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Incense Recipes Banner


Greetings! I have gathered these incense recipes from all over the Internet!! I have tried to assign authors when possible but many items are still listed as "source unknown". If you happen to know the author of a particular item PLEASE contact me! Just click onto the UFO button below!! Also, if you know of any recipes that should be included here, feel free to email me! I will try to update this page as soon as I can! Thanks and Be Blessed! DJ Russell
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Beltane Incense

1 tsp Rose
� tsp Frankincense
� tsp Musk Root
� tsp Cinnamon
� tsp Sandalwood
1/4 tsp Benzoin
1/4 tsp wood base
1/8 tsp salt petre

Note that this recipe is just a little different than Scott Cunningham's. He also likes to add a couple drops of Jasmine and Neroli oil to the mix.pg60

Mabon Incense

1/4 tsp Oak moss
� tsp Pine
1/4 tsp Frankincense
1/4 tsp Cinnamon
1/4 tsp Cloves
� tsp Rosemary
1/4 tsp Sage
1/4 tsp wood base
1/8 tsp salt petre


2 parts white sage (Native American type, not culinary sage!
1 part patchouli
1 part dried oak leaf
1 part lavender
a pinch of copal if desired

Samhain Incense

2 tsp Cypress
2 tsp Apple Blossoms
1 tsp Clove
1 tsp Wormwood
� tsp Hazel nut
1/4 tsp wood base
1/8 tsp salt petre

Scott Cunningham has a cute version of this call his "Raise the Dead" incense. 1 part pepperwort, 1 part red storax, 1 pinch saffron, and a few drops of musk oil. You are supposed to compound mixture and fumigate around the tombs of the spirits that you wish to raise!! pg87

Imbolc Incense

3 tsp Frankincense
2 tsp Dragon's Blood
� tsp Sandalwood
1 tsp Cinnamon
1/4 tsp wood base
1/8 tsp salt petre

Scott Cunningham likes to add to this mixture a few drops of red wine and a few pinches of the first flowers that may be blooming at the time. pg72

Lughnasadh Incense

2 tsp Heather
1 tsp Frankincense
1 tsp Apple Blossoms
1/4 tsp Blackberry leaves
1/4 tsp wood base
1/8 tsp salt petre

In the Cunningham version he also adds a few drops of Ambergris oil. pg76

Summer Solstice Incense #1

3 tsp Sandalwood
1 tsp Mugwort
1 tsp Chamomile
1 tsp Gardenia Petals
1/4 tsp Lavender
1/4 tsp Rose
1/4 tsp Yarrow
1/4 wood base
1/8 tsp salt petre

Summer Solstice Incense #2

3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Benzoin
1 part Dragon�s Blood
1 part Thyme
1 part Rosemary
pinch Vervain
a few drops Red Wine

From: The Complete Book of Incense, Oils & Brews
by Scott Cunningham: ISBN# 0-87542-128-8

Ostara Incense

2 tsp Frankincense
1 tsp Benzoin
1 tsp Dragon's Blood
� tsp Nutmeg
� tsp Violet Flowers
� tsp Orange Peel
� tsp Rose
1/4 tsp wood base
1/8 tsp salt petre

(Cunningham p.83)

Yule Incense #1

2 tsp Frankincense
2 tsp Myrrh
2 tsp Pine Needles
1 tsp Cedar (use as wood base)
1 tsp Juniper Berries
1/8 to 1/4 tsp salt petre

(Cunningham's version pg.100)

Yule Incense #2

2-3 tablespoon Ground Frankincense
2-4 drops Bayberry oil
1-2 tablespoon Ground Pine (its best to use pine needles, if at all possible.)
1-2 tablespoon Ground Wheat (optional)
3-4 tablespoons Freshly ground Cinnamon
(sticks of cinnamon are best to use, though the powdered version will do in a pinch)
3-4 tablespoons Fresh ground nutmeg
(Warning ........... fresh ground nutmeg can be very volatile around open flame)

In a small to medium sized bowl, add the Frankincense, to the Frankincense add the Bayberry oil. To the Frankincense and Bayberry oil add the ground Pine, to the Frankincense, Bayberry oil, Pine you can add the Wheat or not. Mix the first part together well until its well mixed, once you`ve finished add the freshly ground Cinnamon and freshly ground nutmeg to the mixture and continue to mix until you get it evenly mixed as you can.

