Nithya's how to?

Nithya N Vijayakumar
Last modified: Mon Jan 15 13:18:42 EST 2007

Eclipse color settings

To change font color: Java > Editor > Syntax Coloring to configure the colors. The color you want to set is Java > Others (and anything else)
To change font size: General->Appearance->Colors and Fonts
To change background of Text Editor: General->Editors->TextEditor->(background and foreground colors)
Change line highlights etc General->Editors->TextEditor->(everything here)

Quotations in Latex

Left quotes are `` (The left-most key on the upper row below ~). Right quotes are given by the two symbols '' (which is on the key below the single symbol " which is NOT used).
For single quotes, use just one ` and '.

Citations inside caption in Latex

use \caption[]{xxx \cite{yyy}}

Execute scripts in MySQL

If you are already running mysql, you can execute an SQL script file using the source command or \. command:
mysql> source file_name
mysql> \. file_name

Increasing Java Heap Size

If Java runs out of memory, the following error occurs: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Java heap size can be increased using the following runtime parameters:
java -Xms{initial heap size} -Xmx{maximum heap size}
Defaults are: java -Xms32m -Xmx128m
You can set this either in the Java Control Panel or on the command line, depending on the environment you run your application.

Cutting and Joining files columnwise in Unix

cut -d " " -f 1,2 > 1.txt
cut -d " " -f 1,3 > 2.txt
'join 1.txt 2.txt' will output fields 1,2,3 together. Here the files are joined on the first column.

Usage of Java2WSDL command

java org.apache.axis.wsdl.Java2WSDL -o planner.wsdl -l http://localhost:9099/axis/services/PlannerService sqp .api.PlannerService

Xemacs changed colors abruptly

execute xrdb <. Xdefaults from the home directory

How to increase the scroll size of the terminal in unix?

Edit->Current Profile->Scrolling

How can I find out which version of glibc I am using in the moment?


If you want to find out about the version from the command line simply run the libc binary. This is probably not possible on all platforms but where it is simply locate the libc DSO and start it as an application. On Linux like
This will produce all the information you need.
What always will work is to use the API glibc provides. Compile and run the following little program to get the version information:
int main (void) { puts (gnu_get_libc_version ()); return 0; }
This interface can also obviously be used to perform tests at runtime if this should be necessary.

Cannot see workspace in RHEL. Logging in shows empty screen

If you have recently upgraded to RHEL and used a different linux distribution before, the profile needs to be reset. Press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to kill the xserver that shows empty screen. Then press ctrl+alt+F1 to get shell type login prompt. Enter into your home dir and run resetgui. this will reset the gui profile. backit up before running resetgui if needed. Logout from shell prompt. Press ctrl+alt+F7 to get back to gui mode.

What are the files created when you run configure (autoconf)?

The `configure' shell script attempts to guess correct values for various system-dependent variables used during compilation. It uses those values to create a `Makefile' in each directory of the package. It may also create one or more `.h' files containing system-dependent definitions. Finally, it creates a shell script `config.status' that you can run in the future to recreate the current configuration, a file `config.cache' that saves the results of its tests to speed up reconfiguring, and a file `config.log' containing compiler output (useful mainly for debugging `configure').

How to remove a directory from CVS?

Remove all the files in the directory. Specify the `-P' option to cvs update, cvs checkout, or cvs export, which will cause CVS to remove empty directories from working directories.

The following works well:
top_dir> find dir_to_be_removed -type "f" -exec echo "cvs rm {} "> temp \;
top_dir> rm dir_to_be_removed/*
top_dir> execute commands in temp
top_dir> cvs update -P

How to find red-hat release version?

cat /etc/redhat-release to find out the release

How to change space layouts in the middle of latex documents?


How to extract usercert and userkey from downloaded grid certificates?

To extract usercert.pem: openssl pkcs12 -in YourCert.p12 -clcerts -nokeys -out $HOME/.globus/usercert.pem To extract userkey.pem: openssl pkcs12 -in YourCert.p12 -nocerts -out $HOME/.globus/userkey.pem

Cannot connect to mysql from CS department php server

Need to make mysql obtain connections from a particular host. Login as root and use database mysql. Then execute "grant all on db.* to 'your-name'@'' identified by 'password';"

How to see your paycheck from IU?

Login to onestart. In the list box titled Select your role on the top right corner, select 'All Roles'. Click in Staff tools. The pay information is listed under the my finances portlet on the left hand side.

How to redirect a webpage?

< HTML > < HEAD > < META HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" CONTENT="5;URL=" > < /HEAD > < BODY > This web site has MOVED.
Your browser should automatically take you there in 5 seconds.
If not, please go to < a href="" > Link < /a >. < /BODY > < /HTML >

How to import a full project into CVS?

