this one providing both Roosevelt as > youngest to take office and Kennedy the youngest elected to office. > > 10. A somewhat complicated questions, but I'll give it a try anyway: > After, Jefferson (1800) and Monroe (1820), who is the first person elected > President of the United States during an election year ending in a zero, > who did not die while holding the office of President of the United States > ? (1 point) > > Answer - Ronald Reagan 40th President of the United States (1981-89) > > Sometimes called "The Curse of Tecumseh". Tecumseh was an Indian Chief > who with his 1/2 brother, The Prophet, organized resistance to the US > Government. In 1811 a William Harrison was sent to put down the Indian > uprising and fought and defeated Tecumseh and The Prophet at "The Battle > of Tippecanoe". Both Indian's escaped, but Harrison's troops later killed > The Prophet at another battle. In 1840 Harrison, ran for US President > with John Tyler as his running mate under the slogan "Tippecanoe and Tyler > too". Legend has it that Tecumseh was so enraged by his old nemesis > becoming President that he put a curse of Harrison and every US President > elected in successive 20 year increments. Strange, but here's what > happened: > * Elected in 1840, William Henry Harrison dies of pneumonia one month > after taking office. > * Elected in 1860 (and 1864), Abraham Lincoln and is shot and killed > during his second term by John Wilkes Booth > * Elected in 1880, James Garfield was shot at a railroad station in > July of 1881. After seemingly on the way to recovery, Garfield > hemorrhaged and died in September of 1881. > * Elected in 1900 (and 1896), William McKinley was shot in September > of 1901 and died eight days later. > * Elected in 1920, Warren G. Harding died of a sudden heart attack > * Elected in 1940 (and 1932,1936, and 1944) Franklin D. Roosevelt dies > of a cerebral hemorrhage > * Elected in 1960, John F. Kennedy is shot and killed in November of > 1963 > * Elected in 1980, Reagan is shot in his first year in office, but > survives the attack. > > Many correct answers on this one, though Wilson's name came up frequently > also. > > 11. Name three Generals who have been elected US President ? (3 points) > > Answer - Any of George Washington, Andrew Jackson, William Henry Harrison, > Zachary Taylor, Ulysses S. Grant, or Dwight D. Eisenhower > > Washington of course was a well known general and commander in chief of > the US in the US Revolution. Andrew Jackson was a general in the War of > 1812 and gained fame for winning The Battle of New Orleans, which actually > took place after the British had surrendered, but word of he surrender had > not yet crossed the Atlantic to America. William Henry Harrison was also > a general during the War of 1812. Zachary Taylor was a general during the > Mexican-American War. Ulysses S. Grant was a successful but cantankerous > general during the US Civil War. And Dwight D. Eisenhower was a General > and Supreme Allied Commander during WW II. If I've left out any > general's, let me know. > > Nixon ? Why were people guessing Nixon on this one ? Many correct > answers, almost everyone got Washington and Eisenhower, Grant was popular > also.