About Mari



Mari Byrne is one of the hottest new voices in Erotic romance! See what review sites are saying about this talented author:

Death Reborn:

"Death himself? Whew, oh yes!! I�d like to have gotten to know him."
                                                    - A Romance Review

"Mari Byrne weaves a beautiful story, as poetic at times as Shakespeare himself, while still as hot as the loyal readers of Ellora's Cave demand."

                                                    - The Best Reviews

Stephanie's Menage:

"Stephanie�s M�nage is a fabulous story. The characters are pleasing and the sex is wild."

                                                     - A Romance Review

"What yummy heroes they are! Definitely in my favorite beta mold -- caring and supportive, very much devoting themselves to caring for their woman, always treating her as an equal."

                                                      - Sensual Romance
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