From inside the project directory execute:
cvs import project-dir-name vendor-tag release-tag
Move the project-dir to some-dir.
cvs co project-dir-name
Check if the project-dir-name and some-dir are same.
Delete some-dir.

Internet Explorer font size is too small to read.

This may occur if the Text Size setting in Microsoft Internet Explorer has been changed to Smaller or Smallest. Open Internet Explorer, select Text Size from the View menu, and change the setting to Medium, or Large. You must close and restart Help and Support for the change to take effect.

Alternately, you may change an Accessibility setting under Internet Options. To do so, on the Tools menu, click Internet Options, click Accessibility, and then select the Ignore Font Sizes Specified on Web Pages option.

Autoconf, Automake error

Problem with configure. cannot find or some problem in Copy dist directory from a working version.

C Dynamic Library not linking

If it is a C library used inside C++, the .h file needs to be included within extern "C"{ } Also define and declare the functions are extern inside the C code.

How to create a binary file?

To create a binary file of size 100KB dd if=/dev/zero of=data.txt bs=1K count=100

How much space remains in the hard disk?

To find space available in different hard drives in linux: df -h df (in bytes)

How to produce high quality ps?

high quality ps: use dvips -Ppdf -G0 $(FILE).dvi -o $(FILE).ps option in linux and then use distill in solaris

How to use find and exec commands together?

How to use find and execute two commands find . -name "filespec" -exec echo {} \;

How to reset terminal?

**If terminal gets corrupted use 'reset'

dQUOB stream rates

when a fast stream is input to quoblet, it cannot read the inputs that fast. Hence it reads only the first few events. but since the maxtimestamp interval is calculated from these events, the rate is diagnosed properly. ie. if two streams are coming at 50 events per second, the quoblet can process only 10 events. But since the maxtimestamp interval is also for these events, we can calculate the rate as 50. deceiving :(

.deps/*.Po no found

Problem in libtool installation. Use libtool-1.5.8 or later

Recursive include error in C++

If there is a problem with a .H file trying to include itself, for example in dquob, Timer.H includes quoblet.H which inturn includes Timer.H, predefine one class in another. ie. include forward declaration of class Timer in quoblet.H

Multiple inclusion of libstdc++ error

If there is a problem with multiple inclusions of the same file, use -lstdc++ -L/l/gcc3/lib in src/ and use make inside src and then in dquobEC.

Problems with detecting std::ios_base, std::base_ostream etc...

Included -lstdc++ and setenv to

C++ class functions not detected

When connecting testharness to dquobEC, the Channel_element functions were not detected. removed 'using namespace std' from Comm_includes.h. using namespace std localises the variable and function names.

Problem in select accept

Some connection requests were not accepted. timeout for select thread needs to be kept at more than zero. currently it is 10000 microseconds

Problem with autotools installing libraries

Will be done during make install.

Problem in using vector push_back

Initially there were two vectors in Channel_server and pushing values into both was causing a delete to occur in vector. Then one of the vectors was changed into an array. reason unknown

How to retreive elements from a vector in C++?

Getting values out of the vector was causing problems. Using iterators instead of direct access '[]' solved the problem.

Connection to channel server across the network was refused

The connect_socket function in Common_functions.C was changed from
int status = inet_pton ( AF_INET, host, &m_addr.sin_addr );
m_addr.sin_addr.s_addr =htonl(INADDR_ANY);
struct hostent *hostinfo;
hostinfo= gethostbyname (host);
if (hostinfo == NULL){
cout<<"Unknown host %s.\n"< return -1;
m_addr.sin_addr = *(struct in_addr *) hostinfo->h_addr;

Errors in listening and port number of channel server not getting released as soon as the program is killed.

In channel server use: (Channel_server.C)
int on = 1;
if ( setsockopt ( server_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, ( void * ) &on, sizeof ( on ) ) == -1 )
return -1;
and in source and sinks do not have this option (this code is in Common_functions.C).
/* The following lines need to be commented for requesting connection outside local host */
// if ( setsockopt ( m_sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, ( void * ) &on, sizeof ( on ) ) == -1 )
// return -1;

How to set read permission only for files?

find . -type d -exec chmod 711 {} \;

g++ throws warning about old headers

use instead of , for in conjunction with "using namespace std;". allows new format of headers. Section of C++ standard. SAX Exception if SAX exception, problem is probably with xalan.jar version if Invoking DBLoader in Portal hangs, copy the hsqldb/lib/hsqldb.jar to uPortal/lib run hsqldb from the command given in uPortal/

Service to service communication:

Message contains: - a unique identifier, a unique identifier of the data object. real stream of outputs..

How to deploy jar files to tomcat directly?

