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Witch Crafts Banner


Greetings! I have gathered these various craft instructions from all over the Internet!! I have tried to assign authors when possible but many items are still listed as "source unknown". If you happen to know the author of a particular item PLEASE contact me! Just click onto the UFO button below!! Also, if you know of any recipes that should be included here, feel free to email me! I will try to update this page as soon as I can! Thanks and Be Blessed! DJ Russell

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Creating Your Book of Shadows
contributed by mincx

Your Book of Shadows is your most important form of record keeping. Your Book of Shadows is a reflection of your spiritual journey. It can be a reflection of any rituals you do, any spells you cast, and thoughts and feelings that you have. A Book of Shadows is a record of all magickal workings, favorite spells, and results. Try thinking of your Book of Shadows as a study of your life and the magick that you create and witness.

You can do almost anything with your Book of Shadows. There is no mandatory formula for how you keep or decorate your Book of Shadows. You can decorate it any way that you may want, you can write your Book of Shadows entirely in runes if you wish.

You can name your Book of Shadows anything you want! Remember, this is an act of individual expression and work. Some may feel more comfortable naming it their Book of Light or Book of Reflections.

There is some debate as to how historically accurate it is to say that having a Book of Shadows was a major part of most Wiccan traditions. One problem is that there are no examples of ancient Books of Shadows; they simply don't exist! The earliest known Book of Shadows is the one used and written by Gerald Gardner, the founder of the present day Gardenarian tradition.

This is not the same as saying, however, that witches never kept a Book of Shadows. It is possible that such Books were kept but have not yet been found or are simply disguised in ways that we do not recognize them for what they really are. Imagine someone recording sacred recipes and poems in their family Bible. We can recognize the Bible for what it is, but we may never recognize that the other writings in it may have been some witch recording her Book of Shadows on the back pages!

A major question many face when they do their Book of Shadows in this day and age is, "Do I handwrite my Book of Shadows or can I just type it out at my computer and have a Disk of Shadows?"

There are definite advantages to handwriting your Book of Shadows (and many traditions demand that you copy or write your Book of Shadows out by hand) and many to typing out your Book of Shadows.

What are some of the advantages to actually physically writing out your Book of Shadows? One advantage is that many consider it more traditional and appropriate to do the Book of Shadows by hand. There is something comforting and nostalgic to reading your notes that you wrote yourself; they just aren't as impersonal as a printout is. I think a major advantage to writing out your Book of Shadows by hand is that people tend to remember things better by the very act of writing. There is a form of connection that is made between the writer and the Book of Shadows that they have written; their Book of Shadows becomes more personal and tangible that way. One other fun part to doing your Book of Shadows by hand is that you can also add your own artwork that you do by your own hand to your Book of Shadows!

There are also advantages to having your Book of Shadows on computer. A major advantage is that it is easier to organize and to re-organize your Book of Shadows on computer than it is when you write it out by hand.

What types of things should go into your Book of Shadows? Your Book of Shadows should be an accurate record of all magickal hands-on things that you do. It should research information, study notes on Wicca, herbalism, reincarnation, and any other magickal field that you explore. You can keep records of rituals you have done and experiments you have conducted.

Your Book of Shadows is a useful tool for preparing for your rituals. You can record your outlines for rituals here, the actual wordings of the rituals, your impressions of the rituals, and the results.

Putting all of this information down in your Book of Shadows requires a bit of organizing and planning. How are some possible ways you can organize your writings?

File by topic (i.e., ritual work, spell work, etc...)
Alphabetize by subject

As your Book of Shadows is your journal or guide, there are many types of things that can go into it. You might want to consider placing some or all of the following in your Book of Shadows:

An opening dedication to your Goddess/God
Table of Contents
Wicca Studies
A page of ethics of beliefs
Why you came to Wicca
Logs of magickal workings you do
Anything you feel contributes to your growth

In this day and age, it is commonplace to find Books of Shadows for sale at the local book store. Many other Wiccans feel that their Books of Shadows should be kept private and read only by the writer or maybe others in the same coven. What is your feeling on this and why do you feel the way that you do about this particular issue? Is it okay to share your Book of Shadows with other witches and with non- witches? What are some of the reasons a witch should not share his/her Book of Shadows? Do you see any instance where it may be okay to share your Book of Shadows? No matter where you stand on this issue, the decision to share or to not share is a personal decision and must be made on an individual basis. It is your discretion with whom you choose to share or not share your Book of Shadows!


"As a solitary, I'd feel funny letting anyone else read my Book of Shadows. Too self-conscious."

"The thought of sharing my Book of Shadows makes me uncomfortable."

"Personally I wouldn't. Too much personal stuff in mine."

"There are things in mine that are just between me and the Goddess."

"No to non-witches ... they don't understand our views."

"Some traditions don't allow that ... unless the other person is part of that tradition."


"I want a Book of Shadows to pass down as I received one from a close friend when he died."

"Maybe; depending on how open the person is that you share your Book of Shadows with."

"I share with my students when a story might help."

One useful to consider when keeping a Book of Shadows is to keep a record of the spells that you use and create. You can note the type of spell, how it was conducted, the purpose of the spell, and the outcome. Such a record might look something like this:

[1] Purpose of Spell:

[2] Type of Spell Cast:

[3] Any Special Tools Used for the Spell:

[4] Astrological Correspondences Existing at Time of Spell:

[5] Weather:

[6] Your Health and Emotional State:

[7] Outcome of the Spell:

[8] Did the Spell Work the Way You Wanted It To?

[9] Other Notes:

Last, but not least, when you perform a ritual or cast a spell and want to record it in your Book of Shadows, how long afterwards do you actually wait before recording it? Do you make your records right after the event or do you wait for it to stew and risk forgetting?

There you go! That is all there is to making a BOS! Enjoy!


Book of Shadows Blessing


1 white candle
1 pen
1 Book of Shadows

You will need a white candle and a nice pen and, of course, your Book of Shadows. This is best done at night.

Light the white candle and place your book below it so you are writing by the light of the candle.

Take your nice pen and on the first page write the following:

"Goddess, she who gives life,
she who knows love;
through your heart I was birthed.
Bless me with your divine inspiration
as I write upon these pages.
She who guides me through life
and all its trials;
bless me with the knowledge and
wisdom to practice in your love.
Goddess, guide me through challenges
and teach me the lessons
of life and love and light."

If you want a blessing from the god, simply re-write the whole thing replace Goddess with God and she with he.

[source unknown]



(1) Four-foot dowel or stick (1 inch in diameter.)
Ball of twine
Straw, twigs, or herbs for the bristles.

Take the straw, and allow it to soak overnight in warm, lightly salted water. (the water softens the straws to make them pliable, and the salt soaks out former energies.)

When you are ready to make your besom, remove the straws from the water and allow them to dry a bit, but not so much that they lose the suppleness you will need to turn them into your besom.

Find a work area where you can lay out the length of your dowel, and begin lining the straws along side the dowel.

Starting about three inches from the bottom, lay the straws, moving backward, along the length of the dowel.

Begin binding these to the dowel with twine. You will need to tie them very securely.

You can add as many layers of straw as you wish, depending on how full you would like your besom to be.

When the straw is secured, bend the top straws down over the twine ties. When they are all gently pulled over, tie off the straws again a few inches below the original tie.

Leave the besom overnight to allow the straw to dry.

The dowel part of the besom can be stained, painted, or decorated with pagan symbols, your craft name, or any other embellishments you choose. Dedicate your finished besom in your circle as you would any other ritual tool.

By-Edain McCoy

Besom Chant

Besom, besom long and lithe
Made from ash and birch withe
Tied with thongs of willow bark
In running stream at moonset dark.
With a pentagram indighted
As the ritual fire is lighted;
Sweep ye circle, deosil,
Sweep out evil, sweep out ill,
Make the round of the ground
Where we do the Lady's will.

Besom, besom, witches' broom
sweep out darkness, sweep out doom
Rid ye Lady's hallowed ground
Of demons, imps and Hell's red hound;
Then set ye down on Her green earth
By running stream or Mistress' hearth,
'Till called once more on Sabbath night
To cleans once more the dancing site.


Broom Magick
by Steve Swartz ([email protected])

To Bless a New Broom

Before using your new broom for normal household sweeping, carve or write on its handle (the words running from the tip to the bristles on one side): "I sweep in money and luck." On the other side (with the words running away from the bristles) carve or write: "I sweep out evil and poverty." Visualize as you clean the floors, and you'll do just that.

Consecrating Your New Broom

Whether you make your besom in the traditional way, or purchase one that appeals to you, it is traditional to name your broom as you would a horse. Then when you have chosen a name, anoint it with oil as you would a candle and consecrate it with the following words:

Besom of birch and willow tied,
[or besom of straw with cord tied]
Be my companion and my guide.
On ashen shaft by moonlight pale
My spirit rides the windy gale
To magickal realms beyond both space and time.
To magickal lands my soul will sail.
In the company of the crone I'll ride
This besom of birch with willow tied
[or besom of straw with cord tied].
So do I consecrate this magickal tree.
As I will it, so mote it be!

For Protection While Sleeping

Lay a broom beneath the bed. Anoint the headboard or bedposts with a protective essential oil, such as sandalwood, rose geranium, rosemary, or frankincense. Then sprinkle a circle of salt around the bed (while you are inside the circle's perimeter), and you shall be guarded against all ill until morning. Sweep up the salt with the broom when you rise.

To Safeguard Your Bed

If you must be away from home for some time and want to return home to a safe, clean bed, tuck your magickal broom into it, laying the bristles on the pillow. Nothing will disturb a bed so guarded.

To End Tiresome Visits

If you have someone that stays too long and interferes with your life, try one of the following spells. None of them will harm visitors; they merely impel them to leave.

Place a broom upside down behind the door. If the guests still refuse to leave, stick a fork into the bristles of the inverted broom. Failing this, go into a room adjoining that which the guests are in, place the broom so that its handle points toward the offending visitors and intone the following:

Get thee hence beyond my door
For I am weary to the core.

Of course, you could just try the surest spell of all--ask them directly to leave!

To Purify Your Home

Before dawn, take a branch from any tree. Thank the tree for its gift and leave a coin or semiprecious stone at its base in payment. Tobacco is another traditional offering among Native Americans.

Next, obtain several brightly colored flowers on long stalks. Tie these flowers to the branch to fashion a sort of broom, then sweep the floor in every room of the house, visualizing the flowers of the broom absorbing negativity as you work. Then, still before sunrise, leave the broom at a crossroads. Traditionally in the southwest United States and Mexico, this ritual is repeated at the first of each month.


Pauline Campanelli, Ancient Ways: Reclaiming Pagan Traditions
Pauline Campanelli, Wheel of the Year: Living the Magical Life
Scott Cunningham and David Harrington, The Magickal


Go to the lumberyard and purchase a spindle in the wood of your choice. (I chose Oak because it is powerful for directing energy.) With a little creativity, you can shape that piece of wood into the desired look you like.

I chose one already shaped with grooves that I shaped and altered to my liking. Then you can add your own personal touch to your wand. I decided to use a dremil kit to hallow out the shape of a crystal I wanted to mount inside. Then I used vegetable oil to bring out the grain in the wood.

You can get really creative, or just practical. The wand that you create will have your energies and personal touch, rather than store bought one.

(source unknown)


Wand of Air:

Cut an 18-inch Lilac branch. Slowly shave only the bark off, no wood. Make sure the branch is green. Holding the wand with your thumbs, light incense under it and let the smoke touch it. As the incense burns, chant:

"Spirit of Air, maker of wind.
Bless this wand to channel
Your strength through."

Wand of Fire:

Cut an 18-inch Cherry branch. Slowly shave only the bark off, no wood. Make sure the branch is green. Holding the wand on your thumbs, light a candle under it, push the wand in and out of the flames while chanting:

"Spirit of Fire, maker of destruction.
Bless this wand to channel
Your strength through."

Wand of Earth:

Cut an 18 inch Dod Wood (or Oak) branch. Slowly shave only the bark off. Make sure the branch is green. Resting the wand on your thumbs, slowly sprinkle dirt over it while chanting:

"Spirit of Earth, maker of mountains.
Bless this wand to channel
Your strength through."

Wand of Water:

Cut an 18-inch Willow (or Drift Wood) branch. Slowly shave off only the bark, no wood (Don't shave drift wood). Make sure the branch is green (Not necessary for Drift wood). Resting the wand on your thumbs, slowly sprinkle water over it while chanting:

"Spirit of Water, maker of seas.
Bless this wand to channel
Your strength through."

(source unknown)

Make Your Own Marbelized Spell Paper

You will need:

a large bottle of liquid starch
Several colors of acrylic paints
Two large flat baking dishes or dish pans
A few custard cups
Small bowls or empty margarine containers

A variety of tools to create patterns in the paint (such as a Feather, nut pick, ice pick, coiled rubber cord, wire whisk, potato Masher, fork or wide-toothed hair comb)

Fill one baking dish or dish pan with starch to a depth of about 2 inches, fill the second one with cool water. In custard cups or other small containers, dilute each paint color until it just barely drips from a brush. Then drip colors on top of the starch until the surface of the starch is nearly covered.

Create a pattern in the starch with one or many of your tools. Move the desired tool through the paint in straight lines, at geometric angles, in circles, or in rays. Even if you leave the dots undisturbed to produce a pebble pattern, no two patterns will be the same. Feel free to experiment and be creative!

Hold a card or piece of paper by opposite corners and bend it gently so the paper sags slightly. Lay it gently on top of the paint, but do not allow the paper to sink below the surface. Immediately lift paper back out of the starch. Hold it over the dish and allow the paint to drip off for a few seconds.

Rinse paper in the dish of plain water. Lift paper out of water and allow it to drip for about 15 seconds or until most of the water has dripped off. Lay the paper flat, paint side up, on a work surface to dry.

When done just write prayers/ spells on papers, roll up of fold with an offering of herbs and or dried flowers, seed pods etc. and burn in your cauldron or dish.

Offer the burned remains to the wind.




Blender/Food Processor
newspaper, assorted paper reminents (old copies, printouts, colored paper, etc.)
dryer lint
window screen
2'X4' wood for frames
screws (to build the frames)
Fabric Dye (optional)
bleach (optional)
Coverable buckets (preferable old 5 gal buckets with lids)
assorted sponges
old blankets
coffee cups

Cut 2X4's into desired lengths to build frames for the window screen. Staple the screenwire to the frames with a staplegun. These frames will determine the size of your sheets of paper. Cut old blankets in to manageable sizes. The bigger the better.

Cut or tear up old paper into 1 inch or smaller pieces, pull apart dryer lint. Add water and paper in the blender and chop then purrie the mixture until you have a good light mush about the consistancy of slime.

Place the mush water and all in a 5 gallon bucket and add bleach if you want white paper or dye (follow package directions) if you want it colored. If you don't add either your paper will have a grayish color depending on the paper you used.

To this slime, add dryer lint to make a rag paper, don't try to use just the lint because it will not hold together very well. Ratio's should be 2:1 for paper to lint, and 2:1 for paper to water. Blend well.

Using a coffee cup, scoop out the mush and gently pour it out on to the window screen completely covering the screen. You may need to make more mush as needed to cover all of the screen depending on the size you have built. If you have any left after your screens are covered leave it in the bucket and put the lid on it until you have an empty screen to use.

Once you have completely covered the screen GENTLY press the remaining water from the form with a sponge. Once you have pressed all the water out pick up the screen form and move it over to your drying area.

Be sure you have a place that is large enough to accomidate the amount of paper you are wanting to make, it will take overnight to a few days to dry, depending on the thickness.

Carefully flip the screens over onto the blankets. Make sure that every thing is flat and carefully unfold any mistakes as soon as they happen once they dry they are stuck that way. Mistakes can be torn up and started over. Allow to dry completely.

You can also allow the paper to dry on the frames but its much harder to remove, run a butter knife under the paper to release it from the screen.

(If you can't come up with enough dryer lint check your local laundry mat they always have plenty!)

Source = http://www.moonsweb.com/

Homemade Paper #2

Ingredients: Paper choice/s
Liquid starch
Window Screening
Wood Frame (An old picture frame can be used too)
Plastic Basin/Tub (Large enough to totally immerse frame)
Blender/Food Processor (For making paper pulp)
White Felt or Flannel Fabric
Staples or Tacks (For tacking screen on frame)

Staple the screen to the frames as tight as possible.

Tear or cut the paper into 1 inch or smaller pieces, and half fill the blender. Fill the blender with warm water. Run the blender on a low speed , then increase the speed until the pulp looks smooth and well blended. (40 seconds or so) If there are flakes of paper left, blend longer.

Fill the tub half full of water. Add about 3 blender loads of pulp. (the more pulp you add the thicker the finished paper will be) and stir well to mix. Add 2 tsp liquid starch. (the starch helps prevent inks from soaking into the paper fibers when you use it for writing) mixing well again.

Place the framed screen into the pulp and then let it out while it's submerged. Gently wiggle the frame side-to-side until the pulp on top of the screen looks even.

Lift the frame slowly above the water. Allow most of the water to drain. If the paper is too thick, remove some pulp from the tub. If it is too thin, add more pulp and stir again. When it stops dripping, carefully place one edge on the side of a felt or flannel square. Gently ease the frame down flat, with the paper directly on the fabric. Use a sponge to press out as much water as possible. Wring the excess water from the sponge back into the mixture.

Now the hard part, hold the fabric square flat and slowly lift the edge of the frame. The wet sheet of paper should remain on the fabric. If it sticks to the frame, you may have lifted it too fast or not pressed out enough water. It takes a little practice. You can gently press out any bubbles and loose edges at this point.

Repeat the steps above, and stack the fabric squares on a cookie sheet or sheet of plywood. Save one fabric square to place on the top of the stack to cover the last piece of paper. Place another cookie sheet on top of the stack and press out the remaining water. This part is messy and best done outside.

When you can no longer get water out from pressing, carefully separate the sheets. Dry hanging on a clothesline or laying them on sheets of newspaper. When they have dried peel them off the fabric.

If you want smooth paper, spray the dry paper with spray laundry starch until slightly damp; put a clean smooth rag over the damp paper, and iron with a slightly warm iron until the paper is dry. The starch will make the paper better for writing on, too.

Alternate Directions for Above Mixture:

Dip the frame under the pulp; keeping the frame level, shift it back and forth until a layer of mush about 1/2-inch thick settles evenly over the surface. Carefully lift the frame without tilting it out of the tub. Allow the water to drain out. If it clumps together or there are holes, put the frame back under the pulp layer in the tub and start again.

Place a clean rag over the top of the drained frame. Press down gently, squeezing out more water. Lay a few pieces of old newspaper down onto a table. Carefully turn the frame, wet paper, and rag upside down onto the newspaper, and CAREFULLY lift off the frame. Cover the wet paper with another rag. (making a sandwich of two rags with a layer of wet paper between them). Roll the rag/paper sandwich with a rolling pin to press out more water. You can sandwich the rag/paper between small stacks of newspaper and continue pressing with the rolling pin to remove even more water.

Finally carefully peel off the top rag. Turn the wet paper and bottom rag over onto either a smooth counter top or a piece of glass (paper side down), and then CAREFULLY peel off the remaining rag. Let the paper dry overnight or longer.

Source = http://www.moonsweb.com/


Fragrant paper

Your selected paper and or envelopes
Fragrant or essential oil
An airtight container

Place your paper into an airtight container and place 5-6 drops of oil onto some tissue and place inside the container along with your paper and leave for 24 hours, the scent will absorb into the paper.

Fragrant Envelopes

Ingredients: Dried Lavender
Small Envelopes (check office supplies)
Acrylic Paints, markers, stencils

Paint or stencil the front of the envelopes as desired and allow to dry. Fill the envelopes with Lavender and seal. If desired you can add lavender oil or any other essential oil. To release the fragrance, squish the bag. Great for gift baskets

source = http://www.moonsweb.com/


These are the supplies you need to create your own personal Scrying Mirror:

(1) 5-8" Diameter Glass (You can pick one up at any craft store)
Felt or some backing you would prefer (All Cotton is best)
Flat Black Spray Paint
Spray Glue

Take the Glass and place in area that will not be disturbed.

Take and Spray one side of the Glass (about 12" away) Make sure you place a nice coat and allow to dry.

Then take your Felt or backing and cut it into a shape of your glass.

Spray a one coat of the spray on glue. A starting from the middle lay the felt on the part where you painted.

You now can dress this up, with Crystal of your choice or pewter symbol of your choice.

You can also take Scupty Clay and make a boarder of your design. (Follow the direction on the back of the box)

After that you can use a glue like superglue to glue it on the frame, or you can use picture frames.

Afterwards, Charge your Scrying Mirror with the four Elements.

You are ready now to use your Scrying Mirror...

Good Luck..



Candle magick, as any practicing witch will tell you, is very potent indeed. Normally, we create candles for specific workings, spells, rituals, healings, etc. However, one can also create a candle which is magickally connected to oneself, and use it each time you are casting for yourself.

Create a witch's candle as follows:

* Using the chart below...select a large candle...a pillar candle is best...this will be your Witch Candle....in your primary color, and then a smaller candle in the secondary color: *note: if these colors do not resonate with you and you feel attracted to another color, then go with that*

large candle: red
small candle: yellow

large candle: pink
small candle: white

large candle: Blue
small candle: green

large candle: Silver or white
small candle: blue

large candle: red
small candle: orange

large candle: Yellow or gold
small candle: white

large candle: Green
small candle: black

large candle: Brown
small candle: Green

large candle: red
small candle: purple

large candle: Brown
small candle: Orange

large candle: Blue
small candle: yellow

Large candle: light green (mint)
small candle: light blue

Anoint your candles with your elemental oil (usually is called the Zodiacal Oil...like Aries Oil, Cancer Oil, etc) If unable to locate your elemental oil, substitute olive oil. As you rub the oil into the candles, remember to begin from the wick to the center and rub in that direction and then from the bottom to the center. As you work, breathe into the larger candle...blow on it...let it absorb your breath which is your essence. For example, when I am creating my Witch Candle, I breathe on it as I rub the oil on it, I call it by name, "You are (your name) Witch's Candle", etc.

