Scene Three

The two characters have just finished their meal and Monal�s last song is playing on the jukebox.

Monal: This is it.
Tracy: What is it?
Monal: My last song.
Tracy: Do you want another dollar? (She smiles).
Monal: Ha ha ha. You should be a...
Tracy: Comedian?
Monal: Yes. (Balls up empty pack of smokes). I need to get some more smokes.
Tracy: They have a machine.
Monal: I know.
Tracy: So why don�t you get some?
Monal: I guess I�ll have to. (A period of silence). Can I get a few of those singles?
Tracy: It doesn�t take bills.
Monal: I know. I was gonna get change from the waitress. (With his fork, pokes at a half eaten sausage).
Tracy: You can get quarters with a ten.
Monal: I just thought it would be easier on the waitress if...
Tracy: I really cannot believe you!
Monal: What? (Puts fork down. Sips tea).
Tracy: I don�t know if I can even take this anymore!
Monal: Take what?
Tracy: Monal, are you blind or do you think I�m blind?
Monal: I must be lost because I sure as hell am not following you.
Tracy: All these years! (Takes a large sip of tea leaving nothing but ice).
Monal: Yes?
Tracy: All these years!
Monal: I�m waiting.
Tracy: You have to be the most frustrating person on this Earth!
Monal: What are you talking about?
Tracy: My God!
Monal: Look, are you finished eating �cause I�m ready to get out of here.
Tracy: Why do I subject myself to this?
Monal: (Picks up check and stares at it). How do you want to divide this?
Tracy: All these years I have been paying you and for what?
Monal: You know damn well for what! (Puts check back on the table).
Tracy: But really Monal. You can justify it anyway you want, you can reason it out anyway way you can, but the bottom line have been taking advantage of me.
Monal: Me taking advantage of you! Ha! You have been the one taking advantage of me!
Tracy: Please!
Monal: It works both ways honey! How dare you sit there and say I have been taking advantage of you!
Tracy: It�s hopeless. (Puts glass to her mouth but only drops come out).
Monal: Well, if it�s so Goddamn hopeless then....
Tracy: I know, I know, then why don�t I just leave. Walk away.
Monal: Exactly! Just leave!
Tracy: If I had a dollar for everytime we have ever talked about this....
Monal: Nobody is forcing you to do anything! If you don�t like it then leave!
Tracy: ....then I�d be a millionaire by now...
Monal: I just don�t see how you can sit there and tell me that I am the most frustrating person on Earth when you have had the choice all along to stop. To quit. To say that�s it, I�m out of here.
Tracy: Do you want me to?
Monal: That�s up to you.
Tracy: So you wouldn�t mind it one bit if I just up and left right now.
Monal: That�s your choice.
Tracy: All that we have invested in one another, and you wouldn�t mind if I just left right now.
Monal: It doesn�t matter what I feel. It�s you that feels like you are giving and not getting anything in return.
Tracy: No Monal. I know I am getting something in return. That is not the issue at all.
Monal: Then what is?
Tracy: (She pauses). The issue is....I don�t see why it has to be this way.
Monal: It doesn�t have to be this way!
Tracy: I know Monal. I could just leave.
Monal: That�s right!
Tracy: Is that really what you want?
Monal: It�s not what I want it�s what you want!
Tracy: Okay, I want to stop paying you.
Monal: That�s your choice.
Tracy: But I don�t want to leave you.
Monal: (Stands up and goes to the cash register. Gets change, then cigarettes, then comes back to the table.) Are you ready to go?
Tracy: I�m asking you Monal.
Monal: Asking me what?
Tracy: I�m asking you.....
Monal: (Packs smokes against his left palm). Yes?
Tracy: I�m asking you....
Monal: (Pulls out a smoke and puts it to his lips. Strikes a match). Are you ready to go?
Tracy: Yes. I am.
please take me home
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