<BGSOUND SRC="dontfearthereaper.mid">
After seeing my website for the first time, my sister sent me this rather caustic but witty satire.  As they say, a satire is almost always a backhanded complement.  This also proves once again that a prophet or an artist is usually least appreciated in their own family or home town! [wry grin] Read and enjoy! Be Blessed! Sincerely, DJ Russell 

Subject:    about your web page 
Date:    9/9/2003 11:10:15 AM EDT
From:    "Carolyn  E" 

Hello.  I am a middle aged, fat white lady looking for sex in upstate New York.  I don't smile much, because this is my best picture.  Maybe some of my teeth are missing. 

Anyway, here's my address in a blinking marquis, even though I know blinking things are incredibly annoying, but it doesn't matter because if you are putting up with the annoying music this won't bother you.  Besides, you need to know where to find me when you come to get me. 

I am somewhat pedantic and proud of it.  I know it's really annoying to flash my degrees and thesis papers and such, but, well, refer to paragraph 2. 

I stay up all night, which is unusual considering I work all the time on a high-powered, high-paying job using my advanced degrees, and I make lots and lots of money, which is why I'm not interested in yours.  Come and get it! 

My black cat is named Nimue and is my familiar, and if you know what that means that's good because it will save a lot of time in explaining things. 

If you give good head, that's good, because I do too, but if you are selfish I will bite you.  I pop a lot of pills, with or without alcohol, and like to run around the house without clothing. 

Do you love & WANT [more] children & pets in your life?   Because I have two hundred cats and fifty dogs, and twelve little children that I adopted. What I need you for is to lift them all, because my only slightly debilitating injury-caused arthritis is somewhat inconvenient. 

If you find this enticing, come and get it!  The address is blinking right at the top of the page!
Music=Don't Fear the Reaper
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