Now carve your zodiac sign or name on the large candle. When you are ready to cast a spell for yourself, light the smaller candle and allow some of the melted wax to pour over the larger candle...sometimes making a shape of the key element you are casting for is a bonus...example: if you are casting for money, use the smaller candle and make the $$ sign over the larger candle....if not, then whisper the need you have as you pour the melted wax of the smaller candle over the larger one. You will always use the smaller candle to pour the melted wax over the larger/pillar candle which is the actual Witch's Candle. Normally you will need to stock up more on the smaller candle than the larger one...if you cast often for your self.

Light the larger candle and perform any other magicks you had planned. Allow the larger candle to burn for at least 30 minutes before snuffing out.

Unlike other candles, the Witch's Candle can be used each time you are casting for yourself. Be careful where you place this candle because once you have personalized it with your name and sign, it has a link to you.

You can also use the larger Witch Candle with other smaller candle combinations. For example, if you are casting for love, anoint a small pink candle with olive oil, light it and pour the melted pink wax over your larger Witch Candle trying to make a heart shape as you drip it over the larger candle.

Once the larger candle has been used up/burned down, you can take any drippings and use as amulets or talismans for pouches, etc. Many pillar candles burn down in the center. If you have this happen, place the new candle inside the shell of the old one...if it is still sturdy. Once the larger candle as been used up, you can create another witch's candle using the same procedure as above.

B. FairRaven 2001
Bryanny's "Witchionary Online" - Free Pagan Database


Items Needed:

1 or 2 bags of wax
Thin candle wicks
Candle dye (the color called for. Crayons work good)
A small bowl
Essential oil (the type called for)

A large pot and a small can ( a coffee can works well; the taller the can, the longer your taper will be; a tall, thin can, slightly longer than the length you desire your candles to be, is ideal)

Baking soda (for fire safety)
1 wooden spoon
Waxed paper

Follow the steps below to make the candle:

Step One: Melting

Fill the large pot about 1/3 full of water. Place on high heat until boiling. Place the wax in the can, and set the can into the pot of boiling water. Turn the heat down to medium. Watch the wax as it's melting. It may burst into flames over high heat. If it does throw the baking soda on it to but it out.

Step Two: Empowering the Spices

While the wax is melting, place the spices into the bowl. Mix them together, empower them as you visualize your magical goal.

Step Three: Coloring

Check the wax. For best results, you should have at least 6 inches of melted wax. If not add more. Add a few chunks of the candle dye or crayon to the wax and mix it with the wooden spoon. Stir until the wax is evenly colored. The finished, dried candles will be a shade or two lighter than the color of the melted wax. So if you want it darker add more dye.

Step Four: Add the Spices

Once the wax has been tinted, sprinkle the spices onto the wax with your projective hand. Dust off your hand over the wax. Add eight to sixteen drops of the essential oil. Stir all of that in with the wooden spoon.

Step Five: Dipping it

Begin dipping. Hold a length of the cotton wicking between your thumb and forefinger. Dunk it into the wax. It will probably just float at the surface the first few times you do this. HINT: Before dipping again, lift the wicking completely from the melted wax, allow the wax on the wicking to set, and re-dip. Repeat this till the candle is a fat as you want it.

Step Six: Drying

Hang the candle up when it is the proper width to dry in a spot so it will not be touched. Test the candle after 20 or so minutes. The wax should be have set but still be warm. YOU MUST BE SURE IT HASN'T COMPLETELY HARDENED BEFORE THE NEXT STEP.

Step Seven: Smoothing

Smooth out waxed paper on a counter or table. Lay the candle on the paper and gently roll it back and forth. This straightens the taper.

Step Eight: Finishing It Up

Now cut off the cone at the bottom of the candle with a knife. Dip the taper into the melted wax again and sit it some where to dry. And you're done.



Healing Candle

Items Needed:

Blue Candle Dye
1/2 tsp. Allspice
1/2 tsp. Sage
Sandalwood oil

Protection Candle

Items Needed:

No Candle Dye; Leave White
1/2 tsp. Rosemary
1/2 tsp. Sage
Frankincense (or cedar) oil

Psychic Awareness Candle

Items Needed:

Blue Candle Dye
1/2 tsp. Lemongrass
1/2 tsp. Yarrow
Lemon oil

Love Candle

Items Needed:

A bit of red to make pink Candle Dye
1/2 tsp. Rose petals
1/2 tsp. Basil
Lavender oil

Purification Candle

Items Needed:

No Candle Dye; Leave white
1/2 tsp. Anise
1/2 tsp. Lemon Peel
Lavender oil

Spirituality Candle

Items Needed:

Purple Candle Dye or leave white
1/2 tsp. Myrrh
1/2 tsp. Cinnamon
True Jasmine oil (which is expensive) or Sandalwood oil


by D.J. Russell (Nitekitty)

Take a ball of cotton string or twine and soak in the following solution:

2 tbsp salt
4 tbsp borax
2 cups of warm water
barium (green), copper (blue-green or strontium (orange-red) salts if a colored fire is desired.

Dry string and wait at least (3)days to be cured before rewinding into a ball for later.

Before candlemaking you can cut lengths of string up to 1/3rd longer than needed, lightly hand-dip into wax and let dry.

by D.J. Russell (Nitekitty)

Burn completely several branches or logs of ash, oak or other hard wood then allow to cool down. Remove the charcoal chunks and grind into fine powder.

Mix 1 TB Gum Arabic (check art supply stores)with 1 cup water into a saucepan and boil 5 minutes. Put in airtight jar and mixture can be refrigerated later.

Take 3 oz powdered charcole and put in wooden or glass bowl. Add about 3/10 oz (3 percent-NEVER MORE!) by weight of potassium nitrate (saltpeter) to bowl and mix thoroughly.

Add 1 Tsp of the gum arabic mixture to the charcoal mixture and stir thoroughly to the consistency of bread dough. Shape dough into balls and set onto wax paper then flatten balls using a round cookie cutter and make an indentation in middle of each block to later hold incense.

Allow to dry and cure for at least 4-7 days. If test block burns too quickly use less saltpeter. If test block burns not at all add a pinch more saltpeter. If ingredients are increased , always increase proportionally.

by Dj Russell (Nitekitty)

Here are (3) basic methods to coloring fireplace flames:

1. Soaking the logs in an alcohol solution which contains certain chemicals.

2. Soaking the logs/chips in a water solution containing certain chemicals and then dry them.

3. Throw certain chemicals directly into the flames.

The chemicals/salts:

Green=Copper Sulfate (Blue vitrol/Bluestone);Copper Chloride;Alum (thallium)(try local pharmacy) - [copper sulfate is found in garden fungicides]

Blue = Barium Nitrate; Calcium (try aquarium shops)

Blue-Green = Copper Chloride

Carmine = Lithiuim Chloride

Deep Red = Boric acid (try local drug store)

Bright Red = Strontuim Chloride (try aquarium shops)

Reddish Orange = Calcium Chloride (Bleaching powder)-'Damp Rid' moisture absorber try Home Depot

Yellow = Sodium Chloride (ie:Table Salt); Potassium nitrate (salt substitute)

Yellow-Green = Baronsalts (Borax) (sodium tetraborate)- try grocery store in laundrey aisle [ie:20 Mule Borax]

White flame = Magnesium sulphate (Epsom salt)(try drug stores)

Purple =Potassuim Chloride; potassium bitartrate (found in combo in salt substitue; Potassium Permanganate; Lithium chloride

Violet = 3 parts potassium sulphate (Chromealum)and 1 part potassium nitrate (Salt Peter)

For the base you may use evergreen cones, small blocks of wood, wood chips, coarse sawdust (hardwood is better than softwood); kindling or cork waste, or 1 inch diameter rolls of tightly wrapped newspaper tied at both ends. Use only one chemical at a time. ONLY use outside and always wear rubber gloves to protect your hands. NEVER use metal containers and remember that the chemicals will stain the container that you do use (5 gallon plastic containers are best)! For safety's sake make NO MORE than two gallons of mix at a time. Be sure to rinse your container well before using it with any other chemicals. If you do use wood remember that smaller wooden blocks will burn longest and take less time to soak. Coarse sawdust works better than fine, and hardwoods are better than soft. Materials may be mixed later, after dried, to create multi-colored fire displays.

Cones/Chips/Sawdust Fire Mixure:

Mix about 1 lb. of the chemical in 1 gallon of water or as much chemical as will dissolve, until you have a saturated solution. Put the cones/chips/sawdust in a porous cloth or mesh sack, weigh down with stones if needed to keep submerged. Allow to soak in the solution overnight at least or until the liquid is absorbed if using sawdust. Hold sack over a thick pad of newspaper to let excess liquid drain. Spread chips in a thin layer on a thick pad of newspaper and allow to dry. (may take up to two weeks) Pinecones can be left in a mesh bag and hung over newspaper until dried thouroughly. The paper must be rolled tightly and tied at both ends.

Cork Chips Fire Mixture:

Add 1 pint of liquid glue to 7 parts of water. Crush the chemical to a fine powder and add 1 pound of the powder to each gallon of glue water. Put into the liquid as much of the cork waste that it will take, stirring and adding more base until all the liquid has been absorbed. Spread out on a rack to dry.

Other Fireside Tricks


Coffee Creamer and or white granulated sugar - throw handful in fire.

Powdered aluminium (silver effect); OR iron filings (gold effect) = throw handful in fire.


Red = equal parts of strontium nitrate;powdered magnesium;and potassium nitrate.

Green = equal parts of boric acid; powdered magnesium; and powdered sulphur

Photographer's Airbulb trick

A tiny black airhose is attached to a squeeze-bulb trigger. Fill bulb partway with dry chemicals and hide bulb and hose. Bury the airhose so opening is between rocks on edge of campfire. Step on the airbulb to blow the spray of chemicals onto the fire at the appropriate time.

Fairy Fire:

Cut about 1 foot length of old CHEAP garden hose and put it inside about 1 1/3 foot length of copper pipe. The diameter of the hose should be just a little smaller than the copper pipe. Put in fire. The hose inside the pipe will burn and colored flames will dance out the ends of the pipe. Copper pipe can be reused. Only use this effect OUTSIDE and stay a little away from the fire to avoid fumes!!

A more environmentally safe alternative are the fairy cakes:

Fairy Cakes:

Crush copper sulfate (bluing stone)finely into powder. Mix a spoonful of this powder in with enough melted wax to half fill a small wax paper muffin baking cup. Throw cup into fire and blue-green flames will be seen.

To start a campfire with WATER!:

No more than 10 minutes before use because the iodine evaporates quickly!! Crush 1 teaspoon of iodine crystals to a very fine powder, and then mix with 2 teaspoons of powdered aluminium. IT IS CRITICAL THAT THIS MIXTURE REMAINS ABSOLUTELY DRY. Make a little "volcano" of this mixture on a piece of plywood in fireplace. Sprinkle a few drops of water on the powder. First will come purple smoke then deep red flames.

based on information from http://www.moonsweb.com/

by D.J. Russell (Nitekitty)

Part One - Mix a batch of *Library Glue*

4 TB yellow dextrin
2 TB calcium chloride
2 cups water

Mix together at room temperature then heat slowly while stirring but DO NOT BOIL! Simmer gently until consistency of thin syrup has been reached. Store in bottles. Thin amount to be used on logs so that it may be easily brushed.

Part Two - The *LOGS*

library glue
several sticks (ie: cut broomsticks)
masking tape

Seperate newspapers into single sheets leaving folded down the middle like they normally come. Take a broomstick and coat well with wax so that it is slippery. With brush dab library glue on top of sheet of newspaper and roll it tightly around the stick. Dab each sheet and roll around stick until size of overall roll is about 4 inches in diameter. Make sure NOT to use the same pattern to glue each layer of newspaper (ie: an X, down the sides, across the top, several random spots, etc.)instead RANDOM glue marks so paste will not make lumps. Secure the roll with masking tape. Allow paste to dry and remove the stick. Store paper roll and use like a log in fireplace or campfire.

Source = Norman Stark's The Formula Book Sheed and Ward, Inc. (1975)p.45

Easy Solid Fuel (for starting campfires and fireplaces)
by D.J. Russell (Nitekitty)

several paper toilet tissue rolls
masking tape
paraffin wax
fine sawdust

Cut rolls to 2 inch lengths. Cut enough cardboard circles to cover both ends of each 2 inch length of TP roll. Close one end of each 2 inch length with a cardboard circle and tape tight. Melt a pound or more of paraffin wax (depending on amount of tubes you want to make)in a double boiler and add fine sawdust until it is the consistency of very thick cream or oatmeal. Let cool until it just begins to solidify around the edges, give it a stir, and then fill each of the cardboard molds. Allow molds to cool then tape second circle of cardboard to top. Now melt a SECOND batch of paraffin wax, this time NOT adding sawdust and dip each mold into this to coat the outsides. This way the paper tube acts as a wick to start the inside burning.

Source = Norman Stark's The Formula Book Sheed and Ward, Inc. (1975)p.103


You can make smudge sticks out of other herbs besides sage. You take the herbs when they are still fresh and bind them with cotton twine or string (must be cotton as synthetics will melt and give off possibly toxic fumes). You'll want to use branches that are about 6 to 8 inches long and when you wrap them do so in a criss cross manner to make a stick. Once you have a nice tightly wrapped stick wrap the string tightly around the base several times and then give it a nice tight knot. You then want to hang the bundle in a nice dry place so it can dry and won't get moldy. Make sure your stick is nice and dry before using it. Using already dried herbs can be difficult since they will crumble when you wrap them. Some herbs you can used in smudge sticks are rosemary, pinion, pine, juniper, cedar, mugwort, sweet grass, lavender, copal, vervain, peppermint, St. John's Wort, hyssop, of course sage, or a mixture of the above.

(source unknown)

Smudging: How To Do It-How Not To Do It
by Michelle Chihacou White Puma Klein-Hass

I came across a very interesting article from "Shaman's Drum" which was reprinted for Vision Quest Bookstore. I will attempt to convey the gist of it, along with my views, as a student of the Ways of the Teneh, about it. Smudging is a way of using the smoke from burning herbs as a way to cleanse the body, an object, or a given area of negative influences. I myself use smudging to "cleanse" crystals before using them in jewelry projects I may do, and for protecting my home from some recent "bad vibe"-producing events. (landlord troubles!) I imagine that the skillful use of the proper herbs could help in warding and banishing ceremonies as well, if used properly and with reverence.

The three most used plant materials for smudging are sage of all types, cedar, and sweet grass.


There are two major genii and several varieties of each genus of Sage that are used for smudging. Salvia, or the herb sage used for cooking, comes in two major varieties:S. Officinalis, commonly known as Garden Sage, and S. Apiana, commonly known as White Sage. Salvia varieties have long been acknowledged as healing herbs, reflected in the fact that its genus name comes from the Latin root word *salvare*, which is the verb "to heal" or "to save." Artemisia is the genus commonly considered "Sagebrush", and is more common in the wilds out here in California. There are two major varieties to the Artemisia genus: A. Californica, or Common Sagebrush, and A. Vulgaris, or Mugwort. There are many other varieties of both Salvia and Artemisia, and all are effective in smudging. Sage is burned in smudging ceremonies to drive out evil spirits, negative thoughts and feelings, and to keep Gan'n (negative entities) away from areas where ceremonials take place. In the Plains Sweat lodge, the floor of the structure is strewn with sage leaves for the participants to rub on their bodies during the sweat. Sage is also used in keeping sacred objects like pipes or Peyote wands safe from negative influence. In the Sioux nation, the Sacred Pipe is kept in a bundle with sage boughs. I would think special crystals could be so protected this way as well.


True cedar is of the Thuja and Libocedrus genii. Some Junipers (Juniperus genus) are also called "cedar", thus complicating things some. Some Juniper varieties ARE cleansing herbs, especially J. Monosperma, or Desert White Cedar. But for smudging, the best is Western Red Cedar (Thuja occidentalis) and California Incense Cedar (Libocedrus descurrens). Cedar is burnt while praying to the Great Spirit (Usen', the Source-also known to Plains nations as Wakan Tanka) in meditation, and also to bless a house before moving in as is the tradition in the Northwest and Western Canada. It works both as a purifier and as a way to attract GOOD energy in your direction. It is usually available in herb stores in chipped form, which must be sprinkled over a charcoal in a brazier. I like a piece of charcoal mesquite for this purpose, rather than the commercial charcoal cake.

Sweet grass:

Very important to the Sioux and Cherokee nations, its botanical name is Hierochloe Oderata. In these tribes, the sweet grass is braided like hair braids. It could be burnt by lighting the end of it, or (more economically) by shaving little bits of it onto charcoal in a brazier. Again, use charcoal Mesquite (I believe it comes packaged for barbecue use under the brand name "Red Arrow") to burn it, not pressed charcoal tablets. Sweet grass is burnt after smudging with sage, to welcome in good influences after the bad had been driven out. Sweet grass is very rare today, and traditional Plains people have been attempting to protect the last of it.

Myself, I believe that Cedar, which is not endangered, can safely be used this way. Also Pinon pine needles (used more frequently by the Southwest Teneh, like the Navajo and Apache as well as the Pueblo people and the Zuni) and Copal (used by the Yaqui and in ancient times by the Azteca and the Maya) have similar effect. The three mentioned here are readily available either through gathering yourself or, in the case of copal resin, from any good herb shop.

Using Smudging:

Burn clippings of the herb in a brazier not a shell as some "new age" shamanic circles do it, is an insult to White Painted Woman (The Goddess) to do this, especially with the abalone shell, which is especially sacred to Her. If the herb is bundled in a "wand", you can also light the end of the wand that isn't woody and use that. I like the latter way. Direct the smoke with your hands or with a Peyote (feather) wand over the person or thing you wish to smudge. If you can see auras, look for discolored places in the aura and direct the healing smoke towards those places on the patient's body. For cleansing a house, first offer cedar smoke to the four directions outside the house. Then, take a sage bough and go throughout the inside of the house, making sure the smoke penetrates every nook and cranny of the house. It might help also, if you have a power animal, to visualize your animal doing these things, to also dance your animal, and if you have a power song, to sing that too. Then finally, run through the house with a white candle that is well protected, to "light up" the house.

Careful not to burn it down when you do it!!!

Final Thoughts:

Smudging should be done with care, with reverence, and in an attitude of LOVE. Show your respect and honor to the plants that Usen' has given us for our healing, and they will return the favor by keeping us well and free from disease and negative energy. Aloe Vera plants, though not to be burnt, are good for the cleansing angle as well. Keep one or more potted Aloe Veras in the house (modern varieties are too tender to plant in anything but full shade outside) in organic (wood or ceramic, never plastic or metal) pots. To honor the plant when you transplant it, sprinkle the roots with corn meal and smudge it with cedar once it is transplanted. The spirit of Aloe Vera is a good protective spirit, and if you burn yourself, can also be used to heal your skin. BE SURE TO ASK THE PLANT'S PERMISSION before cutting part of the leaf off for the healing juice. If you don't, the protective power of the plant will cease, and you will be left with but an inert houseplant and perhaps some bad karma to boot.

Hi-dicho, it is finished ENJOY!

(Source=Michelle Chihacou White Puma Klein-Hass)

Homemade Witch Ball

Wiccan Protection Ball
from http://members.tripod.com/%7eonespiritx/craft33.htm

Witch balls have been around for centuries, but it is nearly impossible (and very costly) to buy one. These silvery balls were once a common fixtures in windows, particulary in England, where they said to repel evil thoughts and curses. Most Pagans don't feel they could spend several hundred dollars to purchase such a ball, even if they could find one, but there is no reason you can't make one.

You will need a clear glass ball or Yule ornament with an opening in one end.

You will also need a bottle of silver paint found in hobby stores,

a few drops of frankincense or patchouli oil,

a spool of red thread,

and a pair of scissors.

Cover your work - place with newspaper to protect against spills. Take the metal cap off the ornament. Carefully pour a little of the silver paint inside the ball and swish it around until the inside is completely covered with the silver. Set it aside to dry. When the paint is totally dry, cut the red thread into three inch-lengths. Carefully poke this thread into the open end of the ball. Continue cutting and putting the thread into the ball until the ball is nearly full. Put in a few drops of oil. Then put the end back on the ornament. If it has no end, seal it with candle wax.

When you hang the protection ball, chant:

Symbol of the Moon, symbol of the Lady divine,
Reject all negativity; defend this home (car), me and mine.

This protection ball can be hung in window of your home or your car. Any negative thoughts or ill-wishes directed against you are reflected back to the sender. You can also decorate the outside with appropriate designs. You can put them into wreaths or make them part of a dried flower arrangement. Programmed for protection, these little Witch balls do a very good job.

Witch Balls / Charm Balls

[...] Mirror-like balls are made to reflect back any unwanted energies to the sender, the transparent globes filled with twisting threads divert the Evil Eye drawing its attention to tracing the intricate patterns within, pins can both capture and reflect the energies.

You can find clear balls at craft stores around yule, or recycle your old scratched up balls. To remove the paint from a normal colored christmas ornaments instead of buying brand new ones, take old scratched balls (or new ones) and soak them in full strength bleach for several minutes. Rinse with warm sudsy water. Newer balls have a plastic like film on the outside that will slough right off. Bleach will remove the silver color inside the ball. You may need to use a Q-tip to get all the silver out. If you're going to use paint on the inside of your ball instead of leaving it clear, I don't see any reason to remove the paint already on them unless the color conflicts with your intent.

Basic requirements:

glass ball
herbs based on intentions
fishing line to hang your ball
ribbon (optional)

Witch Ball:

Witch balls should be created during the Waxing - Full Moon phase.

Protection: colors = black, blue, white.
Angelica, Basil, Bay, Bloodroot, Caraway, Cinnamon, Cinquefoil, Clove, Mugwort, Oak, Sage, Willow, Witch Hazel, Violet

Happiness: colors = white, red, pink, blue
Catnip, Hyacinth, Lavender, Marjoram, Meadowsweet, Hawthorn, St. Johnswort

Healing: colors= blue, red.
Allspice, Apple, Cedar, Cinnamon, Elder, Flax, Oak, Onion, Pine, Sandalwood, Spearmint, Tansy, Thistle, Thyme, Violet, Willow

Luck: colors = Green
Allspice, Cotton, Fern, Nutmeg, Oak, Orange, Pineapple, Poppy, Rose, Violet

Fertility: colors = Green
Carrot, Fig, Grape, Hazel, Mandrake, Myrtle, Nuts, Oak, Olive, Patchouli, Peach, Pine, Poppy, Rice, Sunflower, Wheat

Coat the inside of the ball with your chosen paint. Place upside down in a jar or glass to allow the excess to drain out, this can take up to a couple of days depending on the paint you use. Add your chosen herbs. The herbs listed are only a few, you can use all of some or look up the herbal correspondences and choose your own based on intent.Decorate the finished ball with a ribbon color again based on the intent, you can combine colors or choose one. You may paint the ball with magickal symbols if desired, keep your intention in mind the whole time you are making the ball. Pour your energy into it as you pour in the herbs. Replace cap on your globe and thread with fishing line to hang.