Change the extension xx.jar to xx.war
place the xx.war file in tomcat/webapps
restart tomcat
now access http://tomcathost:port/xx
you should see the internal class files of xx here

Installing nexus and hdf5

Download HDF5 binary for linux 2.4
Download Szip2.0 binary for linux 2.4
copy szip2.0/lib/ to hdf5/lib
Download Nexus API 2.0
Edit makefile_options to set compiler (gcc) and source files
edit makefile_hdf5 to remove napif.o from target
go to nexus dir
make lib5

Nexus napi5_test fails

when you edit napi5.c make sure all copies of napi5.c inside nexus (main dir and src dir) are also changed.
Just a heads-up regarding HDF5. I installed the latest version of the HDF 5 library* and hit some problems running napi5_test.
The problems come from the return value of H5Aiterate and H5GIterate, and affect NX5getattrinfo, NX5getnextattr and NX5getnextentry. The nexus API seems to expect them to return 1 while iteration is valid, 0 at the end of the traversal, and -1 otherwise. However, these functions now seem to skip the 0 and go straight to -1. The state NX_EOD never seems to be reached; instead one gets immediately to the state NX_ERROR. This means functions like NX5getnextattr and NX5getnextentry fail with "ERROR: iteration was not successful", and NX5getattrinfo goes into infinite loops.
Simple hacks get past this. If one replaces the line in NX5getnextentry( ):
else if (iRet == 0)
else if (iRet == 0 || iRet == -1),
and changes a few similar lines in NX5getattrinfo & NX5getnextattr (changing lines like while(iRet != 0) to while( iRet > 0) eliminates infinite loops), then napi5_test runs successfully.
But this solution might hide a problem: the HDF5 behavior that supported the distinction between NX_EOD and NX_ERROR may have changed. Anyone relying on that distinction would want to know about this.

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

This is most likely a problem with not linking the correct libraries. use -l and -L for linking libraries. If you are sure, it is not a linking problem, then it could be problem with not having enough space in /tmp. The linker tries to load the libraries into /tmp and if you are out of disk space, you may not be able to compile and get a ld error.

I placed a new war file in tomcat and tomcat keeps crashing

Try deleting the directory that was created by tomcat while unwaring the file. This needs to be done every time the war file is updated.

Tomcat keeps crashing

If tomcat keeps crashing could be the port is blocked and was not released when tomcat was shutdown. Kill all java processes and restart tomcat.

Axis Error in listing wsdl

Most likely some services deployed earlier are no longer available. Edit the tomcat/webapps/axis/WEB-INF/server-config.wsdd to remove un-available services.

setting env variable through sh

try source
make sure you have ended the last line with a 'enter'. Otherwise this line will not be executed.

(500) Internal server error in Axis

This is most likely an issue with classpath. All jars that are needed by the services deployed into axis are to be copied into tomcat/webapps/axis/WEB-INF/lib directory. The client side classpath may not get reflected when tomcat is started as standalone as it may or may not run in the same shell.

Change Mozilla/Firefox profile

Inside .mozilla/firefox there is a file called "profiles.ini" if the valur of 'StartWithLastProfile' is set to 1, once a browser is closed, it will be opened with the last used profile. If this value is set to '0', the browser will prompt for choosing a profile.

Mozilla profile in use

When mozilla is opened for the first time, it creates a lock for the profile being used. by deleting this lock, you can open mozilla with the same profile multiple times. Look into ~/.mozilla/profile_name/somedir/lock (or parent.lock or parentlock)

How to start the java admin tool for SRB?

cd SRB/MCAT/java
java -Djava.util.prefs.syncInterval=200000 -jar mcatAdmin.jar

Error reading log4j.properites. java error opening zip file

Check for the file in path and remove it. May be it defaults to a wrong one.

test_srb_mdas_auth a b c (something like this) fails

Remove 's' in the last line of pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf perl stop perl start perl

How to call cgi directly?

non-dce hpss 4.5

How to open the html output of a servlet in a new browser from the applet?

Cannot find "sns-portal" but tomcat is running

Check web.xml. Most likely there is something wrong here.


This could be because you have multiple saaj jars in your classpath. Remove others and retain only one saaj.jar and it should work fine.

Unable to internalize message (SOAP attachments)

Need xercesImpl.jar in classpath

Webservices session management

How to use a fileinputstream as a SOAP attachment

import org.apache.axis.attachments.SourceDataSource;
import javax.activation.DataHandler;
AttachmentPart ap = reply.createAttachmentPart();
DataHandler dh = new DataHandler(new SourceDataSource("source","text/plain", new StreamSource(fis)));

Web services tutorial

how to start apache in a different port

Edit 'Listen' directive in files apache_install_dir/conf/httpd.conf

Run shtml files in apache.

Edit apache/conf/httpd.conf. Uncomment

AddType text/html .shtml
AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml

If you are still facing problems, try adding

AddHandler server-parsed .shtml

to enable server parsed html.

To add a style sheet to latex

To rehahsh latex search path use 'texhash' (in cygwin)
In cygwin default path for new sty files: /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/.
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