Aggressive World

I haven't been aggressive blading long, but I am already addicted.� I own Razor Super Flats and would recomend them to anyone.� They are a total rush!

They ride as sweet as they look!

Pics Of Various Pros.� Pics of myself and friends will soon replace these in the near future!

Skating doesn't come without some pain or injuries, but the thrill that comes from doing it well makes up for it.� Once I was even hit by a car! I was flying down a hill on the right side of the road, on the edge, when a driver desided to make a quick dash between two oncoming cars. When they did they saw never me.� The driver slammed on the brakes and I slid my blades sideways. I bounced off the rear fender, spun two times, went flying across the road on one skate, up onto a sidewalk which I slid down on my wrist guard, caught a crack in the side walk and went rolling out through a yard. The driver drove off in the other direction without ever looking back! I even had witnesses. I wish someone would have gotten the lisence plate number....I could have been rich.� Hit and run pays good dividends, but oh well at lease i wasn't hurt just really sore the next day.
� Just recently I was grinding a curb in town when I leaned too far back and wiped out only to break my little finger.� It has healed now but it looks like a bannana! Didn't stop me though went back out the next week. Oh Well, its worth it for the rush.

"You cannot perform physically what your mind cannot visualize mentally."�� - Kujo

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