Thread Ball:

Cut thread and carefully insert into the globe. It is recommended that you do this one at a time to maximize the effect of the twisting pattern. Some choose to use only red thread while others alternate the colors, weight, and textures of the threads for a truly unique effect. Some combine red to absorb slander and green to stifle jealousy. Some choose to cut them into 3 inch pieces, while others cut at random knowing that the Goddess directs them where to make each cut as they go. Continue until the ball is nearly full. Add Essential Oil. Frankincense or Basil for protection choose the others the same way.

Pin ball: Insert pins into the globe until the globe is full.

Old English Witch Balls

Using a clear glass ball, make a cage of black satin ribbon and Gems of the four Elements (Air, Fire, Water, and Earth) surround ball out side or glue them along the ribbons themselves. Fill the inside with protective such as Mandrake root, Snakeroot, Mistletoe, Sage etc. Include nine strands of black silk thread to entangle and confuse any negative spirit. Foil pieces, tensil and garland may also be used for their reflective power. Other things that may be added are stones for their corresponding powers.

source = http://www.moonsweb.com/


Traditionally, rain sticks are made from the wood skeleton of a cactus. The thorns are pulled off and pushed back through the soft flesh of the cactus, then left in the sun to dry. The hollow cactus is then filled with small seeds or pebbles, and the ends are sealed with wooden plugs. Rainsticks are used in ceremonies to invoke and honour the Rain Spirits.


Heavy cardboard mailing or poster tube, gift-wrapping paper tube at least one and half inches in diameter. (a paper towel roll can be used but the longer tubes are better, you can also tape two or three paper towel rolls together.) Another very good option is the tube from the center of fabric rolls, most fabric and upholstery shops will happily give them to you if you ask.

Stopper for the ends, or clear packing tape (You can buy both the tubes and the stoppers at the post office or any postal supply store)

Marker or pen to mark holes

Nails that when pushed through the tube will stop just short of coming through the other side, depending on tube length about 60

Tape (masking or packing tape)

Heavy Paper (if you don't use the tube stoppers, paper grocery bags work well

Small rocks, gravel, cat litter, peas, beans, seeds, rice etc. Rice produces the best sound.

The Paper tubes have a spiral seam. Mark dots about half an inch apart, all the way down the spiral seam of the tube with your marker. Push a nail all the way in at each dot. (Nails should not poke through the other side of the tube.) Wrap tape around the tube to hold the nails in place. Place the stopper in one end of the tube if you are using them. If not, trace the end of the tube onto your paper, then draw another circle outside of it about a half inch from the tube circle. Cut the outside circle out and snip along the entire edge from the outside circle to the inside cirle with scissors. By doing this when you place the circle onto the tube the part that overlaps the outside of the tube will lie flat. Tape one of the circles over one end of the tube. Cover the circle with tape to seal the whole end of the tube shut. Put a handful of rice or beans into the open end of the tube. Covering the open end with your hand, turn the tube over. Add more rice or beans until you like the sound. (Beans will produce a harder sound, and rice will produce a softer sound.) Put the second circle of paper over the open end of the tube, and seal that end shut with tape. You can now decorate the outside of the tube with colored paper, aluminum foil, contact paper, markers, paint, felt, feathers, beads, leather or anything else that appeals to you. The rainstick can be as individual as it's owner! Always store in a dry place.

Bamboo Rainsticks:

These are a little harder to make but make a much nicer Rainstick and are well worth the effort. Supplies: Handsaw
Wood glue

Scrap 1/2 inch thick wood
Power Drill
a long drill bit or something to hollow out the stick
1/2" rounded file
wooden shish-ke-bob skewers
drill bit same size as the skewers
bamboo: 1 to 3 ft long and up to 3 inches diameter, can be longer if desired, but becomes hard to clean out

Cut the bamboo to the desired length. Hollow out the inside of the joints with the long drill bit or other object that will reach (this is the hard part, one suggestion if your stick is long, is to use a piece of rebarb which is used to reinforce concrete). I have heard that you can drop a hot coal inside to burn out the joint material in long pieces of but have never tried this way. Once you have it hollowed use your rounded file on the inside until it is fairly smooth.

Drill 2 spiral rows of holes (spacing them about 1 inch apart) in the bamboo from top to bottom with your skewer size bit. Put a little wood glue on each skewer and push it into a hole far enough to touch the other side of the bamboo. Repeat until you have done each hole. Allow to sit overnight or until the glue has dried thoroughly, then trim off the skewer ends that stick out of the bamboo.

Cut 2 wooden plugs from the scrap wood so that they fit snugly in each end of the bamboo. Put wood glue on one of the plugs and put the bottom plug in place, let dry.

Paint or varnish the bamboo, if desired. (You may want to sand where the skewers are if it is rough)

Fill about 1/5 of the bamboo length with sand, small rocks, gravel, peas, beans, rice, seeds of your choice. Different fillers will produce different sounds, you can also mix fillers. Cover the open end with your hand or a piece of fabric secured with a rubber band. Turn the rainstick over and see if you like the sound it produces. Adjust the filler amount or type until you get the sound you like. When you are pleased with the sound, glue the other plug in the open end of the bamboo. Allow to dry before using. Always store in a dry place.

Source = http://www.moonsweb.com/


By making your own scrubs you can save, money and you will be assured of fresh ingredients. No overpriced rancid oils in plastic jars for you! In these recipes, I'm going to call for Safflower oil because you can get it at any grocery store and has no odor that will interfere with the other ingredients. Olive oil can be used but it does have that "olive oil" smell.

If you have never had a scrub, be prepared to have the softest birthday suit ever! I suggest that you shower or take a bath then apply the scrub to a clean body and relax for 10-15 minutes with the scrub on the body. This gives the sea salt time to open the pores and time for the Epsom salt to pull toxins and restore magnesium to the body. The essential oils and herbs also get time to apply their benefits to your skin. Each recipe is for one scrubbing.

Restore the Beauty Scrub

2 tablespoons of coarse ground sea salt
2 tablespoon of Epsom salt
2 tablespoon of safflower oil
2 teaspoon of calendula oil
1 teaspoon of rosehip seed oil
5-7 drops of palmrosa essential oil
5-7 drops of patchouli essential oil
5-7 drops of bergamot essential oil

Simplicity Scrub

2 tablespoons of coarse sea salt
2tablespoons of Epsom salt
1tablespoons of safflower oil
1tablespoons of rosehip seed oil
2 teaspoons of calendula oil
1 tablespoon of ground elderflowers

For My Man Scrub

2 tablespoons of coarse sea salt
2 tablespoons of Epsom salt
1 tablespoon of ground bay leaf
2 tablespoons of Safflower oil
10 drops of spearmint essential oil

Elements of the Orient Scrub

2 tablespoons of sea salt
2 tablespoons of Epsom salt
1 tablespoon of Duan shu Hua (or known as Linden flower cut)
1 teaspoon of ground ginger
2 tablespoons of safflower oil
7-10 drops of Yuzu fragrance oil

For DIVA'S only! Scrub

2 tablespoons of sea salt
2 tablespoons of Epsom salt
2 tablespoons of safflower oil
1 tablespoon of rosehip seed oil
1 tablespoon of chamomile powder
1 tablespoon of lavender powder
10 drops of Patchouli essential oil
10 drops lemongrass essential oil

(source unknown)


Your dream stone is used in some night spells here's how to make yours.

First select the kind of stone you want to use as your dream stone. I would recommend a piece of clear quartz, amethyst, rose quartz, or citrine as your first dream stone. To clear out any unwanted energies in your stone, place it in you left hand, covering it with your right. Next imagine a clear pool of water in your mind. Breathe in deeply, seeing and sensing the clear water washing out your dream stone, and then pulse your breath out sharply through your nose, as if to set the image in place in the stone.

To program your dream stone, repeat the clearing process, only instead of imagining clearer water in your dream stone, imagine what you want in it, from spiritual clarity to prosperity or maybe a new relationship. The choice is yours.

After programming the stone, hold it in your nondominant or receiving hand(left if you are right-handed) as you sleep, noticing how it affects your dreams. Check out different types of stones programming them for various things while again observing their affects on your dreams. You can also intentionally bring your dream stone into your dreams, using it for energizing, traveling, and healing. As you drift to sleep, simply repeat to yourself,

Dream stone of light,
Dream with me tonight.

Keep this stone next to your bed, under your bed, or in your pillow case in a natural fabric bag you cushioning, or hold it in your receiving hand at night as you drift to sleep. The power of the stone entrains your dreams, just as your energy entrains the dream stone.

The following is a list of stones you can use for dream magic, along with their properties.


Agate: Grounding and balancing your dreams, self-confidence, balance

Amethyst: Divine communication, wisdom, banishing nightmares, and dream protection, mental clarity.

Citrine: Dream messages, mental clarity, dispelling negative dreams, empowerment, remembering your dreams.

Clear Quartz: Ultimate dream magic stone, spiritual connection, divine guidance, healing dreams, divine dreams, time travel, astral travel.

Diamond: Divine inspiration, remembering your dreams, amplifying dream energies, protection, magical dreaming.

Herkimer Diamond (an extremely hard diamond): Propitious for all kinds of dream magic, stimulating higher awareness, filtering out negative dreams.



Here's what you'll need:

10g skullcap
25g jasmine flowers
10g witch grass rhizome
25g lavender flowers
15g hawthorn berries - crushed
5g mistletoe
5g mugwort
10g rue
250 mL sweet almond oil
75g beeswax

First, place the herbs in the bottom of a large bottle - 500mL or bigger. The more finely chopped the herbs are for this recipe, the better however they should not be powdered. Now, over these herbs pour the 250mL of sweet almost oil and give it a bit of a shake. The oil is used as a type of releasing agent - a solvent that extracts the medicinal properties from the herbs and provides a healing base or carrier for the oils. Essential oils are an excellent short cut but for magical recipes, it is always best to do more rather than less work as this helps you put more work and magickal intent into your work.

Now you'll need to strain the oil using cheesecloth or a fine mesh strainer. Add this oil blend to the beeswax and heat the oil to and beeswax together over very low heat in a double boiler until wax is completely melted. You can, once the wax is melted, check the firmness of your mix by placing a tablespoon of your mixture into in the freezer for a minute or two. This is a method used in beeswax candle making to get the candle to firm up more quickly as well as extending the life of beeswax candles by freezing them first. Check the firmness of your mix and you may now wish to add more oil for a softer blend or more wax for a firmer blend.

Once you have achieved the desired consistency, remove the salve from heat and pour into heatproof jars of an appropriate size. Air and organic matter promote decay in your mix so to get it to last for months or years, careful preparation and storage is necessary.

Some people like to add natural preservatives to their mixtures such as tincture of Benzoin. This was a measure popularized in certain pagan books and is not particularly necessary although you can trace the origin of the inspiration of a recipe by the addition of this preservative. Salves kept in direct sunlight lose their healing properties after only a short length of time. You will notice the color of the salve will have faded and your Mix may smell rancid.

Some sources:
"An ABC of Witchcraft Past and Present" by Doreen Valiant
"Magical Aromatherapy" and "Incense, Oils and Brews" both by S Cunningham
"The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils" By Julia Lawless

This recipe was contributed by Straif Blackthorn, a professional aroma therapist and witch of over 15 years. She has combined her knowledge of plants and essential oils plus her techniques for making pure skin care products to bring you this recipe. The books sited above represent only a small number of those which were referred to in order to create this recipe. You may copy this to your website provided all the information is left in tact and a link to the originating website is maintained.



The idea behind moon cords is to embrace and preserve specific attributes of moon power which are available during a specific moon phase. These attributes are directed into a length of cord and held there by knots; thus the attributes are available to the witch at any time.

For example:

You may wish to perform some magick which is appropriate to the waxing moon. Ideally, you would be wisest to wait until after the moon is new to utilize the most compatible energies for your work. But what if you have good reason not to wait, and what if in linear time the moon is actually waning? No problem, if you have prepared a new moon cord, you can draw upon the new moon power at any time of any month.

You can prepare a cord during each phase of the moon, and thus, have available to you the power of each phase. However I strongly suggest that you use the cords only when absolutely necessary, and try to work with the phases of the moon in the sky whenever you can.


Use a length of colored wool, or embroidery thread about two feet long. You can have five different colors if you prefer and prepare five cords:

New, waxing, full, waning and dark. Or you can simplify matters and use three colors for three cords: new and waxing combined, full ( alone ), waning and dark combined. I find it sufficient to work with three.

To prepare a cord during the appropriate Moon phase, Light your goddess candle and sit at your altar or work table- or go outside. State alignments, and call on that aspect of the goddess who rules the phase you wish to put into the cord. This is called charging the cord. Thus for the new and waxing call upon Diana; for the full call upon Selene, for the waning call upon Hecate.

It's a good idea to use your athame for this, as the process is related to drawing down the moon. In a sense, you are drawing her down for each phase to enter your cord, so you may draw a pentagram over the face of the moon, or over the candle flame which represents her, and trace a line of power from the moon or flame into your cord, stating words of power.

Next (fill in appropriate Goddess name for each moon phase) State alignments then add:

"By the one power. I hereby call upon you, Diana,
To enter this cord with your power
to charge this cord
enter this cord
for the good of all
and according to free will
for the work of positive magic only
To aid me in my work
at the appropriate times,
According to your will
as these knots are tied."

Then tie nine knots in the cord, placing them equidistant from one another and use the ninth knot to tie the cord into a circle. Then add:

"So mote it be"

Place this circle on the altar encircling your Goddess candle, and leave it there for awhile, meditating if you wish on the phase of the moon with which you have charged the cord. When you feel your work is complete, wind the cord into a compact little entity and enclose it in a tiny pouch or box.

This is kept on the altar. It is best kept near your own tools.

When you work with a moon cord either hold it in your hand or place around your goddess candle, as you do specific magic for which you need its aid. When you are finished, put it back in it's holder.

You may take it out and hold it under the moon during its name phase, to recharge it, but this is not absolutely essential. There is no drain on moon power, such as with a battery. The power is in the moon cord to stay.



What you need:

* Silver Ring you intend to wear
* Salt
* Dragons Blood Incense
* Purple Candle
* purple fabric
* purple ribbon
* Red Sandalwood (Sanderswood)
* a shell with water in it

Perform this ritual on the first day of the 3 days of the full moon in the hour of Jupiter.

In your magical space, place the dragons blood incense (burning) in the East, the candle in the south, the salt and a shell with water in it in the west and the fabric with the sanderswood in it in the north with the ribbon close by.

Take the silver ring and face the East with the incense in front of you. Pass the ring through the smoke of the incense three times and say "To the realms of Findias, I send my plea. I ask for the power of magic from thee. Protection from harm, your power to give; I ask for this now, so that I may live - free from harm."

Take the silver ring and face the South with the purple candle in front of you. Pass the ring through the heat of the flame three times and say "To the realms of Gorias, I send my plea. I ask for the power of protection from thee. Protection from all who would raise a hand; Against them all I beg power to stand - free from harm."

Take the silver ring and face the West with the shell with water in it and the salt beside it. Take 3 pinches of salt and place it in the water. Take the ring and stir the salt into the water by making 3 circles in the water while saying "To the realms of Murias, I send my plea. I ask for protection and power from thee. Protection and safety all stored in this ring. Please come from your realms, protection you bring - keeping me safe."

Take the silver ring and face the North with the purple fabric with the sanderswood in it and the ribbon nearby. Stir the sanderswood with the ring 3 times and say "To the realms of Falias, I send my plea. I ask for the magic of dragons from thee. Dragons who coil and leap to and fro, protecting me from harm wherever I go - keeping me safe."

Now, wrap the ring up in the fabric and tie it shut with the ribbon and place it on your altar or in a safe place for 3 days. Once the 3 days is up, either burn the sanderswood and fabric with ribbon or dispose of it in a free-running stream.

Now, wear your ring whenever you feel you need protection.


Spell of the Witch's Ring

This spell is a simple spell designed to charge a ring that will serve as a protection. The witch's ring is both a symbol and a tool of magic.

As a symbol it identifies the wearer as a practitioner of the old ways, and declares one a user of magick. As a tool the ring connects the witch to the metaphysical concepts whereby Witches weave their magic. The ring serves as a reminder to the Witch of the forces at hand, and acts as a conduit to and from those occult forces readily available to the Witch.

The preparation of the Witch's ring should begin two days before the first night of the Full Moon. Midnight is best but nine in the evening will do if necessary. The spell calls for a ring with a stone setting.

Consult a table of occult correspondences for a stone that you wish to form an alignment with. Once you have the ring you desire to use, then perform the following ritual.

Consecrate the ring to the four elements. To do this simply prepare four bowls. Pour salt into one bowl, and place smoking incense in another. In the third bowl set a lighted red votive candle. Pour clean water into the last bowl. Then touch the ring to each bowl saying: "I consecrate thee by Earth(salt),Air(incense),Fire (votive candle), and Water(water bowl)."

Pour a small amount of personal; l cologne in your burning dish. Light the fluid. Hold the ring over the flame, turning it and chanting:

"I dedicate and consecrate this ring with a stone of _______and metal of_______to be a ring of Witchery unto me with the powers of the Goddess three, the lady of all Witchery, and as my word so mote it be.

Place an incense of the Moon in a bowl and light it. Set a bottle of Moon oil nearby. Hold the ring over the incense, passing it through the smoke three times. Then anoint the ring with the oil. Wrap the ring in a red cloth or tissue paper and leave it for three nights in a place where the Moon will shine on it each night, at the same hour(at least one hour after sundown on an odd numbered hour.)

Chant the following over the ring(still in the red wrapping):

"Any and all who perfect an image of me, with my likeness or as a crude consecrated image to be me, to do me bodily harm or to injure me spiritually and try to take my breath away. to cause me to dwindle or pine, pine away to nothing, to wish evil upon me, to badger me with their anger or bad thoughts, by picture, image, or name, the ring of my lady protect me, metal and stone, flesh and bone, safe forever in your powers, free from evil, fear or despair, on the sender of the evil will rebound by the law of the lady thrice crowned, hearken all unto me, as I speak, so mote it be."

At this point you are done. Wear the ring whenever you are in a ritual setting, or whenever you feel the need for protection. On the night of each full moon thereafter, anoint the ring again by rubbing a drop of oil on the stone. Then raise the ring up toward the Moon and ask for blessings in the name of the goddess.

(source unknown)


An herb jar to enhance your powers, physically, psychicly, and mentally. It may be used before commencing rituals involving scrying, mirror evocation, summoning, trancing, or dream-work.

Fill a jar with a mixture of the following:

Cinnamon (for dream magick) [also draws money]
Nutmeg (for good luck) [also draws money]
Allspice (healing) [also draws money]
Ginger (lunar magick) [also increases energy]
Basil (protection) [also for a happy home]
Fennel seeds (spiritual healing) [also for psychic abilities]
Garlic (spiritual purification)
Marjoram (protection)
Sage (spiritual purification) [also for wisdom]
Cloves (protection) [also draws money]
[White or Yellow] Mustard seed (protection)

Before you do any scrying -- of any kind -- inhale the scent deeply and shake the jar gently.

(source unknown)


Items needed:

Herbs such as Sagebrush, Chapparal or Rosemary
Wool yarn in blue or tan

Start by gathering fresh herbs, of about twelve (12") to fifteen (15") inches long. Gently shake off any dust. If they must be washed, do it gently and dry carefully and thoroughly.

Bundle the leafy stems together. Hold in your left hand and lay a hanging loop of yarn, extending a few inches above the ends of the herbs. Start wrapping the long end around the herb bundle and hanging loop end.

Focus on your use for this herb bundle. (We use ours in room purification rituals.)

Continue winding the yarn around, being sure that the yarns lie flat against each other. Do this until you have gone up the bundle three (3") or four (4")inches.

Next, wrap the yarn around the herb deosil, about one inch (1") between the yarns. Keep it taut.

When you get to the top; reverse the herb and do the same process back to the handle. (This forms a criss-cross pattern.)

Make a slip knot over the top portion of the handle to secure it. Continue to wrap the 'handle' portion.

Cut off the free yarn, leaving a three inch tail.

Tie the end of the yarn around the hanging loop.

Tuck the free end under the 'handle'.

Consecrate prior to use.

To use:

Dip the bundle into chalice of ritual water. Sprinkle the area by shaking the bundle at it. Be sure to extend your arm out fully, to allow the powers to flow freely.

(source unknown)


This mixture is excellent to charge stones in and to "simmer energies". Once it has blended for a few months, a pinch can be added to rituals, bathwater, gift to Mother Earth,etc..

You can also make a "starter salt" as a gift for a friend. You can also give of your own sacred salt mixture to a special friend to help blend powers and energies when they make their own sacred salt mixture.

The mixture should be made and kept in a covered stone or Earthen jar, but can be made and kept in a covered glass jar until you find one that is suitable. There are thoughts on what kind of salt to use. Some use rock salt, some Earth salt and some sea salt, some even use normal table salt. Whatever salt you use, make sure that it is "natural" and not iodized.

You blend the salt with chopped or ground herbs, tiny crystals, small stones, jewelry, ground incense and a few drops of your favorite oils, anything that you wish. Even rose petals and other flowers, or a lock of hair that is braided or twined in ribbon (personal salts only). When you have cleansed and charged the stones and crystals by Sun and Moon, place them in this mixture to store until you wish to use them or give them as gifts.

(source unknown)


Use a candle of dark color to melt. when melted pour into a flat square dish cut it when set into a 2x2 inch. with a awl or nail carve your astrological sign on the back and then on the front carve this:


The words read forwards backwards up and down the same. The magic comes from the repeated words make the letters the same size and work from left to right, top the bottom do not let your shadow fall on what your have etched as you work.

Sator means literally the sower
Arepo is a plough
Tenet means he she or it hold
0pera are works or task
Rotas wheels in the like all magical objects

When your amulet is finished wrap it gently in gauze or cotton and keep it in a small red bag of any fabric tied with a purple ribbon. carry this for protection.

(source unknown)


4 lbs. lard
13 oz. lye (1 can)
5 cups cold water
1 tbsp. lavender oil
1 tbsp. patchouli oil
1 cup fresh strawberry juice
1/4 cup dried soapbark herb (optional)

In a large enamel or iron kettle,melt the lard over very low heat. ( Never use metal) In a seperate pot,stir the lye and water. Heat lard until small bubbles begin to appear - do not boil.

Remove from the heat and slowly pour the lard solution into the lard. With a big wooden spoon,stir in the lavender and patchouli oils,the strawberry juice and the soap bark herb. Simmer for about 30 minutes,stirring frequently.

Pour into 2-inch greased pan and allow to cool overnight. Cut the soap into squares and leave in the pan for at least 3 days before removing. Place the soap bars on wax paper and allow them to age in a draft-free area approximately 4-6 before using.




* 2 Cups Finely Ground Sea Salt
* 1/2-Cup Baking Soda
* 1/2-Cup Cornstarch
* 2 Tabs Light Oil
* 1 tsp Vitamin E Oil
* 2 Eggs
* Optional: Dried Orange or Lemon Peel, Rose Petals, Lavender Flowers

Aromatic blend:

* 2 drops of Roman Chamomile
* 6 drops of Marjoram
* 7 drops of Lavender

To prepare the recipe:

Preheat oven to 350� F. In large bowl, mix together all of the ingredients. Take a teaspoon of the dough and roll it gently into a ball(about an inch in diameter).Repeat this process with all the dough and place the balls on an ungreased cookie sheet. If you like, decorate the cookies with dried orange or lemon peel, lavender flowers or rose petals. Bake the cookies for approximately 10 minutes or until they are lightly browned (taking care to not over bake them). Allow the cookies to cool completely.

Yield: 24 cookies, enough for 12 baths.
To use: Drop 1 or 2 cookies into a warm bath and allow to dissolve.

(source unknown)


Witch's Ladders are used for spell casting, particularly binding a spell to someone for a good cause--health, prosperity, happiness, etc. Ladders may also be used to bind those who wish to harm others.

Witch's Ladder

Items you will need:

1 yard red satin cord -{symbolizes the Mother}
1 yard white satin cord - {symbolizes the Maiden}
1 yard black satin cord - {symbolizes the Crone}
9 feathers each of a different color

Gather the cords together and tie an overhead knot about 6 inches from the end. Braid the cords together to invoke the power of the Three phase Goddess. This is easily done by saying a chant during the braiding process, example:

"Maiden, Mother and Ancient Crone
Your powers to these cords please loan
I ask You combine them well
And bring your magick to this spell"

When the braiding reaches 6 inches from the (original knot) end, take a feather and place it in the center of the braid. Knot the cord around it and say an appropriate chant to add the properties to the color of the ladder. For example, when tying a red feather you may say:

"With this feather, I give you Fire, And love, passion and desire"

For a green feather the chant may be something like this:

"Prosperity, I now bestow, Bring money in and let it flow"

The chants do not have to be fancy to be effective. What is important is that you get the point across to the cosmos.

Continue this method until all 9 feathers are tied into evenly spaced knots. When the feathers are secure, enchant the ladder further by saying, example:

"Mother, Crone and Youngest Maid,
Carry out the plans I have laid
Add your blessings to this spell
So it serves { name of person } very well"

"So mote it be!"

Feather Magick

The magical qualities of feathers are determined by their color (and, sometimes, by the birds from which they fell.) Never harm a bird to obtain a feather.

WHITE- Purification, spirituality, hope, protection, peace, blessings of the moon.

GREEN - Money, fertility, growth.

BROWN - Health, stability, grounding, the home.

ORANGE - Attraction, energy, success.

YELLOW - Intelligence, blessings of the Sun.

RED- Courage, good fortune, life.

PINK- Love

GRAY- Peace, neutrality.

BLUE- Psychic awareness, peace, health.

BLACK- Not recommended.

RED AND BROWN- Healing animals.


GRAY AND WHITE- Hope, balance.

BLACK AND WHITE- Union, protection.

GREEN AND RED- Finances.


BLACK AND PURPLE- Hope, balance.

(source unknown)


Create this decorative wreath in minutes! Choose your own colored ribbons and flowers for a personal touch and you'll have a custom made wreath that looks like it took hours to create, even though it didn't. Of course, you don't have to tell anyone that; it'll be our little secret!


12" grapevine wreath
3 yds. length of 5 to 7 ribbons of various widths (3/8" to 5/8")
3 to 4 silk flowers with leaves
Floral wire


Cut 1-1/4 yds. From each ribbon, set aside.

Holding bundle of ribbons together, wrap wire around middle of bundle. Secure to wreath at the top.

Starting at the middle, loosely braid ribbons. Loosely knot ends (Knots will be removed later).

Attach ribbon bundles to wreath as desired.

Bringing bundles together at bottom, secure on wreath with wire. Untie knots at end of braids.

Pulling gently, allow individual ribbons in bundles to loop as desired.

Trim ribbon to desired length.

With remaining lengths of ribbon, form a bow. Glue bow to bottom of wreath.

Glue flowers and leaves as desired.

[Source=Steve Swartz ([email protected])]


You will need three lengths of blue cord or string, approximately two feet long. Sit in your magick circle and braid the strands together. As you braid, chant the following while putting your intent into the cord or string:

Infuse these cords, send healing power,
Have it grow with every hour.

Repeat the chant until you have finished braiding. Then say:

This is my will, so mote it be!

If you like, you can add a bead made from healing stone. Wear the necklace, or send it to the person you are doing it for.



The basic ingredients are table salt, baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) & Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate). Some herbalist also use borax. Add the salts to a large bowl in these proportions:

3 parts Epsom salts
2 parts baking soda
1 part sea salt (or borax)

Mix thoroughly. This is now the base from which you can create a wide variety of bath salts.

Its wise to add the power of colors to bath salts. Use plain food coloring for this purpose, letting it fall drop by drop onto the salt base. If two or more colors are required to mix an exotic hue (such as purple), mix these in a spoon first and then add to the salts to avoid creating a two-toned product.

Add many drops for a darker colored salt; fewer for a lightly hued salt. Mix the color into the salts with a spoon until it is evenly distributed.

Now add the essential oils drop by drop, one ingredient at a time, until the scent seems right. Mix with a spoon until all salt particles are moistened. (Could take 1/2 hour or more) As you mix, visualize the energies within the oils merging with each other and with the salt. Keep the salt's magickal goal in mind while you stir.

Empower the mixture. Use or store until needed.

As to proportions, rely on your nose to determine the exact quantities. The more potent the finished products' scent, the less will have to be used for each bath. They should be strongly scented.

To use, add from 2 tablespoons to one-half cup of the ritual bath salts to a full tub. Mix with your hands, feeling their energies merge with the water.

While sitting in the tub, soak up the power. Allow yourself to receive it, or alternately, to release specific negative energies from yourself into the water.

Always keep tub clean. Ritual baths taken in unclean bathtubs won't have the desired effects!

Remember: Use only genuine essential oils!

[source unknown]


Cernunnos Bath Salts

* 1 cup of salt
* 8 drops synthetic musk oil
* 6 drops amber oil
* 8 drops synthetic ambergris oil
* 4 drops patchouli oil
* 2 drops pine oil
* 3 drops rose geranium oil
* 2 drops clove oil

Mix all ingredients together blending with fingers and place them in pretty jar for storage.

Note: never ingest essential oils.

Source=D.J. Conway - "Moon Magick"


Aura of Venus Bath Salts~for love spells~

* 1 cup of salt
* 8 drops of jasmine oil
* 4 drops rose oil
* 4 drops lavender oil
* 4 drops synthetic musk oil
* 4 drops frangipani oil

To make the bath salts lightly mix together the ingredients indicated and place them in a pretty jar for storage.

Note: Never ingest essential oils

Source=D.J. Conway - "Moon Magick"


Pan Bath Salts

1-cup salt.
2 drops cedar oil
4 drops juniper oil or 1/4 teaspoon juniper tincture
2 drops drop pine oil
8 drops patchouli oil
3 drops vervain oil.

Source=D.J Conway - "Moon Magick"


Here is how to make salt dough, it is good for making charms with, you can add the herbs to the basic flour dough, make the shape you want and carry it with you, I have also scented the dough with essential oil, and used a room refresher.

4c.all-purpose flour
1 1/2 c. warm water.

Mix warm water to flour and salt gradually and then knead dough until pliable. roll out, cut out bake at 325 until hard. (IF you are scenting the dough do not bake but let it dry on wax paper.)


by D.J. Russell (Nitekitty)

Use EQUAL parts of the following finely ground or powdered herbs:

1)Peppermint -
2)cinnamon - dream magick
3)nutmeg - for good luck
4)allspice - for healing
5)larkspur - for sensory enhancement
6)ginger - for lunar magick
7)basil - for protection
8)fennel seeds - spiritual healing
9)garlic powder - purification
10) marjorum - for protection
11) sage - for purification
12) clove powder - for protection
13) rosemary -

Put herbs in a pint sized mason jar.
Shake jar and inhale deeply.

I use this just before scrying, any divination and psychic work.
I also keep a jar by my computer for when I need a real pick-me-up!!

Enjoy! DJ Russell (http://www.geocities.com/nitekitty63/BOS.html)


First start by taking a purification bath, consecrate your circle, meditate and set your mind in a spell-making mood.

Make little packets of the following herbs (I use mini plastic jewelry ziplock Baggies to put the herbs in):

Chamomile; Red Clover; High John Conqueror Root; Lavender Flowers; Skullcap; Thyme; and Dragons Blood Resin.

Put 1 packet of each herb in the bottom of a 1-pint (16oz)mason jar.

Put (7) mojo beans in the jar. (Mojo = aka "tonka"; "tonquin"; "tonqua"; "coumarin nut"; "dipterys odorata"; "coumarouna odorata".

Put the following (7) gemstones in the jar:

Garnet or Ruby = RED = fire element;
Citrine or Yellow Topaz = YELLOW = earth element;
Amethyst or Iolite = PURPLE = spiritual element;
Peridot or Emerald = GREEN = wood element;
Blue Topaz or Sapphire = BLUE = water element;
Clear Crystal or White Topaz = WHITE = metal element;
Obsidian or Black Onyx or Jet = BLACK = lower realms

Put (3) $1.00 (usd) bills in the jar.

Do a MONEY DRAWING SPELL - for instance:


Cast a magic Circle or get into a magic space. Bring with you the following:



In your circle, anoint the candles with the oil. Hold the gold candle and charge it with words to bring prosperity. So mote it be. Charge the black candle to draw you all that is safe, correct, and granted by the Gods and Goddesses.

Place the candles in the holders and as you light them say: This flame is the light of the God Mabon and the Mother Goddess Modron. Light the charcoal. Put a pinch of Prosperity Incense on it.

Take the paper and with a feather writing quill And Dragon's Blood Ink write your spell, what ever it may be, what ever you may want. Repeat this out loud, speaking to Mabon and Modron. Thank them for the bounty they have given you in the past. Think of the Wheel of the Year that has come before, and be truly thankful for all you have been granted.

Smudge the spell in the smoke of the incense by passing the paper through the rising smoke. Roll the spell and tie with some yellow thread or cord and set it aside. Place the fabric square or magic bag in front of you with some gold cord to tie it. Pick up your dried herbs and stone one by one. Hold them in your hands. Lift your hands and show them to the God and Goddess. Visualize the light of the God and Goddess striking the object. Place the herbs and stone in the bag, tie , and set aside.

Snuff out your candles or let them burn. You may want to relight them at a time when you want to again cast the spell.

(spell source unknown)

You now have a sachet and the spell paper - you have the option of making (2) of each if you use the spell above. Keep one set with you in your wallet or purse. Put the other set of sachet and spell paper in the blessings jar.

Consecrate and Dedicate the Jar, then put it in a safe hidden place!

Be Blessed! DJ Russell (http://www.geocities.com/nitekitty63/BOS.html)

by DJ Russell (Nitekitty)

Get a 16 to 20oz spice/ginger jar with lid, preferably with a dragon motif

Collect several foreign coins and (3) $1.00 (usd) bills and put in bottom of jar

Put a gold or yellow cloth in the jar to cover the money.

Put the following in the jar in specific order:

(1) 1"-2" laughing traveling Buddha;

(1) representation of a gold ingot, or actual silver ingot, or semiprecious stone ingot;

(3) I-ching coin tied with red ribbon in a small red envelope if available;

(1) 1/2 inch to 1" crystal ball or even better a crystal world globe

Use small wax paper envelopes or I like to use small ziplock jewelry bags to create packets of the following grains:

Barley; rice; lentils (dhal); pearl millet; sorghum

(Note that the millet and sorghum can be easily obtained in commercial birdseed. Millet is the small white seed and sorghum is the larger reddish seed.)

Put packets on top of crystal ball in jar.

Use a wax paper envelope or small ziplock jewelry bag to make a packet of SANDLEWOOD DUST. If you can't find the sandalwood dust you may substitute 1"-2" lengths of sandalwood incense. Put in jar above the grains seeds.

Put several semi-precious stones in the jar or silver or gold rings with the following stones:

green aventurine or peridot = wood
sodalite or blue topaz = water
red jasper or garnet or ruby = fire
yellow soapstone or citrine or yellow topaz = earth
white howlite or white crystal or white topaz = metal

Next place the following herbs in order in the jar so garlic is on top:

1 dram spearmint oil
1 dram sandlewood oil
1 dram clove oil
1 small packet of dried rose petals
1 small packet of chamomile
1 small packet of red clover
1 small packet of thyme
1 small packet of rosemary
1 small packet of cinnamon bark
1 small packet of skullcap
1 small packet of lavender flowers
1 small packet of high john conqueror root (if available)
2 tonka beans (if available)
1 small packet with a clove of garlic

If still room in jar throw in some more semi-precious stones like agates, amethyst, rose quartz, citrine, etc.... Top herbs (and stones) with a BAQUA COIN

Hot glue the top onto the jar until sealed tightly.

Cut 5" squares of material in the following colors:

blue; green; red; yellow; white.

Place squares on top of lid in such a way that ALL the colors can be seen. Start with the blue, next green, next red, next yellow, the top with white. HOT GLUE IN PLACE!

Take GOLD floral wire and use to tighten cloth squares to jar at point where the lid seam is.

Take (5) 3-ft ribbons of the follow colors and braid into a cord:

blue; green; red; yellow; white.

Wrap cord around narrow part of top of jar and tie with a double knot. Hot glue wire and ribbon cord to jar tightly.

Hot glue lucky coins or symbols to the top of jar and to the ribbon cord. What I did was hot glue a sterling silver dragon minuki to the top of my jar and then hot glued lucky coins on the knot of the cord and to the jar itself. I also took a gold lucky knot with tassel and wrapped its cord around the lid so tassel hangs off to the side.

Consecrate Jar and place in a protected place in the back of a bookcase shelf or in a closet so that it is hidden. NEVER show jar to strangers!! Take jar out once a year on Chinese New Year if possible, to clean and dust, then return to its hiding place.



Nature can be a wonderful stimulus to past life recall. Often, our past lives memories are linked with a particular landscape feature - mountains, oceans and so on. Particular flowers are well known as memory stimulators.

Flowers often remind us of our childhood as well as particular milestones and events throughout our life. Quite often, these same flowers were special to us in past lives as well. Just gazing upon them during meditation often opens a flood of memories. Why not plant your garden to facilitate your past life memory recollections? You can set up your garden comfortably so you can sit amidst these flowery wonders and meditate to your heart's content.

Poppy - all poppies are wonderful spiritual sstimulators. They help us get in touch with our inner memories in an insightful, humble and intuitive way. Poppies stimulate the "heart" in our past life memories - helping us get in touch with the real internal challenges we have set up for ourselves.

Lotus - this flower has symbolizes inner awakkening since ancient times. It can help us assimilate all of the impressions, memories and feelings we experience during deep past life recall.

Black-Eyed Susan - helps us face the deep inner issues ffrom our past lives that continues to haunt us in this present one. They help us come to terms with death and dying. Blocks are released easier in the presence of these humble colorful flowers.

Forget-Me-Nots - are very nostalgic flowers, which awaaken our karmic memories with the people closest to us in this present life. They help us delve deeply into our subconscious and bring the impressions up into our conscious minds.

Iris - are strong and regal flowers that hellp us tune into creative talents we have nurtured in our past lives. They rejuvenate and enliven us to embrace the reveries of our ancient lives.

Saint John's Wort - these healing little flowers help us to dream about our past lives and release the hidden blockages. Helps us face the issues of death and dying in a philosophical way. Thyme - this tiny flower and herb helps us geently fall into past life reveries and remember the significant parts.

Self-Heal - put us in touch with the lessons we nneed to experience now that originated in our past lives. Helps us to heal from past life wounds of all kinds.

Tulip - helps us develop past life dream recaall. As well, it facilitates healing from past life trauma.

Mugwort - Also helps with dream recall, intuitiive development and getting in touch with our past life creativity.

All of these flowers are classic past life recall stimulators. As well, be sure to pay close attention to the particular flowers that attract you. When you admire a flower, ask yourself "What is it about this flower that draws me." Listen to your internal answers and pay particular attention to any fleeting memories of the flowers from your past lives. You'll be amazed at how often memories of blossoms, bouquets and flowering plants are present in your past life memories. The sense of smell of fragrance is an ancient one. It's profoundly linked with our capacity to remember and recall. As well, the visual stimulation of flowers often awakens dim memories of the past helping us to get in tune with ourselves in other lives.

(c) June Kaminski, MSN - 2001 - 2002 -Reincarnation Central - All rights reserved. Design by June Kaminski, Visions of Adonai Design


You need:

1 oz. mica, finely ground to a powder
1 oz. quartz crystals, finely ground to a powder
1 oz. azurite finely ground to a powder
1 oz. talcon/bay powder
1 pinch powdered frankincense
1 pinch ground malachite
1 pinch oak, ash, thorn finely ground and mixed together with a faery blessing from your heart.

1 pinch finely ground mandrake root This mixture is not necessary safe (ie skin rashes, etc). Be reasonable.

Safer/Modern Mix

3 oz ultra-fine green glitter

1 oz glow-in-the-dark fine glitter

1 oz hologram gold glitter

1 pinch faery incense or oak/ash/thorn ground fine to a powder

To call Faeries:

(In the forest or a secluded area) CHANT:

"Fae Folk, Faery Folk, Faeries &the Fee
Give me the sight so that I may see
I come with a light heart feeling happy &gay
(please) Show yourself to me on this day"

Obviously, use this reasonably. Don't just randomly call them for no reason.

(source unknown)


Time: The waxing moon or Full Moon; or on a Sunday or Thursday.


1/2 teaspoon allspice
1/2 cup angelica
1/2 cup yellow dock
1/2 cup vetiver
1-cup lemon balm.


7 drops apple blossom oil
2 drops bergamot oil.

Instructions: This powder can be sprinkled lightly into your purse or wallet, as well as in your mailbox and near your main entry door. You can put some in a small bag and carry it with you.


Good luck, come in. Bad luck, depart.
Good fortune, enter my life and heart.

Source = D.J. Conway


In traditional feng shui, balancing elemental energy is accomplished by positioning an element or an object that represents it in a particular location. In gemstone feng shui, gemstones and crystals are used in place of other objects. The feng shui tool used to apply gemstone energy to your environment is the Lo Shu grid, also called the Magic Square, which looks like a tic-tac-toe grid. .

The Magic Square divides space into nine sectors/directions that form a matrix of attributes and associations:

- Career and personal journey; Element,, water; Gemstone, opal or pearl.

-Wisdom and self-cultivation; Element; earth; Gemstone, andalusite or tourmaline.

- Family and community; Element, wood; Gemstone, jet or amber.

- Prosperity and self/net-worth; Elemennt, wood; Gemstone, jet or amber.

- Success and reputation; Element, firee; Gemstone, peridot or obsidian.

- Relationships and partnership; Elemennt, earth; Gemstone, andalusite or tourmaline.

- Creativity and children; Element, mettal; Gemstone, malachite or azurite.

- Achievement and benefactors; Element,, metal; Gemstone, malachite or azurite.

- Harmony and spirit; Element, earth; GGemstone, andalusite or tourmaline.

To use the Magic Square, create a drawing of the floor plan of your home or just one room where you want to perform feng shui. With a magnetic compass determine the direction of north and orient your floor plan in the correct direction. Next, draw a Magic Square (tic-tac-toe grid) over your floor plan with the middle row of squares oriented north and south, and with the center square in the center of your floor plan. This will show you in what area of a room (or your house) to invoke particular elemental energy. Simply place one of your gemstones in the corresponding sector. .

The Magic Square also shows the basic proportions of elemental energy needed for balance. For example the earth element, which is vital for overall well-being (both physical and spiritual) occupies three of the nine sectors/directions. After all, it is the earth's cycles that we follow, and we are most healthy and strong when we are "grounded".




1 part dragon's blood resin
2 drops cinnamon oil
2 drops bay oil
10 parts alcohol
1 part gum arabic
2 drops rose oil

Steep the ground resin in the alcohol until dissolved, then add the cinnamon, bay & rose oils along with the ground gum Arabic. Filter and bottle.


1 part dragon's blood resin
15 parts alcohol
1 part gum arabic

The gums & resins must be powdered, added to alcohol, add EO's.


Since I love the scent of dragon's blood, I especially love to write in my B.O.S. with this ink. I hope you enjoy.

Materials Needed:

Dragon's Blood resin (powdered if possible)
colorless alcohol
tightly sealable jar
one cinnamon stick (chipped)
or 15 cloves
or one vanilla bean (chipped)
or 9 coffee beans (crushed).

Pour the resin and spices into the jar. Pour in just enough wine/vodka/???? to cover the resin/spices mixture plus 10% more. Seal the jar. The resin will leach it's color into the alcohol, faster if it is a powder than if it is resin chunks. The spices will leach their scent into the ink at the same time.

When you think it is dark enough, dip a sterile toothpick into the liquid, and test on the paper you intend to use it with. Let dry: is it indeed dark enough, or does it need more steeping? Continue steeping and testing.

When it is done, strain to remove the resin and spices. Return the liquid to the bottle, use for writing. Be advised that this is not a sun-fast ink, so it should not be used for things that will spend a great deal of time in the direct sunlight.




2 part dragons blood resin
1/2 part Myrhh resin
2 drops Cinnamon oil
2 drops Indigo color
1/2 part Gum Arabic
12 parts Alcohol

Grind resins and steep in alcohol until they are dissolved. Add Cinnamon oil, Indigo, and ground Gum Arabic. Filter and bottle.

Greater Celandine root makes a powerful red/orange ink
The juice of beets makes a fine red ink.

Ground Pokeberries makes a fine Purple ink.

Lemon Juice, or milk both can be used for the making of invisible inks.

Home Made Ink Recipe:
(Published in 1805)

Brown...boiled-down walnut or butternut hulls that have been mashed first. Add vinegar and salt to boiling water to 'set'. Black...add indigo or lampblack (soot). Blue...powdered Indigo. 2 parts, 1 part madder, 1 part bran. Mix with water, let stand then strain it well.

Taken from the twelfth century manual On Divers Arts by monk/scribe, Theophilus: When you are going to make ink, cut some pieces of [haw]thorn wood in April or May, before they grow blossoms or leaves. Make little bundles of them and let them lie in the shade for two, three, or four weeks, until they are dried out a little. Then you should have wooden mallets with which you should pound the thorn on another hard piece of wood, until you have completely removed the bark. Put this immediately into a barrel full of water. Fill two, three, four or five barrels with bark and water and so let them stand for eight days, until the water absorbs all the sap of the bark into itself. Next, pour this water into a very clean pan or cauldron, put fire under it and boil it. From time to time also put some of the bark itself into the pan, so that if any of the sap has remained in it, it will be boiled out. After boiling it a little, take out the bark and again put some more in. After this is done, boil the remaining water down to a third, take it out of that pan and put it into a smaller one. Boil it until it grows black and is beginning to thicken, being absolutely careful not to add any water except that which is mixed with the sap. When you see it begin to thicken, add a third part of pure wine, put it into two or three new pots, and continue boiling until you see that it forms a sort of skin on top.

Then take the pots off the fire and put them in the sun until the black ink purges itself from the red dregs. Next, take some small, carefully sewn parchment bags with bladders inside, pour the pure ink into them, and hang them in the sun until [the ink is] completely dry. Whenever you want, take some of the dry material, temper it with wine over the fire, add a little green vitriol [iron sulphate] and write. If it happens through carelessness that the ink is not black enough, take a piece of iron a finger thick, put it into the fire, let it get red-hot, and immediately throw it into the ink.

For those who prefer a more technical explanation: The ink would be composed mostly of iron tannate or gallate. The acids are extracted from the partially decomposed bark and, after drying for storage, are freshly mixed for use with wine and green vitriol. The ink could be made blacker by adding iron or iron oxide directly. It was commonly added as metallic filings, but the method of quenching an iron rod as recommended by Theophilus will also work, as it will produce a reactive oxide scale.

A traditional ink recipe, this one is much simpler. Take a quantity of albumen [egg white] and mix thoroughly with the soot. Then add honey and mix into a smooth paste. The ink is then ready to use.

Another traditional ink recipe. Gather some lawyer's mushrooms (Corprinus comatus) and place in a glazed pot or small cauldron. Leave somewhere warm for several days to allow the mushrooms to liquefy. Pour off the liquid and either use it as it is or boil until it is about half its original volume for a blacker ink. Note: this ink is less permanent than some of the others, but is easy to produce.

There were many other types of ink in use at the time, many of them obtained by suspending black pigments in some other medium (e.g. recipe 2). Black pigments included charcoal and bone-black (obtained by burning bone in the absence of oxygen). Compounds of gallic acid were also used as the basis for many black inks, which worked by oxidizing the surface of the vellum. If you are using a modern ink, beware of pure Indian ink -- this is far blacker than most of the early medieval inks. If you do use Indian ink, add a quantity of red or brown ink to it before writing.

In Anglo-Saxon England liquid ink was kept in inkwells made of horn.

Permanent Black Ink

1 egg yolk
1 tsp gum arabic
1/2 cup honey
1/2 tsp lamp black (can be bought in a tube or made by holding a plate over a lit candle)

Mix egg yolk, gum arabic and honey in a small bowl. Add lamp black to make a thick paste. Store in a jar. To use, mix a little paste with a little water to make a fluid.

Prussian Blue Ink

Dissolve Prussian Blue (available as laundry bluing) in water. Makes a rich blue ink.

Brown Ink

1/2 cup boiling water
4-5 teabags (or 4 tsp of loose tea)
1 tsp gum arabic

Pour boiling water over the tea bags in a large bowl, add gum arabic. Steep for 15 minutes. Squeeze teabags to extract as much tannic acid as possible. Strain and allow to cool before bottling. Use with a paintbrush or quill pen, etc.



Aquarius Sachet:

3 parts Lavender
2 parts Patchouli
1 part Benzoin
1 part Mace
1 part Mint

Mix, tie up in gray or some other dark colored cloth that appeals to you. Wear or carry to strengthen the positive aspects of your sign.

Aries Sachet:

3 parts Carnation
2 parts Juniper
1 part Frankincense
1 part Fennel
1 part Cumin

Blend the empowered herbs, tie up in a red cloth and wear or carry to strengthen the positive aspects of your sign.

Cancer Sachet:

3 parts Sandalwood
2 parts Myrrh
1 part Gardenia
1 part Lemon Balm
1 part Gardenia Petals

Tie up in a white cloth and carry with you to strengthen the positive aspects of your sign.

Capricorn Sachet:

3 parts Vetivert
2 parts Cypress
1 part Vervain
1 part Mimosa blossoms
1 part Comfrey

Mix, tie up in indigo, gray or any other dark cloth you prefer. Wear or carry to enhance the positive aspects of your sign.

Gemini Sachet:

3 parts Lavender
2 parts Mint
2 parts Gum Mastic
2 parts Clover
1 part Dill Seed
1 part Anise

Tie up in a yellow cloth and carry with you to enhance the positive aspects of your sign.

Leo Sachet:

2 parts Orange Peel
2 parts Cinnamon
1 part Frankincense
1 part Nutmet
1 part Juniper
1 pinch Gum Arabic

Tie up in orange, gold or red cloth and carry with you to enhance the positive aspects of your sign.

Libra Sachet:

2 parts Spearmint
2 parts Catnip
2 parts Rose Petals
1 part Marjoram
1 part Thyme
1 part Mugwort

Tie up in yellow cloth and carry with you to enhance the positive aspects of your sign.

Pisces Sachet:

3 parts Sandalwood
2 parts Sage
1 part Eucalyptus
1 part Anise
1 part Lemon

Tie up in a purple cloth and wear or carry to enhance the positive aspects of your sign.

Sagittarius Sachet:

3 parts Sassafras
2 parts Cedar
2 parts Clove
1 part Star Anise
1 part Dragon's Blood
1 part Juniper

Tie up in purple cloth and wear or carry to strengthen the positive aspects of your sign.

Scorpio Sachet:

3 parts Pine
3 parts Myrrh
2 parts Galangal
1 part Allspice
1 part Violet flowers
1 part Basil

Tie up in a bright red or blue cloth. Wear or carry to strengthen the positive aspects of your sign.

Taurus Sachet:

3 parts Patchouli
2 parts Oak moss
1 part Cardamom
1 part Rose Petals
1 Vanilla Bean, crushed

Tie up in yellow or blue cloth and wear or carry to strengthen the positive aspects of your sign.

Virgo Sachet:

3 parts Lavender
2 parts Patchouli
2 parts Cypress
1 part Caraway
1 part Fern
1 part Mint

Tie up in a clear yellow cloth and wear or carry to enhance the positive aspects of your sign.

(source unknown)

Dispel Negative Energy Charm Bag

This spell is to help dispel negative energies around you and involves making a talisman.

Take a small clear crystal, an acorn, some rosemary and mandrake and a bit of green silk or cotton. It doesn't need to be a big piece. Cast your circle and creating a pouch from the herbs, bless them with each element saying:

"While this dwells within, there will be protection without. Cleanse and charge this charm, element of against all who wish me ill!"

Now hang this somewhere not too obviously, like hiding it in a corner or over a window. This will protect you till next Samhain when you should burn it in the sacred fire, crystal and all. If it is not too tainted, the fire will just cleanse the crystal and you'll be able to retrieve it from the ashes but I always recommend just getting a new one.

(c)1997-1998-1999-2000 Nyx Wolfwalker


A Basic Guide to Charm Making:

A charm is a collection of herbs, gemstones and other tiny bits and pieces that are chosen for their specific energies to help with the desired outcome.

These are usually combined and sewn into a piece of cloth, or a mojo bag. It is then charged by a spell or a chant (tends to be more powerful). The chant is recited three or nine times to ensure it is powered. Charms can also be empowered by asking each element to bless it.

When making a charm, use natural fiber materials, such as cotton, as the vibrations can flow more freely rather than being trapped in a synthetic cloth.

Choose a fabric color suitable to your need. Gather together all your ingredients and cloth. Wrap the herbs and gems into the cloth and tie with either silver or gold thread or a colored ribbon (again suitable to the desired outcome).

Hold the charm in your hands and recite the chant as needed. Knead and really feel the charm. Then ask for the Element blessing as below:

Hold it over a candle and say - Element of Fire, bless and enliven this charm

Sprinkle water on it and say - Element of Water, bless and empower this charm

Sprinkle salt on it and say - Element of Earth, bless and make fruitful this charm

Blow on it or pass through incense and say - Element of Air bless, and empower this charm

Hold it in your hands and ask Spirit for a blessing - Guardians of Spirit, bless myself and this charm. That it may bring to me my desire, for the universal good of all, so mote it be.

Carry the charm on you or hold it a while every day and visualize you desire.

Article by Ostara Nitewillow Knightwolf


Herbs and Herb Magic:

The following is a list of herbs and their basic associations. These can also be used as substitutes. For example: If a love spell calls for LOTUS, it's possible to substitute orris root in it's place.

Cube berries, orris root, spikenard, vanillin, vervain, violet flowers, laurel, Adam and Eve root, Beth root, horse chestnut, thus thus, ladies thumb, lavender, lotus, lovage, magnolia, mistletoe, passion flower, patchouli leaves, lesser periwinkle, queen Elizabeth root, quassia chips, rose buds, herba mate, sweet bugle, skullcap, rose hips, orange blossoms, five-finger grass, heratease herb.

Myrtle, absinthe, aloes, cloves, darniana, dill seed, coriander, dulse herb, sweet basil, juniper berries, saw palmetto berries, Canada snake root, fennel seed, grains of paradise, satyrion root, snakeroot, verbena root, liquorice stick herb, patchouli leaves.

Buckeye, clover, fenugreek, high John the Conqueror root, low John the Conqueror root, nutmeg, marjoram, ruler's root, smartweed, tonka been, thyme, bayberry herb, echinacea, five-finger grass, Guinea paradise seeds, Irish moss, kelp, lemon verbena, scented lucky beans, silver weed, comfrey, colt's foot, black snakeroot, rattlesnake root.

Alfalfa, angel's turnip, ash tree leaves, basil, blessed thistle, chamomile, galangal root, grains of paradise, mustard seed, peony, yellow dock, wonder of the world root, Jezebel root, May apple (mandrake) root, little John chew, tonka beans, Irish moss, queen of the meadow root, quince seeds, parsley, five-finger grass, swiss leaves, silver weed, seven barks, sacred bark, John the conqueror root, four-leaf clover, Jamaica ginger root, rosemary, sumbul root.

Cinnamon, yellow dock, squill root, John the conqueror root, silver weed, Jezebel root, prince's pine, red clover, buckeye, Irish moss, five-finger grass, elm bark, thus thus, May apple (mandrake) root, scented lucky beans, tonka beans, sweet flag root, vervain leaves, golden seal herb.

Vervain, thyme, sassafras leaves (and root), peppermint, horehound, hops, eucalyptus, fever few, asafoetida, catnip, dandelion leaves, sarsaparilla, life everlasting, holy herbs, heal- all herb, golden seal herb, betony, hyssop, pumpkin seed.

Protection From Evil:
Vetivert, bold leaves, mandrake root, garlic, snake head, Gilead buds (balm of), stone root, basil leaves, bay leaves, asafoetida, quince seeds, lucky hand root, five-finger grass, dragon's blood reed, bloodroot, brimstone, frankincense, high John the conqueror root, sacred bark, Saint John's wort, African ginger root, black cohosh, grape vine, fern, rattlesnake root, plant of peace, wolf bane root, caraway seed.

Balmony root, blueberry, cruel man of the woods, Guinea pepper, knotgrass, black mustard seed, pepper tree leaves, poke root, poppy seed, rue, tormentillia, twitch's grass, valerian, wormwood, chicory root, flaxseed, jimson weed, mullein, red chincona bark, skunk cabbage root, yohimbee root, pepperwort.

Psychic & Spiritual Development:
Five-Finger grass, anise seed, burning bush, celery seed, lemon balm, gotu kola, mugwort, acacia, marjoram, parsley, cinnamon, mint, thyme, sage, rosemary, frankincense, bethel root, buchu leaves, bugle weed, calendula flowers, eye bright herb.

(source unknown)

Prophetic Dreams Sachet

2 parts Rose
1 part Jasmine
1 part Poppy
1 part St. Johnswort
2 parts Mistletoe
1-part rose Hips
2 or 3 pieces of Mandrake

Tie in a purple cloth.

(source unknown)



2-parts Cinnamon
2-parts Sandalwood
1-part Rose petals
1-part Cayenne
1-part Ginger
1-part Rue
blue or purple clothe
Eucalyptus oil
Chamomile, White Willow bark, or Wood Betony

Mix and tie the ingredients in a blue or purple cloth. Anoint with Eucalyptus oil and wear or place near bed at night. Some herbs that are medicinally good for pain relief and magically good for healing that you might add into the sachet would be Chamomile, White Willow bark and Wood Betony.

Source: Scott Cunningham's "Book of Incense, Oils and Brews"

Home Protection Sachet

3 parts rosemary
2 dill
3 basil
2 fennel
1 fern
1 bay
1 pinch of salt

Tie in red cloth and place in highest spot in home.

(source unknown)

Herb Amulets (sachets)

Sachet For Negative Forces In The Home:

At the front and back door of your house, hand two bunches of clover upside down. As you hang each bunch, feel the negative energy around you and direct it to each bunch. The cloves will then set out to fight the negativity around your house.

Protection For The House Sachet:

Get a fresh, whole coconut, drain it, and then, cut it in half. In a bowl mix fresh rosemary, basil, and half a cup of uncooked rice. Blend these together, then cover both halves of the coconut with the mixture. Fit the coconut together and wrap a white ribbon around it to keep it shut. Go outside on a Sunday night and bury it in the backyard. It will protect your home and backyard.

Another Protection For The House Sachet:

With a red ribbon tie a bunch of garlic to the corner of your front door. It will protect you and your loved ones from negative vibes that may enter your house. Never let anyone use the garlic for anything else.

Sachet To Improve The Mind:

In a little yellow drawstring bag carry vanilla beans, fresh rosemary and petals of a lily of the valley and place it around your neck. With each breath visualize your mind becoming stronger, remembering dates you will not want to forget.

Sachet For A Job Interview:

Fill a jar with crushed pecans, add three drops of rose oil and keep a luck hand (root of an orchid) inside with the lid shut tight. After three nights, place your lucky hand and seven pecans in a little red drawstring bag and take it with you to job interviews. With this little bag, you will feel confident while questions are being asked and will have a good chance of getting the job you want. Don't let anyone else, see the red drawstring bag.

Sachet For Spiritual Awareness And Psychic Strength:

In a medium size jar half filled with almond oil, add a teaspoon of dry yerba santa, damiana and spearmint leaves with seven drops of lime essential oil. Mix together with a plastic spoon and screw the lid on top. This is be used before spiritual healings, or for divination purposes. Place three drops on your hands before you start rub them gently together and place on your forehead. Then take them to the back of your neck, breathe deeply and start your work. You may even like to use this blend in your bath.

Sachet For Astral Traveling:

In a little purple drawstring bag, place two teaspoons each of dry angelica and crushed peppermint leaves and add a smoky quartz that has been cleansed with lavender essential oil. As you do this visualize what you would like from the astral realm and very night before you go to bed rub the drawstring bag on the bottom of your feet. This will take you where you want to go and protect you along the way.

Protection From Evil Sachet:

Make four little blue drawstring bags, each the same size. Mix in a bowl dry angelica, Solomon's seal and balm of Gilead buds. As you do this visualize your house protected from evil. Divide the mix into four equal amounts and fill each bag with it. Hang them or hide them in the four, corners of your house.

Sachet For Sleeping Problems:

Make yourself a little purple drawstring bag and as you do this think of a having a good night's sleep. Inside add a teaspoon of valerian and each night hold it in your hand while you lay in bed. Before you know it you will be soundly asleep and when you awake the little bag will be somewhere in your bed.

Sachet For Courage:

Sprinkle dry yarrow and thyme in your shoes. It will not only give you courage but it will stop the fear so you can accomplish what you have set out to do.

Sachet to Bring Money In Your Purse Or Wallet:

If you find yourself without a cent, sprinkle dry sassafras in your purse or wallet and you will always have enough for the things you need to buy.

Sachet For Money

In a green bowl mix equal parts of ginger, Irish moss and sesame seeds. Crush together to form a powder and as you crush it visualize your money needs. Light a charcoal tablet (cube) and on top add a quarter of a teaspoon of your money powder. Concentrate, inhaling deeply. Do this for ten minutes every night for seven nights, beginning on a Thursday night just after the sun goes down.

Sachet For Prosperity

Sprinkle fresh alfalfa sprouts in the front and back of your house. As you do this visualize your most wanted needs and recite the following:

"May the ground take this offering I give. May it bring me prosperity which is in great need"

Do this, seven times every Thursday and don't be shy sprinkling plenty of alfalfa sprouts.

Source= WebWitch (http://uk.geocities.com/paganeagle2001/)


Please feel free to use substitutes if you cannot find the needed herb. Also you can add a charm such as a small animal or symbol that has meaning for you or stone such as jade or amethyst to the pillow. A Dream Pillow can be made with a muslin tea bag or simply sew a small pouch to hold the herbs. I also like to add a few drops of Lavender essential oil but you may use any favorite oil or even a perfume.

The supplies you will need to create a dream pillow are: a piece of plain or muslin cloth; a piece of fancy cloth or of a material you can decorate; your choice of herbs and oils; an eye-dropper; wooden or glass bowl; wooden spoon. It is never good to mix herbs and oils with or in anything metal!

Before beginning the dream pillow, decide what you will be using it for: to repel bad dreams, strengthen your prophetic abilities, rest and healing, etc. Choose your herbs and oils according to the pillow's use.

To make a dream pillow, cut out two pieces of muslin or plain cloth to hold the herbs. These pieces of muslin should each be 12" by 8". With the wrong sides of the material (if there are any) together, stitch down the 8-inch side to the depth of 3/4"; stitch the same depth across one 12" end and across the other 8" side. Three sides of the fabric should be sewn. Turn this little bag inside out so the seams are now on the inside. This is the "inner pillow" in which you will put your herbal mixture.

Using fancier material, or a cloth you can paint or embroider, cut two more pieces of material 12 inches by 8 inches. Stitch them the same as the "inner pillow" except sew only to a depth of 3/8 inch. As with the inner pillow, turn it so the seams are on the inside. If you wish embroider it in any design or decorate it with fabric paints. If you plan to make this cover removable for washing, turn down a small hem on the open end and attach small Velcro disks or snaps to keep it closed.

In a large wooden or glass bowl, mix together the herbs you have chosen with a wooden spoon. This is done gently, rather like tossing a salad. With the eyedropper, add the chosen oils to the herbs. Use no more than a total of 5-6 drops at a time until you reach a strength to your taste. Remember, what smells nice standing over the bowl may well be too strong when you sleep on the pillow, so use restraint.

Fill your "inner pillow" with the herbal mixture. Don't pack it full or it will be uncomfortable to sleep on. Leave it a little flat. Turn in a little of the open end so the raw edges are inside, then sew this end shut. Slide this inside your decorated cover, attach the fasteners, and you are ready for sweet dreams.

Note: One can either slip inside their pillow case for even hang on a bedpost. I like to hang mine on the post and then squeeze and sniff before going to sleep. I also like to add a small piece of jade as well as a small amethyst stone.


Alternate Instructions:

1. Cut your fabric into 2 pieces, one for the top of the pillow, the other for the bottom.

2. Sew the pieces together with the wrong side of the fabric on the outsides.

3. Sew 3 sides together then turn inside out so right sides are now showing.

4. Fill mesh bag with a mixture of the flowers and herbs as well as a few drops of essential oil. Insert into a mesh bag, tie off with a string.

5. Place inside your pillow form and fill with pillow stuffing...don't over pack as it needs air circulation to release some of the scents.

6. Finish pillow off by adding Velcro to the open end of the pillow, this will allow you access to change the herbs and flowers when needed or to wash the pillow itself. Its best to keep the pillow in a flat shape not round. It will be inserted into a regular pillowcase for a sensational nights sleep.



Protection and Peace Pillow:

Club Moss for power, strength, protection
Solomon's Seal for protection
Burdock to cast away negativity, and
Maidenhair for grace, beauty and love

Healing Blend Pillow:

2 ounces Eucalyptus, dried
1 ounce Sage, dried
1 ounce Rosemary, dried
1-ounce thyme, dried
3 drops of Eucalyptus oil

Headache Blend Pillow #1:

2 ounces of Lavender flowers, dried
2 ounces of bergamot, dried
2 ounces of mint, dried
2 drops of lavender essential oil

Headache Blend Pillow #2 (warm or cold):

3 parts Lavender, the flower heads, dried
1 part Eucalyptus.
1-2 cups Rice
Stretchy velvet(crushed velvet)

You can make it long to be wrapped around the Neck or just about a foot long to be placed on the forehead. All you do is make a tube rectangle on the sewing machine, leaving room for it to be opened. Mix the herbs together with the rice and pour into the tube. Sew top on. ** I usually add a silver loop, or tie the ends with the ribbon. You can zap this in the microwave for about 100 on defrost(med) or keep it in the freezer. Just mush it around to get the natural scents to come out.

Nightmare Prevention Pillow:

2 ounces Basil, dried
2 ounces Pennyroyal, dried
1 ounce Mugwort, dried
1 ounce Thyme, dried
3 drops of Lavender essential oil

Sweet Lavender Blend Pillow:

2 ounces Lavender, dried
1/2 ounce Bay leaves, dried, crushed
1 ounce Lemon Thyme, dried
1 ounce Rosemary, dried
1/2 ounce Lemon Balm, dried
1 ounce Orris Root powder
3 drops Lavender essential oil

Relaxing Dreams Pillow:

1/2 cup Mugwort
1/2 cup lavender flowers

Peaceful Slumber Pillow:

1/4 cup roses or rose petals
1/4 cup rosemary
1/4 cup lavender flowers
1/4 cup mugwort
1/4 cup sweet hops

Pleasant Dreams Pillow:

1 cup mugwort
1/2 cup rose petals
1/2 cup chamomile
1/3 cup lavender flowers
1/3 cup catnip
2 tbsp mint

Traveler's Comfort Pillow:

1/2 cup mugwort
1/2 cup rose petals
1/4 cup lavender flowers
1/4 cup marjoram
1 tbsp passionflower, leaves or petals

Vacation Bliss Pillow:

1 cup rose petals
1 cup mugwort
1/2 cup hops flowers
1/2 cup lemon verbana leaves
1 tbsp lemon grass, cut in pieces about 1/2" long
1 tbsp jasmine flowers
1 tbsp chopped mimosa flowers
1 tbsp mint
2 whole cloves
1 small piece dried orange peel2 tbsp marjoram (optional)

Love and Happiness Pillow:

Maidenhair for grace, beauty and love
Meadowsweet to cheer the heart
Anise to keep nightmares away, and
Sage for peace, wisdom and healing.
Place it on or by your pillow.

Prophetic Dreams Pillow #1:

Sage for peace, wisdom and healing
Wormwood for psychic powers
Mugwort for prophetic dreams, and
Sweet Woodruff for refreshment.
Place it on or by your pillow.

Prophetic Dreams Pillow #2:

3 ounces of Mugwort, dried
2 ounces of Lavender flowers, dried
1 ounce of mint, dried
1 ounce of rose buds or petals

To be used on the 3 days of the full moon.

Prophetic Dreams Pillow #3:

1/2 cup thyme
1/2 cup vervain
1/2 cup rose leaves (R. eglanteria) or fragrant rose petals
1/2 cup peppermint
1/2 cup mugwort
1/4 cup marjoram
1/4 cup mimosa flowers
1/8 cup sweet woodruff

Note that the above recipes make 5-6 dream pillows a piece.

Protection and Peace Pillow:

Club Moss for power, strength, protection
Solomon's Seal for protection
Burdock to cast away negativity, and
Maidenhair for grace, beauty and love.
Place it on or by your pillow.

Healing Blend Pillow:

2 ounces Eucalyptus, dried
1 ounce Sage, dried
1 ounce Rosemary, dried
1-ounce thyme, dried
3 drops of Eucalyptus oil

Hops Sleep Blend Pillow:

2 ounces Hops, dried
2 ounces of chamomile, dried
1/2 ounce Eucalyptus leaves, dried
1 ounce Lemon Balm
1 ounce Orris Root powder
3 drops Lemon Balm essential oil

Restful Sleep Pillow:

1/4 cup lavender flowers
1/4 cup mugwort
1/4 cup sweet hops

Sleep Inducing Pillow:

1/2 cup sweet hops
1/2 cup mugwort
1/8 cup sweet marjoram

Convalescent Rest Pillow:

2 tbsp lavender flowers
2 tbsp catnip
2 tbsp lilac or mimosa blooms
2 tbsp mugwort
2 tbsp marjoram
1 tsp mint (any pleasing variety)
2 tbsp heliotrope blossoms (optional)

Romantic Evening Dreams Pillow:

1/2 cup rose petals
1/2 cup rosemary
1/4 cup lavender flowers
2 lemon verbena leaves, crushed
1 tsp mint
4 whole cloves
1 small piece of cinnamon stick,
1 inch long, broken up
3 mimosa flowers (0ptional), for a slightly more sensual mixture

Sensual Dreams Pillow:

3 cups rose petals
2 cups rosemary
1 cup lavender flowers
1 tbsp mint
Small pinch ground cloves (less than 1/2 tsp)
Even smaller pinch commercial chili powder
2 lemon verbena leaves, crushed
1 piece cinnamon bark, 1 inch long, broken up

Amorous Dreams Pillow:

2 tbsp sweet hops flowers
2 tbsp calendula petals
2 tbsp rose petals
2 tbsp jasmine flowers
1 tbsp catnip
1 tbsp marjoram
2 tsp lemon verbena leaves
2 tsp lavender flowers
2 tsp mint

Romance Novel Dreams Pillow:

2 cups rose petals
4 cups calendula flowers
4 cups rosemary
1-cup lemongrass, cut in short pieces
1-cup sweet woodruff
1/2 mugwort
1 tbsp mint
1 tbsp marjoram
1 tsp fennel seed
1 lemon geranium leaf (Such as Mabel Grey)
1 piece cinnamon bark, about 1/2 " long broken
Tiny pinch of commercial chili powder (optional), if you want even more complexity and action


Dream Pillow - By DJ Conway

Every ordinary person dreams when they sleep. Scientists have discovered that if we do not dream, because of the use of drugs or sleep-deprivation for example, we can become disoriented, distracted, and even nearly schizophrenic during our waking time. Dreaming appears to be essential to a healthy mind.

Dreams are the subconscious mind's way of communicating with the conscious mind. As the subconscious mind uses symbols instead of words to communicate, dreams are generally symbolic of something. The subconscious mind uses metaphors, sometimes in the wildest possible way, to get our attention.

If the subconscious mind feels that we cannot emotionally endure being shown troubling parts of a problem, it will often symbolically present part of the action but delete the toughest parts. When we accept the first actions we are shown in dreams, then the dream will later expand to include the rest.

Dreams can provide answers. By thinking about a certain thing you want solved just before you go to sleep, you program your subconscious mind to send up solutions.

The images and actions in dreams are tailored to each individual by her/his own subconscious mind. That is why so few dream books are any help at all. By recording your dreams, you will begin to see a pattern in the symbolic images and form your own interpretations. However, there are a few symbols that appear to be universal in interpretation. For example, mud and manure represent money or prosperity.

Making dream pillows for specific purposes is an excellent way to make your subconscious mind work with you on problem-solving, prophecy, etc. Dream pillows will also help when you are troubled by nightmares.

Traditionally, certain herbs and oils are used for specific purposes. The following lists of herbs and oils will help you decide which you want in your personal dream pillow. Do NOT ingest herbs and oils!


Bergamot: (not the mint kind!) soothes the nerves, gives relaxing sleep.

Hyacinth: stops nightmares.

Jasmine: helps increase psychic dreams, lifts depression, quiets the nerves; is calming.

Lavender: relaxing deep sleep.

Lilac: recalling past lives.

Mimosa: prophetic dreams; getting to the truth; making decisions.


Angelica: prophetic dreams and visions.

Anise: use just a little to repel nightmares.

Bay Laurel: inspiration; repels negativity.

Cedar: helps to repel bad dreams.

Cloves: use just a tiny amount because of the strong odor. Retrieving buried memories.

Hops: restful sleep and healing.

Marjoram: relieves depression.

Mugwort: visions and prophetic dreams.

Mullein: repels bad dreams.

Rosemary: use just a little as it is very strongly scented. Avoid nightmares and headaches.

St. Johns Wort: banishes spirits.

Valerian: deep rest. Some cats love this herb as much as catnip so keep it out of their reach!

From Ram's Little Dodoen, 1606

"Take dried rose leaves keep them in a glass which will keep them sweet and then take powder of mint, powder of cloves in a gross powder, and put the same to the Rose leaves than put all these together in a baggy and Take that to bedded with you and it will cause you to sleep and it is good to smell unto at other times."


Linen or cotton clothe to make the bag
1/4 c. dried red rose petals
1/2 c. dried spearmint, peppermint, or chocolate mint leaves, or
slightly less orange bergamot mint (Mentha Citrata)*, ground in a
mortar and pestle to powder
Several teaspoons powdered cloves


Add your ground mint and your powdered cloves to the rose petals and mix until the scent pleases you. From an approximately 4" by 4" piece of cloth, sew a 'bag', using doubled thickness of the fabric and leaving one side open. Turn inside out and 'French seam' the seams of the 'bag' down. Fill with rose petal mixture. Sew up open end, indent and French seam the end. (This is to keep the seams from leaking.)


Gerard says of mint "the smell rejoices the heart of man." Mint was generally held to help headaches, stomach discomfort, and fever. Culpeper says, "Rose-leaves and mint, heated and applied outwardly to the stomach, stay castings, strengthen a weak stomach and applied as a fomentation to the region of the liver and heart, greatly cool and temper them, quiet the over-heated spirits and cause rest and sleep." Cloves were supposed to be good for indigestion. All three were generally used against indigestion.


A Charm for Energy:

There are times when everyone needs a little pick-me-up, especially with today's hectic schedules. This talisman is created to provide improved energy when you find your feet dragging.

Begin by finding a small bottle with a secure top when the moon is in its waxing phase, or when the sun is in Taurus. In a pan place one cup of water, a tablespoon of honey, quarter teaspoon of vanilla extract, two or three sprigs of rosemary, a quarter inch of bruised gingerroot, and a couple of allspice berries. Warm this over a low flame to create a heady tea. While it cooks, stir the mixture clockwise repeating the phrase, "Energy and power in this magical hour."

Cool and strain the tea, adding two tablespoons of rum (this is a preservative). Pour the mixture into the bottle and cap it tightly. Keep any remainders in an airtight container and store it in a dark, cool place. Carry the portable bottle with you. Whenever you feel you need more energy either smell the blend (like aromatherapy) or take a sip. Dispose of it if it ever becomes cloudy.

(source unknown)


What is the connection between embroidery and Magick?

A spell that has a lot of rhymes can sometimes be more powerful than one that has none. The rhymes help you to focus your energy. The stitches work in the same way to help you focus your energy into the project. Just think, you are tranforming a plain, blank piece of fabric into a colorful new creation that is woven with your magickal intent. How much more powerful can that be?

For instance, to rid a household of disharmony, applique a large circular area with various scraps of bright colorful fabrics to symbolize the home. Then satin stitch a heavy black diagonal line through the center of the circle to symbolically destroy the conflict and friction.

To welcome home a new baby, quilt a crazy quilt of warm prints. Embroider the edges with stitches from the list below while focusing loving energies into the thread. This will aid the newborn in feeling comfortable and warm in the first few days after they are born.

A protection amulet for your car. Make a small pillow in the shape of your car (roughly). Embroider the edges with a blanket stitch of red thread while imagining your car encircled in a ball of white light, perfectly protected from any harm. Place the amulet in your car. Send it some energies each time you start your car and you it will stay charged.

Here is a collection of Magickal Stitches you can use to enchant your projects with magick!

Chain Stitch

This stitch forms a series of tiny circles that connect in a continuous pattern. It is an excellent choice for working with the cycles of Nature and life. Also to symbolize the circle of birth, death, and rebirth.

Satin Stitch

Although this stitch lies flat on the cloth, it forms a spiral by travelling around and around, over and under the cloth, and thus reflecting the cone of power. Because the stitch is the same on both sides it may also be used to represent Universal balance. "As Above, So Below!" Satin stitch is usually used to fill in large areas so it is great for prosperity magick.

Straight Stitch

Straight stitches symbolize magickal pathways. Use two rows of alternating stitches to represent footprints, or a row of zigzagging stitches to symbolize a winding road. Lengthen stitches to represent great progress. Shorten them to signify caution. **Note: Backstitches- stitches used for outlining- also fall into the straight stitch category**

Blanket Stitch

Some people hang a horseshoe over their front door to keep the luck from running out," and the blanket stitch is the lucky horseshoe of the embroidery world. Because this stitch forms tiny lines shooting upward from a straight and solid edge, it works well for binding or sealing magick into any item. Try using it on the hems, cuffs, and necklines of ritual garments; on the edges of altar cloths; and on talismans of luck and protection.

Feather Stitch

This stitch is composed of short lines that alternately zigzag outward. Magickally. It symbolizes pathworking, spiritual connection, and interaction with others. When used to embellish seams, it seals the magick of one piece and connects that magick to the other section.

Lazy Daisy Stitch

Most often used in multiples to create a floral effect, this stitch is a good representation of Nature. Because the stitch forms a circle intersected by a straight stitch, it is also symbolic of the consummated marriage of the Maiden and the Green Man.

Interlaced Running Stitch

In this stitch, a thread of one color winds through a line of running stitches, then the other side intertwines with a thread of a complimentary hue. Because of the perfect symmetry, it represents the balances of love and hate, light and dark, the right and left hemispheres of the brain, magickal energies, and the polarities of male and female. The intertwining threads also symbolize the mingling of ideas and thought.

Cross Stitch

A depiction of the Solar Cross, the cross stitch is a God symbol. Though this stitch signifies joy, happiness, and success, it represents much more. Because two straight stitches of the same length cross each other exactly at midpoint to form the cross stitch, it works well in the efforts requiring balance, equality, or justice. The cross stitch is also effective for symbolizing duality of the Lord and Lady.

Herringbone Stitch

A version of the cross stitch, the herringbone stitch differs in that the cross does not form at midpoint, but at the top third of the second. Use it when working with relationships or unions of any kind, from romantic to business.

Smyrna Stitch

Another variation of the cross stitch, this beauty is sometimes known as the double cross stitch. It forms a good depiction of the eight Sabbats in the Wheel of the Year.

Check out the book Magickal Needlework by Patricia Morrison (available from Llewellyn Publishing) for these and other great ways to enchant your crafts!

Enchanting Your Needlework

When you begin a new project, set the magickal intent by enchanting the first stitch. Use the chant below or construct one of your own.

"Oh piercing needle, that which gleams.
[Your intention] is the reason for this spell.
Stitch its purpose through this weave.
And bind it thoroughly and well."

Of course, no enchantment would be complete without a binding to hold the magick. One way is to fix each portion when you finish with a strand of floss. As you tie the knot, chant something such as:

"I bind this portion of my spell.
With steel and fiber tied so tight!
Hold these handmade stitches well!
Contain their magick and their might!"

Another binding method is to work each thread end into the others four times and chant:

"Maiden, Mother, Horned One, Crone: Let this work be bound with patience and love!"

(source = http://www.countrycauldron.com/index.html )

Magickal Number of Strands

- This is the number of self, the ego, and the personality.

-This number symbolizes balance and it''s the number of strands most commonly used. Try using a darker and lighter shade of the same color together. This gives a rich effect to your work and is truly magickal in Universal symmetry. Also represents the duality of the Lord and Lady.

- "Ever mind the rule of three�" This nnumber relates to the laws of Karma, that each act or deed (good or bad) is returned three times over to its sender. Use this number when invoking or easing life's lessons, or when working with the God and Goddess in their triple forms.

- Four strands work well in projects deealing with the change of the seasons and the topographical directions of East, South, West, and North. Also the number of solidity and support, use it in projects worked to add stability.

- The Elements- Air, Fire, Water, Earthh, and Spirit- equal the number five. This number works well for projects dealing with money, travel, and adventure.

- Use six strands in matters of love annd harmony, or for projects pertaining to home, family, and related responsibilities.

Source = ( http://www.countrycauldron.com/index.html )


What do you do with all the thread ends from your projects? Make a protection charm with them by stuffing them into a small jar. Traditionally, the pieces of thread must be put into the jar one at a time. This in itself could be impossible, but for an embroidery artist, such a charm can be a natural byproduct of your work. Keep a small jar in your workbasket, and each time you snip a thread from your embroidery work, put it in the jar, with words such as:

"Thread charm protect from harm."

When the jar is completely full but not packed tightly, draw or paint a protective pentagram on the lid and put it on the jar. Then place it somewhere in your home where the mass of threads will act as a tangle net to ensnare any evil that is directed at you.

source = ( http://www.countrycauldron.com/index.html )


Dream catchers are popular today though a resurgence of Native American Culture and belief. Although such dream catchers are look much like spider webs, there is no reason why one cannot be another design. Pagans and Wiccans may wish to use the pentacle (five point star), one of our symbols. After all, the purpose of this implement is to snare nightmares, and any woven design will do this.

Some children are particularly frightened by bad dreams. It is difficult to rationalize such fright or explain it away. One of the best methods of helping the child cope is to hang a dream catcher above the head of the bed or the window nearest the bed.

A pentacle dream catcher is not difficult to make. It requires the following materials:

1. A circular ring.

2. heavy thread, preferably different colors, to weave the design with.

3. Tiny beads to thread the string through. (Beads are optional).

4. Feathers to decorate the ring with (optional).

To begin, tie one end of the thread to the ring. Wind the thread around the opposite end of the ring three times at a slight angle from the original attachment, pulling it tight. This will be part of the left leg of the pentacle. Each time you attach the thread to the ring, wind it three times. Now wind the thread about the ring a short distance from the first tying. Your design should look like an inverted V shape. Pulling the string to the left side of the ring, wind it about the ring a little more than halfway up the side. Adjust it until it looks like the lower angle of the cross arm of the pentacle. Now stretch the thread across to the opposite side and wind it about the ring. For the finishing angle, pull the thread back to the point of beginning.

If you carefully check the angle of the thread each time you prepare to wind it at the other point on the ring, you can adjust the design. Make a small loop at the top of the pentacle.

If you want to string beads on the thread, do it on each section before you wind the thread around the ring.

Dream catchers do work. They are symbols of personal control over your dreams. And the subconscious mind which creates dreams only understands symbols.

Source= 1996 Llewellyn Magical Almanac, by D. J. Conway, page 296-297


This neat bottle is to prepare you for the garden season ahead. As well as blessing your seeds for an abundant harvest. You'll need:

One seed from each plant that you to grow

A small bottle/jar with a cork or lid (a green bottle is preferable)

A brown candle

Place the seeds on your altar. Set the bottle/jar next to the seeds.

Light the brown candle.

Cast a circle according to your tradition, or just visualize a glowing white sphere surrounding you and your altar. Face the altar and say these words or similar:


I call on the Element of the Earth
I ask for your Blessings upon these seeds
May you provide a fertile anchor for these seeds to sprout
And their roots to grow
May you hold these seeds in your loving embrace.

I call on the Element of the Air.
I ask for your Blessings upon these seeds
May your winds not blow too strong
May gentle breezes caress my garden.

I call on the Element of Fire
I ask for your Blessings upon these seeds
May the warmth of the Sun cause abundant growth
May the Sun gently kiss my garden.

I call on the Element of Water
I ask for your Blessings upon these seeds
May you not rain too much, nor too little
So that these seeds may fulfill their quest
In the scheme of Nature.

I call on the Element of Spirit
The fifth Element that binds all together
I ask for you Blessings upon these seeds
Guard them as they grow
Fill them with the spirit of the Universe
Fill them with Love, Beauty, Health and Healing.



Now, fill your bottle with the seeds. Visualize yourself tending your garden. Visualize your garden the way you want it to look. See yourself working to make it look this way.(No matter how much you bless your seeds, if you don't take care of your garden. You won't get the best results). Visualize the harvest. Imagine how wonderful it will be to taste fresh veggies and herbs. Imagine the sweet fragrance of fresh flowers. Visualize your harvest nourishing you and your family.

If you plan on preserving your harvest, see yourself doing just that. See your family enjoying the "fruits of your labor."

When you have put all the seeds in the bottle. Put the lid on, and seal it with wax from the brown candle. Release the circle, and keep the bottle on your altar overnight.

Keep the bottle where you can see it daily, to remind you of the joys your garden will bring you.

Early next Spring, break the seal on the bottle. Go to a wild place and scatter the seeds to the winds. As you do this, thank the Elements for their blessings. And make a new one for your next garden.

Happy Gardening!!!!!



Source = Steve Swartz ([email protected])

Blackberry Wine


3 pounds of blackberries
3 pounds of sugar
1 gallon of boiling water


Wash berries and place in a large bowl. Pour in gallon of boiling water. Stir well, then cover bowl and leave for 10 days. Strain liquid into new bowl through muslin, add the three pounds of sugar and stir well. Cover and leave for 3 days, stirring once daily. Put into bottles. Cork loosely at first, so that air may move easily, then tightly after a few weeks. The wine will be ready in 6months.

Elderflower Wine


1-quart elderflowers,
1-gallon spring water,
3 pounds white sugar,
1 lemon juiced with the peel sliced thin,
1-tablespoon active dry yeast,
1 pound golden raisins


On a hot summer day, gather the flowers from elder bushes -they should be in full bloom. Strip the flowers gently from their stalks and loosely pack a 1 quart container to measure the flowers to a stoneware crock large enough to contain all of the ingredients. In a large saucepan combine the water sugar and lemon peel. Boil for one hour, skimming from time to time. Pour the mixture over the flowers to scald them and stir well. When cooled to a little more than lukewarm add the lemon juice and yeast. Cover the crock with a clean tea towel, stir with a long wooden spoon daily for 7 or 8 days until fermentation ceases. Put the raisins into a wooden wine cask and strain the wine into the cask. Discard the flowers and the peel. Let stand in a cool place. Seal the cask after 24 hours and keep for 6 months before bottling.

Harry Brown's Homemade ROSEHIP WINE

Rosehips are very plentiful in the woods where we live, and they make a splendid wine if a little acid, in the form of lemon juice, is added.

* Place four pounds of Rosehips in a bowl and pour on a gallon of boiling water.

* Stir in a pound of sugar, and when the liquid has cooled down to about luke warm, pour off a pint of it and make a starter by crumbling in an ounce of fresh yeast.

* When this is working well, pour it back into the bowl and cover the bowl with a cloth, taking care to stir the mixture every day, for seven days.

* At the end of seven days, the must can be strained off into another bowl, and the Rosehips must be well pressed to extract every drop of juice.

* Mix 2 pounds of clear honey with the must, and pour it into a fermenting jar together with the juice of a lemon and a little of the peel.

* This splendid wine can be bottled after three months, and six weeks later you will have a firelight wine, well worth the drinking. Fruits grown in your own garden provide the best and most easily accessible raw materials for making wines at home. Apart from the cost of cultivation, they cost you nothing; and plums, currants, gooseberries and raspberries can all be picked in just the state of ripeness needed to produce top quality wine. On the other hand, if you just aren't able to grow your own fruit, the summer months usually provide a glut of many soft fruits in the markets, and it is well worth taking advantage of this.. When ripe fruit is bought, however, it is necessary to pick it over well before using, for a single moldy fruit will taint a whole batch of wine.


Apples are plentiful in most parts of the country, and if you haven't an apple tree in your garden, it'll still be fairly easy for you to find an adequate supply. Windfalls are excellent for making apple wine, but any speckled or rotten parts must be cut away. Do not confuse apple wine with cider, for it is a much stronger drink. Cider is seldom worth making unless you have a large quantity of apples, but apple wine can be made whenever you happen to have a few pounds of the fruit to spare.

* Take as many apples as you have on hand, chop them into small pieces without peeling or coring them, and cover them with water in an earthenware bowl. Dinner plate laid on top of the apples will keep them from rising above the surface of the water.

* Cover tightly, and strand squeeze the apples every day for fourteen days, at which time they should be strained into another bowl.

* Add 2-1/2 pounds of sugar and a handful of raisins to each gallon of liquid.

* Pour into a stone jar or cask, and leave in a warm place to ferment.

* Bottle after 3 months, and cork well down when no more bubbles can be seen rising in the bottles.


one quart cowslip flowers
one quart dogwood blossoms
one quart rose hips
2 gallons spring water
7 lbs sugar
3 oranges
3 lemons
1 yeast cake (or 1 envelope dry yeast)

Cover cowslip flowers, dogwood blossoms and rose hips with the 2 gallons boiling water. let it stand for 3 days.

Strain through a colander and discard blossoms. add the 7 ounds of sugar to the liquid. slice the oranges and lemons, leaving the peels but removing the seeds. add the fruits to the liquid, stir thoroughly. boil for 20 min. and then remove from heat. let stand another 24 hours.

Add the yeast, dissolve in 6 tbs of hot water. stir and then strain the mixture through a wet muslin or clean dish towel into wine bottles, filling them to the brim. tie pieces of muslin over the bottle tops or seal with corks. do not cap bottles too tightly. small amounts of gas may form and must be allowed to escape.

The wine is ready to drink after fermentation has stopped and no more bubbles appear in the bottles. store in a dark cool place for up to 6 months.

Use this in your divination rituals...or place on alter as an offering to the Goddess during your divination rites. Can also be offered to any animal guide, fae, spirit guide etc that you ask to be part of your rituals.

(source = unknown)


24 large lemons, divided
2 quarts brandy
1 gallon spring water
sugar to taste
1 quart white wine

Take a dozen large lemons and pare off the rind. Cut the lemons in half and squeeze out the juice. Put the rinds and juice in a bowl and pour brandy over. Let it stand in a tightly closed earthen vessel for 3 days. Squeeze another dozen lemons into a pot, add a gallon of fresh spring water, and as much sugar as will sweeten the whole of your palate. Boil it together to dissolve sugar and let stand till cool. Add a quart of white wine and the lemon brandy mixture. Run it through a cheescloth and into a sterilized cask. Let stand 3 months and bottle it off for use. Keep the bottles well corked and store in a cool, dark place. It will be fit to drink in a month or so.

Associated Holidays: Midsummer, Lughnasadh, Sun Festivals




Enough red roses to fill 8 glass quart jars
5 to 8 pounds sugar
2 lemons, washed and dried
1/2 oz. powdered yeast
4 or more clean eggshells

Cut off and discard the white bottoms of the petals. Let cold water run over the petals for about 10 minutes. Drain petals and place them in a three gallon stone crock or enamel pot.

Pour two gallons of water into another enamel pot. While the water is heating add sugar and stir until dissolved. (The more sugar added, the sweeter the wine will be). It is necessary to use at least 4 lbs. of sugar for proper fermentation. Bring to a boil, and then pour over the rose petals.

Peel lemons, reserving the rinds. Add rinds to the crock of petals. Squeeze the lemon juice over the petals. Cool mixture to room temperature.

Dissolve wine yeast in 1/2 cup warm water. Pour into petals and stir briefly.

Cover crock. Fermentation should begin within a day or two. As the mixture ferments, stir with a wooden spoon once a day. Fermentation should stop in approximately two weeks.

When there is no longer any visible fermentation, strain wine into half-gallon or gallon jars. Squeeze every drop of liquid from the petals. Place two eggshells in each jar to help clear the wine. Seal jars. Let wine stand quietly for at least two to three weeks. Then siphon off the clear wine into clean wine bottles.



2 limes, zest and juice
3 to 4 quarts fresh sage leaves
1 pound light raisins
2 quarts water, boiling
4 pounds sugar
1 package yeast
1 1/2 cups orange juice, at room temperature

Combine sage leaves, raisins, lime juice and rind in a 2 gallon glass or plastic container. Pour one quart of boiling water over the ingredients. Let the mixture sit 2 to 3 hours, covered loosely. Boil 2 pounds of the sugar in the remaining water for 2 minutes. Add to herb mixture and set aside. In a small container, combine the orange juice and yeast. Shake vigorously and allow to sit undisturbed for 1 to 3 hours until frothy. Add to herb mixture and allow to ferment for 10 days, its opening covered with cheesecloth, stirring daily.

Siphon the wine into a wide-mouthed 1 gallon container, making sure not to suck up any of the muck that has accumilated along the bottom of the container or the skin along the surface. Cover with a plate that fits the jar's opening, and weight it down with several handfulls of dried beans. This will create an airlock. Boil the remaining sugar in a quart of water for 2 minutes and add to the herb mixture. Allow wine to ferment to completion. Siphon again, into bottles. Do not open for at least 6 months.


Making Blackberry Wine

1 gal. blackberries
1 gal. spring water, lukewarm
5 lbs. sugar
2 slices toast
1 pkg yeast

In a very large wide-mouthed container, crush the berries and add water. Mix in half of the sugar and stir until dissolved. Float toast on top and sprinkle with yeast. Cover container with cheesecloth and let stand for 5 days. Add remaining sugar and leave for another 2 days. Stir well. Let the mixture sit undisturbed for 3 more weeks. Strain through cheesecloth to remove seeds from wine. Bottle and serve when desired.


Strawberry Summer Liqueur

4 pints strawberries
1 cup rose petals
4 cups vodka
1/2 cup white wine, dry
1/2 cup water
1 cup sugar

Combine the berries, rose petals, vodka, and wine in a sterilized jar with a tight-fitting cover. Place in a cool, dark place to steep for at least 1 month. Crush the berries slightly and steep for another week. Press as much of the juice from the berries as possible, the strain and filter the liquid through a cheesecloth. In a small saucepan over medium heat, dissolve the sugar in the water. Cool and gradually stir sugar water into the liqueur, tasting as you do so. When it has reached its desired sweetness, bottle and age for another 2 to 3 weeks in a cool, dark place.

Associated Holidays: Midsummer, Lughnasadh




3 lbs. honey
1 tbs. lemon juice
1 pkg yeast
1 1/2 cp. orange juice (room temperature)
Spring water

Boil water with honey for 10 - 20 minutes, using 2 honey jars' worth of water for every 1 jar of honey used. Skim any foam off the surface. Let cool, and then pour into a 2 gallon glass container. Add lemon juice and enough water to make the mixture equal to a gallon, set aside. Combine yeast and orange juice in a small container, then cover and shake vigorously. Allow to sit undisturbed for 1 to 3 hours, until frothy. Add to honey-water. Cover with cheesecloth and allow it to ferment.

After fermentation has subsided, siphon the mead into a wide-mouthed 1 gallon container, making sure not to pick up any of the sediments which have accumulated along the bottom of the container or any skin on the surface. Use an air-tight lid, or cover with a plate that fits over the jar opening, and weight it down with several handfuls of dried beans, this will create an airlock. Allow to ferment for 3 months.

Siphon off and return to an airlocked container. Siphon again in another 6 months, and return to the airlocked container. After another 3 more months, siphon into bottles through cheesecloth and place in dark, cool area for at least 6 more months before opening.

Quick Mead

The real aged Meade was used in Celtic rituals, but with this recipe you don't have to wait for the fermentation process or for Beltaine to drink it.

1-1/2 cups of honey
1/2 gallon of water
1/4 cup of lemon juice
1/8 teaspoon of Nutmeg
1/8 teaspoon rounded of Allspice
3/4 cup or to taste of Ever-clear that you can buy in most Liquor stores.

Heat slowly, {chant optional} stirring all ingredients except the alcohol of course, in a large pot or cauldron, as the honey melts an oil will form on the top, sort of crusty looking, leave it if you wish as it adds to the texture or it can be skimmed off.

DO NOT BOIL this mixture, let it come almost up to a boil, it should be blended well at this point and remove from the heat stirring until it settles. When it has cooled add the Ever-clear and serve.

Source is:Castle Duncan

Soft Mead (non-alcoholic)

1 quart water, preferably spring water
1 cup honey
1 sliced lemon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg

Boil together all ingredients in a non-metalic pot. While boiling, scrape off the rising foam with a wooden spoon. When no more rises add the following:

pinch salt
juice of 1/2 lemon

Strain and cool. Drink in place of alcoholic mead or wine during the Simple Feast

source = http://www.moonsweb.com/

Making Dandelion Beer

1/2 lbs. fresh dandelion flowers
1 lemon (juice & rind, no pith)
1/2 oz ginger root
1 oz dry yeast
1 lb. raw sugar
1 gal. spring water
1 oz cream of tartar

Wash and clean dandelions carefully. Crush ginger and boil it with dandelions and rind of lemon, in water for about 10 min. Strain off liquid into large ceramic/glass jar with sugar and cream of tartar, stir until dissolved. When liquid is lukewarm, add lemon juice and yeast. Cover jar and leave in a warm place for two to three days. (until liquid looks clear) siphon off into bottles and leave for 2-3 weeks before drinking


Making Yule Brew

4 parts cinnamon
4 parts allspice
2 parts nutmeg
2 parts lemon peel
2 parts clove
1 part bay
2 parts chamomile
50 parts black tea

Stir together and serve hot or cold.

source = http://www.moonsweb.com/

Recipe by Gerina Dunwich

1 cup apple cider
3 cups milk
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup whipping cream
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
2 tablespoons brandy

Combine all of the ingredients in a large cauldron or pot and cook over medium heat for 13 minutes. Pour the hot eggnog into mugs and top each serving with fresh whipped cream (if desired).

Country-Witch Eggnog is the perfect drink to serve your Wiccan friends and family members at Yuletide (Winter Solstice) and Ostara (Spring Equinox) sabbats. (This recipe yield two quarts.)

(The above recipe for "Country-Witch EggNog Recipe" is directly quoted from Gerina Dunwich's book: "The Wicca Spellbook: A Witch's Collection of Wiccan Spells, Potions and Recipes", page 168, A Citadel Press Book, Carol Publishing Group, 1994/1995.)

Faery Milk

1 1/2 cups milk per serving
1/8 tsp. Vanilla extract
1 tsp. Honey

Warm milk, being careful not to boil. To each glass or mug, add honey and vanilla. Sprinkle tops with cinnamon.

source= http://www.moonsweb.com/


source=Heyde Class-Garney From 2000 Moon Sign Book by Llewllyn

With our demanding work schedules and busy lifestyles, baking has become almost a luxury today. And with the world's increasingly fast pace, it is no surprise that people often overlook the effect of the Moon on such a simple task as baking.

Still, on those occasions you do find time to bake, you will be most satisfied if you plan according to the Moon. This may sound silly, but the Moon can help you produce some delightful, hot goodies from the oven.

For instance, during its first and second quarters, the Moon will tend to foster growth in all things. If you choose to bake during the early, or waxing, quarters of the Moon, the growth and expansion of your baked goods will be encouraged. At the same time, you can do no wrong if you bake during a Cancer Moon. This Moon is well-known for its nurturing qualities and just so happens to rule over the stomach, which explains why some people have a tendency to overeat two days of the month. But more to the point, during a Cancer Moon you will feel very inclined to feed people, and baking will seem like any work at all.

Unfortunately, the Cancer Moon only comes around once a month for only two days, and there is only a fifty percent chance that this Moon will occur during the Moon's waxing phase. If you have to bake some other time, you can settle for the other cardinal signs of Aries, Libra and Capricorn, as they will produce excellent results during the Moon's first and second quarters. On the other hand, you are not strictly confined to any particular time for baking. You simply have to realize that if you want the best possible breads, cakes, and cookies, the above times are optimal.

In fact, there are many factors to consider when baking. Some bakery products, for instance, are more suited for use during particular Moon signs. In all the zodiac signs, foods have certain types of energies and are ruled by their own element and planet. The trick is to choose bakery goods that correspond to the energy of each sign as the Moon passes through it.

In the list below, different factors have been taken into account for you. With a little ingenuity, creative genius, and some good timing you can have some great baking experiences.

Moon In Aries:

Don't be surprised if you find yourself wanting to bake up a storm today, as this fire-ruled sign will inspire you to spark up the oven. As the Moon moves through Aries, zesty, robust, and flavorful baked goods will serve. So if the spirit moves you, go ahead and bake up rich poppy seed cakes, zingy gingerbread cookies, and any spicy goodies you can think of.

Moon In Taurus:

Pass up any store-bought baked goods; in this Venus-ruled sign you will feel an appreciation for the finer things in life, including a day spent in baking bliss. Taurus is a resourceful and practical sign, with a good dash of determination mixed in, so as the Moon moves through this sign you are primed for some productive baking. Comfort foods such as apple and cherry pie, oatmeal cookies, and banana bread, will be perfect for this placid, domestic Moon sign.

Moon In Gemini:

As the Moon moves through Gemini, your day is most often spent in quick conversation and frantic errand-running, so it's more likely that you will talk about baking rather than actually doing it. If you actually do find the time to bake during a Gemini Moon, you will be lucky indeed. Your best bet will be quick-baking recipes that require little preparation - almond cookies, date muffins, and packaged cake mixes.

Moon In Cancer:

The Cancer Moon is tailor-made for the proverbially happy homemaker. As the Moon travels through this sign, you will want to provide for everyone. Comfort foods that make your loved ones smile are best to bake now -blueberry muffins, pumpkin cookies, coconut cream and lemon meringue pies. Your entire family will be very receptive and will thank you wholeheartedly. They may be so happy, in fact, that they clean out the garage or attic.

Moon In Leo:

You can show off your baking expertise during the Leo Moon. Your creativity and ability to shine are at their height now, and you will find your efforts most highly appreciated. Showy, complex baked goods are best now; the aromas of pineapple upside-down cake, chocolate chip cookies, and cinnamon-raisin bread will produce many a winning smile.

Moon In Virgo:

The practical and health conscious sign is the best time for using your more detailed and wholesome recipes. Since perfection is Virgo's middle name, you can easily keep up with the highest of standards. A sensible choice for this day would be an earthy whole grain bread. Miller, oat, or barley are good grains to work with. And if you feel the need to spoil yourself, some peanut butter cookies or pecan pie would work nicely.

Moon In Libra:

With so many options, making a decision can prove impossible during the vacillating Libra Moon. But if it is any help, remember that Libra governs sweet foods. So you may choose to indulge at this time with any and all types of cookies, cakes, pies, cobblers, sweet breads, or pastries, though your thighs won't enjoy the extra calories. Of course making up your mind which treat to eat first could also prove quite a feat.

Moon In Scorpio:

As the Moon moves through Scorpio, it is not at all unusual to feel drawn to the kitchen today. The intense nature of the Scorpio Moon may cause an obsessive and overwhelming need for a sweet fix. So you well be satisfied by treats such as snappy ginger cookies, savory onion bread, and hearty blackberry pie. These items will fit your mood quite well too.

Moon In Sagittarius:

During the Sag Moon, you will feel optimistic and an adventurous, so you may very well find yourself exploring new baking horizons. Plenty of fresh ideas will fill your head, and your ordinary recipes will scarcely seem enough. Look to bake expansive, filling foods, such as macadamia nut cookies or carrot cake, or specialty foods from other countries, such as lebkuchen. But be wary of the tendency to overdo it - during Sagittarius it is difficult to say enough is enough.

Moon In Capricorn:

Hard work and responsibility fuel the Capricorn Moon, so you may feel a little dizzy from your achievements today. In fact, you'll be so efficient you might find yourself planning your baking needs for the next few months. So while you have the bug to organize, you should take advantage of it to conquer your most difficult baking endeavors. Preparing corn or cheese bread will leave you with a feeling of success. You may even choose to enter your rhubarb pie or cranberry muffins in the country fair.

Moon In Aquarius:

Don't be shocked if the notion to bake hits you like a bolt from the blue during the Aquarius Moon. This Uranus-ruled sign thrives on doing the most original, unexpected, and unconventional things. So go ahead and experiment with that unusual recipe, and share your efforts with your many friends and neighbors. Remember, the sky is the limit, so tingle your taste buds with some caraway muffins or mulberry pie. Or you can invent your own recipes for pistachio nut or hazel nut cookies.

Moon In Pisces:

What a wondrous day to trust your intuition and use your imagination. Ruled by dreamy Neptune, Pisces will help you conjure up new recipes, or will help you go with the flow and surrender to your innermost desires. During a Pisces Moon, you will find yourself baking water-ruled foods such as peach cobbler, apricot coffee cake, or sweet potato pie. So bake on to your heart's content!


2/3 cup of flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
3 eggs
2/3 cup sugar
2 tablespoons butter, melted
1 tablespoon hot water
Whipped cream (see recipe below)

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
Sift flour with baking powder and set aside.
Place eggs and sugar in a bowl and whisk until thick.
Fold in flour mixture with a metal spoon.
Add melted butter and hot water.
Blend thoroughly.

Divide mixture into 1 1/2 inch muffin tins that have been well greased and floured. Bake 8 to 10 minutes.

Remove from oven and allow to cool 10 minutes in a draft-free area.

Remove cakes from pans and allow to cool completely in a draft-free area.

Prepare whipped cream:

1 cup whipping cream
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

While beating whipping cream, gradually add sugar and vanilla. Beat until still, being careful not to overbeat, thus forming butter. Use as filling for fairy cakes.

With a sharp pointed knife, cut away risen area from top of cake and set aside.

Fill hole with whipped cream.

Cut cut-away section in half to form wings.

Place "wings" on top of cream and you have fairy cakes.
Makes 24 small cakes.

(source = unknown)

"Bee Sweet" Honey Cakes Recipe

1/2 C Rielsing wine
1 large egg
2/3 C flour
1/8 t. ground cinnamon
dash of salt
2 T. sugar
1 C honey
1/8 t. grated nutmeg

Beat the wine and egg in a bowl.
In a small bowl, combine the flour, cinnamon, salt and sugar.
Add the flour mixture to the egg mixture.
Mix until well blended.
Let stand for 30 minutes.

Combine the honey and nutmeg in a small bowl.

Heat 1/2 inch of oil in a skillet until hot, but not smoking.

Drop the batter into the oil 1 tablespoon at time; fry until golden brown.

Drain on paper towels.

Serve cakes with honey mixture, for dipping.


by Steve Swartz ([email protected])

(serves 4 - 6)

1 lb potatoes
1 lb dandelion greens
1 tbsp light olive oil
2 tbsp unsalted butter
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1/2 tsp salt
1 garlic clove, peeled
1 1/2 cups heavy cream
1 1/2 cups half and half
1/2 tsp salt

Peel and slice potatoes thinly into rounds. Immediately put into cold water. (prevents browning) Wash dandelion greens and remove stems. Stack greens and cut across into small ribbons. Blanch the greens in salted boiling water for 30 seconds if young leaves, and several minutes if they are older. Until they have lost some of their bitterness. Drain greens and put under cold running water. Squeeze out the excess liquid, and saute over medium heat in oil, 1 tbsp butter, all the garlic, and salt for 5 minutes. Preheat oven to *375 and rub baking dish with raw garlic clove. Let dry and grease dish with remaining butter. Heat the cream in saucepan with remaining 1/2 tsp salt, do not let boil. Place layer of potatoes in dish, then a layer of greens, then potatoes, etc. Pour cream into baking dish over layers. It should just cover the top layer of potatoes. Place dish into oven and bake uncovered for an hour, or until cream has been absorbed and the surface is bubbly and golden.

Beltane Cream Pie

1 cup whole milk
1 cup whipping rich cream
1/2 cup butter (not margarine)
3 tbsp. cornstarch
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 1/4 tsp vanilla
pinch Ground Nutmeg

Prepared pie crust, baked

Melt the butter in a wide pan over medium heat. In a separate bowl, slowly add the milk to the cornstarch, making sure it is fully dissolved and absorbed before adding more milk.

When the cornstarch is fully blended, add this and all the other ingredients, except the vanilla, to the cooking pan.

Stir constantly over medium heat until the mixture becomes thick.

Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla.

Pour the mixture into the waiting pie shell and sprinkle with nutmeg.

The pie may be eaten while it is still warm, as long as it has cooked enough to set. Or the pie may be chilled and eaten later.

Source = The Sabbats: A Witch's Approach to Living the Old Ways
Llewellyn's World Religion and Magick), by Edain McCoy


4 1/2 cups flour
3 cups sugar
9 tablespoons cocoa
3 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoons salt
12 tablespoons oil
3 teaspoons vanilla
3 tablespoons vinegar
3 cups cold water

1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2) Mix dry ingredients together.

3) Make three indentations in the dry ingredients, to one add the oil, to one add the vinegar and the other add the vanilla. Mix for three minutes.

4) Slowly stir in the water. Continue to stir for three more minutes.

5) Pour even amount into three 9inch round pans (make sure the pans are greased and floured so the cake won't stick).

6) Bake in the oven for 30 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.



1 Cup Finely Ground Almonds
1 1/4 Cups Flour
1/2 Cup Confectioner's Sugar
1/2 Cup Butter, Softened
2 Egg Yolks
1/4 Tsp. (2 drops)Almond Extract

~Mix Almonds, flour, sugar, and extract until thoroughly blended. With your hands, work in the butter and egg yolks until well blended. Chill dough. Preheat oven to 325 Degrees F. Pinch off pieces of dough about the size of walnuts and shape into crescents. Place on greased sheets and bake for about 20 minutes. Serve during the Simple Feast, especially at Esbats. These are wonderful cookies. Try them; you will not be disappointed.~



1 1/2 Cups Rolled Oats
1 1/2 Cups Flour
4 Tbsp. Sugar
5 Tbsp. Dark Brown Sugar
1/2 Tsp. Baking Soda
1/2 Tsp. Salt
12 Tbsp. Butter, Cut into 1/2 Bits
2 Tbsp. Vanilla Extract
4 to 6 Tbsp. Cold Water

Blend together all dry ingredients and sift into a deep mixing bowl. Drop in the butter bits and stir the oat and flour mixture together with the butter until it looks like flakes of coarse meal. Pour the vanilla extract and four tablespoons of cold water over the mixture, toss together lightly and gather the dough into a ball. (Add up to two more tablespoons of cold water, drop by drop, if the dough begins to crumble.) Wrap the dough in waxed paper and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. On a lightly floured surface, roll the dough out into a rough rectangle about 1/8 inch thick. With a stick and a sharp knife, cut the dough into two-inch triangles. Arrange the Sabbat Cakes about an inch apart on a large buttered baking sheet and bake ina preheated 350 degrees F oven for 20 minutes, until they are golden brown and firm. Cool on wire racks before serving. This recipe makes 40 two-inch triangular cakes.



1 Cup Butter
1 Cup Sugar
1/2 Cup Honey
5 Eggs
2 Cups Flour
2 Tbsp. Grated Lemon Rind
2 1/2 Tsp. Lemon Juice
1 Tsp. Rosewater
Pinch Of Basil
6 Fresh Rose Geranium Leaves

Cream butter and sugar until fluffy and light. Add the honey and mix well. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Gradually add the flour and blend thoroughly with a large wooden spoon following each addition. Stir in the lemon rind, lemon juice, rose water, and a pinch of basil--the herb of love. Line the bottom of a greased 9x5x3-inch loaf pan with the rose geranium leaves and then pour in the batter. Bake in a 350 degree F oven for 1 1/4 hours. Remove from the oven when done and let cake stand on a rack for 20 minutes before unmolding. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top just before serving.



1 1/2 Cups Buttermilk
1 Cup Honey
1/4 Molasses
2 Tsp. Baking Soda
1 Tsp. Salt
1 1/2 Cups Whole Wheat Flour
1 Cup White Flour
1/2 Cup Raisins

Combine the buttermilk, honey, molasses, baking soda, and salt. Mix the 2 flours together in a separate bowl and add to the buttermilk mixture. Stir in the raisins and pour the batter into a greased 9x5-inch loaf pan. Bake the bread for one hour in a 350 degree F oven. Turn the loaf out, inverted, on a wire rack to cool.~


Esbat Welsh Honey Cakes (Tiessennau Mel)

4 oz honey
1 teaspoon cinnamon
4 oz brown sugar
1 egg
1/2 teaspoons Bicarbonate of Soda
Caster (confectioner's) sugar
A little milk

Sieve together flour, cinnamon and bicarbonate of soda. Cream the butter and sugar. Separate the egg yolk from the white. Beat the yolk into butter and sugar, and then add the honey, gradually. Stir in the flour with a little milk as required and mix all together lightly. Whisk the egg yolk into a stiff froth and fold into mixture; dredge the top of each with caster sugar. Bake in a hot oven (425 degrees)

source = http://www.moonsweb.com/

Witches Granola

4 cups rolled wheat
1 cup rolled oats
1/2 cup bran
1 cup chopped nuts
1 cup hulled sunflower seeds
1 1/2 cups shredded coconut
1 cup raisins
1/2 cup sesame seeds
1/2 cup oil
1 cup honey
2 tsp vanilla extract

Mix together the rolled wheat, oats, bran, chopped nuts, sunflower seeds, coconut, raisins and sesame seeds. Heat the oil, honey and vanilla. Combine with the dry ingredients and mix. Bake on an oiled cookie sheet for 30 minutes in a 375 degree oven, turning frequently.

source= http://www.moonsweb.com/

Harvest Morning Muffins

3 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 cup grated apples
1 cup grated carrots
1 cup whole-wheat flour
1 cup all purpose flour
1 tbs. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. cinnamon

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Lightly grease a 12-muffin tin or line it with paper liners. Set aside. In the bowl of an electric mixer, blend the eggs, sugar and oil until well combined. Stir in the grated apples and carrots. In a separate bowl, sift the flours, baking powder, salt and cinnamon. Blend the dry ingredients with the apple mixture until just combined. Spoon the batter into the muffin tins and bake for 25 minutes. Makes 12 muffins.

source= http://www.moonsweb.com/

by Steve Swartz ([email protected]

3 C Blueberries
1 C Cranberries
1/2 t Lavendar Flowers
3/4 C Sugar

1 1/2 C Crushed Oatmeal Graham Crackers
1/2 C Brown Sugar
1/2 C Melted Butter
1/2 C Sliced Almonds

Combine filling ingredients and put in an 8X8 pan. Combine topping ingredients and sprinkle over top. Bake at 350 deg. F for 20-25 minutes until berries are bubbly.


This bread is generally used at Sabbats or learning circles for the wisdom required.

Begin with any bread recipe you choose. Whole grain or gluten free recipes work equally well. At the end of the last rise, just before you put your bread in the oven, mix together the following per loaf -

3 tsp. chopped chives or green onion tips
1/2 tsp. sage
1/4 tsp. dill
1/2 tsp. garlic (optional)
2 level tsp. butter (unsalted)

Grind the herbs and mash into the soft butter. Add 1 and 1/2 tsp. plain low fat yogurt.

Brush this mixture on the tops of your loaves and slit the bread lengthwise to brush the mix into the cut. Bake as normal and serve fresh.

(source unknown)

Strawberries 'n Cream Sponge Cake Roll

3 egg yolks
1 t vanilla extract
5 egg whites
1/2 t cream of tartar
1/4 t salt
3/4 cup sifted powdered sugar (MUST BE SIFTED)
1/2 cup all purpose flour (SIFTED)
1 - 2 Tablespoons powdered sugar
2 cups of sliced fresh strawberries
2 cups of Cool Whip
3 tablespoons of sugar
Whole Strawberries to garnish


Grease bottom and sides of a jelly roll pan and line with wax paper. Grease wax paper and set aside. Beat egg yolks in large bowl at high speed until thick and lemon colored; stir in vanilla and set aside. Beat egg whites (room temp) until foamy; add cream of tartar and salt, beating until stiff but not dry.

Fold in 3/4 up of powdered sugar. Fold whites into yolk mixture. Gradully fold flour into egg mixture. Spread batter evenly into prepared pan. Bake at 350 for 10 to 12 minutes - watch carefully - you don't want to over cook - only until sides are lightly brown and middle springs back when you touch it.

Cover a clean kitchen cloth towel with sifted powdered sugar. When cake is done, immediately loosen from cake from sides of pan and turn out onto the sugared towel. Peel off wax paper. Starting at narrow end of cake, roll up cake and towel together; let cool completely on a wire rack, seam side down.

Slice strawberries. If using whipping cream beat until foamy, gradually add 3 tableslpoons of sugar, and then beat until soft peaks form. Unroll cake. Spread cake with 1/2 whipping cream or Cool Whip and sliced strawberries. Reroll cake - without towel - and place on serving plate seam side down; spread remaining whipped cream on all sides. Garnish with remaining strawberries if desired. Chill until serving time.

Yield: 8 - 10 Servings


Goddess Confections: Sally Lunns

These spiced round teabreads, which originated in Bath, England, were named after a girl who sold them in the streets of Bath in the 18th. Century (1700s). However, very little is known of her. The house where she baked her cakes (the oldest house in Bath) can still be seen today, made to the original Sally Lunn recipe (which was found in a cupboard, in tact, in the 1930s). Anyone feel like tracking down the original version of this recipe??? Excavations in the Cellar Museum show remains of Roman, Saxon and Medieval buildings, together with an ancient kitchen. And, it is the Farrars, Janet & Stewart, who attest that Sally Lunns are believed to have their origin in the offerings made to Sul or Sulla, the Celtic Sun goddess and patroness of hot springs- whos most famous temple was, and indeed still is, at Bath (Aquae Sulis).

Sally Lunns Recipe #1

YEAST BATTER INGREDIENTS: Plain flour - 75 g (3 oz), Caster sugar - 1 tsp, Dried yeast - 2 tsp (or 15g (* oz) fresh yeast), Milk - 150 ml (* pint) plus 3 tbsp, hand-hot (warm if using fresh yeast).

DOUGH INGREDIENTS: Plain flour - 175 g (6 oz), Mixed spice - 1 tsp, Caster sugar - 25 g (1 oz), Butter - 25 g (1 oz), melted, Egg - 1.


1. Pre-heat oven to 220C / 425F / Gas 7. Butter a 15 cm (6 inch) deep round cake tin with melted butter. Line the base and sides with greaseproof paper.

2. Place batter ingredients in a large bowl. Beat well with a wooden spoon until smooth. Leave in a warm place until frothy for about 20 minutes.

3. Add the dough ingredients to the batter. Beat well with a wooden spoon until smooth. Pour into the tin and cover. Leave to rise until doubled in size.

4. Uncover tin and bake for 35 minutes, until golden brown. If the top becomes too brown before the end of the cooking time, cover with greaseproof paper.

5. Remove from the tin and leave to cool on a wire rack. Serve warm or cold, cut into slices and buttered.


4 oz. butter
1 oz. sugar
6 oz. flour 2 teaspoonsful Baking Powder
3 eggs

Beat butter to cream, add sugar and mix well. Put in yolks of eggs one at a time, and mix while doing so. Sprinkle in flour and after it is well mixed, add a little salt and the whites of the eggs well whiped. Last of all add baking powder, put mixture on a buttered tin and place in a quick oven. Slice cake and butter well.


There are lots of versions of this famous teacake and many include butter in the dough. This recipe uses cream instead, which gives a smoother, lighter result, close to the original.

450g/1lb strong (bread) plain flour
15g/�oz fresh yeast
4 tablespoons lukewarm milk
2 teaspoons salt
240g/9oz thick double (or clotted) cream, at room temperature
4 eggs, beaten
1 teaspoon ground mixed allspice

2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons milk

Put the yeast and tepid milk into a cup and leave for a few minutes until frothy. Meanwhile mix the flour, salt and spice in a large bowl. Add the yeast mixture, cream and eggs and mix until thick - just stiff enough to form into shape.

Halve the dough and form each half into a ball. Place each ball of dough into a buttered, floured 16cm tin about 8cm deep and sprinkle each lightly with flour.

Cover and leave in a warm place until the dough has risen to the tops of the tins. This takes from 1�-2 hours. Immediately place the cake tins in a pre-heated oven, Gas 6/200C/400F and bake for 15 minutes until golden.

Heat the milk and sugar for the glaze in a small pan until boiling. Brush the top of the cake with this mixture while still in the tin. Cool in the tin for a few minutes then turn out and split the cakes in half.

Spread with clotted cream or butter, replace the tops and eat while warm. Alternatively leave plain and eat with ice cream or a fruit dessert. It is also delicious toasted and buttered.


Half Moon Sugar Cookies Recipe

1 cup butter
3/4 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup white sugar
1 tsp each salt, baking powder, baking soda and vanilla
1 egg
2 1/4 cups flour

Cream butter and sugars. Add the salt, baking powder, baking soda and vanilla. Add egg, well beaten. Add flour. Mix with strong spoon until thoroughly combined. Add more flour if necessary.

Roll into a long cylinder, wrap in waxed paper, and refrigerate for at least two hours.

Remove wax paper, slice into circles and then cut the circles in half.

Place on a greased cookie sheet and bake 10 minutes at 350F.

Remove from pan onto plate to cool. Store in an airtight container to maintain freshness.


Midsummer Cookies!

3/4 cup softened butter
2 cups brown sugar
2 eggs
1 T lemon juice
2 T grated lemon rind
2 cups sifted flour
1 cup finely chopped pecans

Cream butter in a large non-metallic mixing bowl. Gradually add the brown sugar, mixing well. Add eggs, lemon juice, and rind.Mix well.

Cover the bowl with a white or yellow towel or cloth napkin, and refrigerate overnight.

The next day, shape dough into 1 inch balls and place approx 3 inches apart on a greased cookie sheet.

Bake at 375 degrees for abut 20 minutes.
Cool on racks. Yields 36 cookies.


Yule Ginger Bread

preheat oven to 375 degrees
1 cup dark molasses
1/2 cup hot water
5 tbs butter
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp grated fresh ginger
a few pieces candied ginger, diced very fine
1 tsp baking soda
2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour

Melt butter in hot water, mix in molasses. Add flour, salt, ginger and baking soda. Turn into greased pan, sprinkle with candied ginger. Bake at 375 degrees for 25-30 minutes. A dark traditional ginger bread for the longest night of the year, and a celebration of the rebirth of the Sun.

source= http://www.moonsweb.com/

Persephone Awakens Breakfast Cakes

2 cups flour
2 Carrots, grated
1/2 cup raisins
1 green apple, peeled, cored, grated
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup almonds, sliced
2 tsp. baking soda
3 eggs
2 tsp. cinnamon
1 cup vegetable oil
1/2 tsp. salt
2 tsp. vanilla

Soak raisins in hot water, in a covered bowl, for 30 minutes. Drain thoroughly. Heat oven to 350°. In a large non-metal bowl, mix flour, soda, cinnamon, and salt. Stir in carrots, raisins, apple, and almonds. In a separate bowl, beat eggs, oil, and vanilla until well blended. Stir egg mixture in to the flour mixture until just wet. Grease muffin pan with a little butter or use cupcake/muffin cups. Divide the batter into the cups and bake for 20-22 minutes, or until golden brown. Cool for 5 minutes before removing from pan. Makes 8 servings.

source= http://www.moonsweb.com/

Ostara Biscuits

4 oz butter or margarine
4 oz caster sugar
1 small egg
8 oz plain flour
1/2 level teaspoon of ground cinnamon or 1 teaspoon of grated lemon rind.
1/2 level teaspoon of mixed spice
2 oz currants
Milk as required

Cream the fat and sugar and beat in egg. Sift flour with cinnamon/lemon rind, and add to the creamed fat mixture along with the mixed spice and currants. Mix into a stiff consistency, using milk if required. Roll out fairly then cut out. Place on a greased baking tray and bake at 350 degreesF for 15-20 mins or until light brown.

source= http://www.moonsweb.com/

Housecleaning Recipes

All Natural Super Cleaner:

12 oz rosemary leaves
1 quart hot water
2 Tbsps borax
1 tsp liquid vegetable oil-based soap (such as castille)

Steep rosemary leaves in hot water for at least 10 minutes. Strain into spray bottle. Add borax and soap. Spray on and wipe off countertops, bath tubs, etc. For really tough spots, let soak for 10 minutes. Good for windows and mirrors, too.

Source = http://www.moonsweb.com/

Porcelain (Sink) Cleaner!

3/4 cup sodium sulfate powder
1/4 cup sodium sulfite powder

Mix sodium powders. Dip a damp sponge into powder, rub over area to be cleaned, and rinse with clean water.

Source = Norman Stark's The Formula Book Sheed and Ward, Inc. (1975)p.40

Window Spray Cleaner

2 tablespoons ethylene glycol (car antifreeze)
3 cups of water

Mix antifreeze in water and put into plastic spray bottle. Spray glass and wipe with lint free cloth

Source = Norman Stark's The Formula Book Sheed and Ward, Inc. (1975)p.42

Wood Furniture Polish:

1 part lemon juice
2 parts olive oil
1-2 drops vitamin E oil (preservative)

Mix and apply to wood furniture. Rub in. This will also take care of minor scratches for most wood finishes. keep the mixture in the refrigerator between uses


Remove Water Spots and Glass Rings from Furniture!

10 drops lemon oil
2 cups denatured alcohol

Mix oil and alcohol. Rub mixture onto water rings. Dry immediately with cloth!

Source = Norman Stark's The Formula Book Sheed and Ward, Inc. (1975)p.27

Wood Floor Cleaner:

2 1/4 cups mineral oil (try drug store)
3/4 cup oleic acid (try oil dealer or service station)
2 Tb household ammonia
5 Tb turpentine

Use 1 cup of mixture to 2 quarts of hot water applied with cloth or sponge mop. Does not have to be rinsed unless floor is quite dirty.

Source = Norman Stark's The Formula Book Sheed and Ward, Inc. (1975)p.18

Liquid Floor Wax #1:

1/8 cup paraffin
1 quart mineral oil
tightly sealed mason jars

Melt paraffin in double boiler and add mineral oil. Cool. Transfer to mason jars and seal.

Liquid Floor Wax #2:

1/2 cup ceresin wax (try ceramic supply stores or industrial chemical suppliers
2 Tb spoons yellow beeswax
2 1/8 cups turpentine
1 Tb spoon pine oil

Melt wax in double boiler. Take off heat!! Slowly stir in turpentine and pine oil. Cool and pour into containers. Apply with cloth and let dry. Give floor a really good buffing!

Liquid Floor Wax #3 (non-slip!):

2 cups denatured alcohol
1/2 cup orange shellac
2 tablespoons acacia (gum arabic) powder
2 tablespoons turpentine

Mix ingredients until acacia is fully dissolved and bottle. Apply with cloth or sponge mop and allow to dry for at least 1/2 hour.

Please note that all three wax formulas are FLAMMABLE so keep AWAY from heat sources!

Source = Norman Stark's The Formula Book Sheed and Ward, Inc. (1975)p.19

Mildew Away:

1 cup vinegar or 1/2 cup lemon juice
Pinch of salt

Mix together and use to clean the hard-to-get-rid-of mildew from anywhere


Drain Cleaner #1:

1/2 cup baking soda
1/2 cup vinegar

Pour baking soda down drain. Add vinegar. Stand back because the chemical reaction causes lots of bubbles.


Drain Cleaner #2:

1 cup baking soda
1 cup salt
1/4 cup cream of tartar

Mix together. About once a week put 1/4 cup mixture down drain followed by a cup of boiling water. Flush with cold water.

Source = Norman Stark's The Formula Book Sheed and Ward, Inc. (1975)p.37

Carpet Deoderizor Sprinkle:

35 Drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil
30 Drops Lavender Essential Oil
25 Drops Rosewood Essential Oil
4 Cups Borax

Add oils to borax, break up clumps and blend well, sprinkle on carpet and allow to set 15 mins before vacuuming.


Kitchen Spray Disinfectant Cleaner:

1/2 cup borax
1 gallon hot water

Dissolve in hot water. Spray and wipe off areas.


Brass/Copper Tarnish Remover:

White vinegar

Mix equal parts salt and flour, add enough vinegar to make a paste. Rub into the stain, repeat as needed.

Based on source http://www.moonsweb.com

Oven Cleaner #1:

Sprinkle salt on spills immediately
Baking soda
#000 steel wool

Clean grease with rag and vinegar. Sprinkle salt on spills. Let it sit for a few minutes. Scrape the spill and wash the area clean. For stubborn spots use baking soda and steel wool.

Source = World Wildlife Federation "HouseHold Recipes"


1 cup sodium perborate
1/2 cup soda ash
1/2 cup trisodium phosphate
2 TB powdered soap

Mix ingrediants and apply with damp sponge to oven. Let sit. Rinse with clear water.

Source = Norman Stark's The Formula Book Sheed and Ward, Inc. (1975)p.54

Silver Polish #1

1 Tsp salt
1 Tsp baking soda
sheet of aluminum foil

Put foil on the bottom of a pan. Set on stove. Add 2 to 3 inches of water. Add baking soda and salt. Bring to a boil. Add silver pieces, making sure water covers all parts of silver. Boil 2 to 3 minutes. Remove silver from pan, rinse and dry. For larger items run hot water into kitchen sink; add foil and soda and salt; let items sit for 2 to 3 minutes; rinse and dry.

Source = World Wildlife Federation "HouseHold Recipes"

Silver Polish #2

Place stained silver in a pan and cover with SOURED milk. Let stand overnight and rinse off with cold water. May sound weird and old fashioned, but it DOES work!

Source = Norman Stark's The Formula Book Sheed and Ward, Inc. (1975)p.39


1/2 cup Fuller's earth
1/2 cup chalk (calcium carbonate)
1 TB ammonium sulfate
1 tsp aluminum powder

Mix ingrediants with in a container with a fork. Using a damp cloth, pick up a small amount and rub on gold. Clean with dry cloth.

Source = Norman Stark's The Formula Book Sheed and Ward, Inc. (1975)p.40

Cheap - Easy Laundry Starch!

1 part wheatstarch
2 parts cornstarch

Dissolve 2 tsp of this mixture into 1 cup water. Put in plastic spray bottle and spray on just before you iron!

Source = Norman Stark's The Formula Book Sheed and Ward, Inc. (1975)p.33

Mold and Mildew Stain Remover

1 tsp household ammonia
4 Tablespoons hydrogen peroxide
3/4 cup distilled water

Mix ingredients. Apply to stain. Soak stain for 15 minutes. Flush stain with clear water. Repeat process until stain is gone, then wash normally.

Source = Norman Stark's The Formula Book Sheed and Ward, Inc. (1975)p.33

Saddle Soap for Shoes

3 1/4 cups water
3/4 cup oil soap powder (not detergent!)
1/4 cup neat's foot oil
1/2 cup beeswax or paraffin
pot big enough for water and wax combined
double boiler

In pot simmer water then slowly add soap powder. Stir but don't make sudsy. In double boiler slowly heat neat's foot oil and wax until wax melts. Turn off all heat. Slowly add oil and wax mixture to the soapy water. Stir gently until it begins to thicken. Pour into containers and allow to cool. Use a wet sponge to rub into leather and dry with clean cloth.

Source = Norman Stark's The Formula Book Sheed and Ward, Inc. (1975)p.35

Leather Waterproofing

2 1/2 oz Neat's Foot Oil
3/4 oz mineral oil
1/2 oz tallow (clean processed white grease off meat/bird suet)

Heat together in double boiler. Stir gentle until well mixed. Cool and bottle. Rub into shoes and boots with cloth.

Source = Norman Stark's The Formula Book Sheed and Ward, Inc. (1975)p.35


(Updated 10/04/03 D.J. Russell) ******* Music="House of the Rising Sun": by Bob Dylan(1978)


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