Once mixed, place in airtight jar, and store until you wish to use it.

When ready to use, sprinkle some on to a piece of charcoal and let burn, and wait for the aroma to fill the room, add as much you need to keep the aroma going, for as long as needed.

This also makes a great Yule gift. As a gift idea, you can place the mixture into a nice bottle, place a green and red ribbon around the bottle add a tag and there you go a simple Yule gift.

by Nyx Wolfwalker from http://www.pathwalkers.net/

Full Moon Incense#1

3 parts Frankincense resin
1 part Sandalwood powder

Full Moon Incense#2

2 tsp Sandlewood
2 tsp Frankincense resin
1/2 tsp Gardenia petals
1/4 tsp Rose petals
a few drops of Ambergris oil

Full Moon Incense#3

3 tsp Gardenia petals
2 tsp Frankincense resin
1 tsp Rose petals
1/2 tsp Orris
a few drops of Sandlewood oil

Scott Cunningham's Incense Oils and Brews pg. 68-69

New Moon Incense

Frankincense one pinch
Myrrh one pinch
Heather 2 handfuls
Patchouli one good pinch
Cinnamon (female) 1 inch (inch, not pinch)
Lavender 1 handful
Lemon Verbena Oil 3 drops
Witch Hazel 1 1/2 handfuls
Saltpeter pinch or more

Lesson learned from this incense....NEVER NEVER NEVER anoint with Lemon Verbena oil unless you truly want to invoke fire! OUCH

http://www.ladyoftheearth.com/Assorted Incense Recipes/

13 Herbs Incense

Frankincense 1 pinch
Myrrh 1 pinch
Yarrow one palm
Sweet Dittany 1 pinch
Rosemary 1 pinch
Mugwort two palms
Witch Hazel two palms
Cloves nine cloves
Lemon Balm one palm
Orris Root 1/2 palm (2 pinches)
Sage 3 leafs (one pinch)
Rosemary Oil 29 drops (see *Note)
Saltpeter 2-3 pinches

This was an experiment to see if I could combine 13 ingredients. And have it turn out well! I originally planned on having 13 different ingredients....but....the Rosemary Oil is a repetition of the herb Rosemary.

*Note: 29 drops of Rosemary is way way way too much! After sitting a week, it was even stronger!


December Full Moon Incense

Frankincense one pinch
Myrrh one pinch
Ivy 3-5 small leaves, dried
Cedar two pinches
Patchouli three pinches
Sweet Grass four long strands
Rose Petals 1/2 palm full
Comfrey one pinch
Pine Oil nine (or so) drops
Cinnamon Oil 6 (or so) drops
Saltpeter 1 pinch (a little more if you like flare)

I mixed in this order in a marble mortar. Grinding the Sweet Grass was the hardest. Should have cut it up small with scissors instead of trying to grind it down. Ended up pinching it into smaller bits with my nails.

The texture was very dry before adding the oil. The addition of the oil made this incense like dry cookie dough....kind of crumbly.

Burning it was a treat! Very little smoke in terms of other incenses I have made. Wonder why? Maybe because I didn't use my normal base of Witch Hazel leaves? I will have to experiment. This left a nice floral smell all over.

http://www.ladyoftheearth.com/Assorted Incense Recipes/


This is an individual and personalized incense, for attunement to your own Dark of the Moon.

1 oz (30gm) sandalwood chips
1 oz (30gm) Dried jasmine flowers or 6 drops jasmine oil
1/2 oz (15gm) dried rose petals
2 drops of your own menstrual blood

Blend and use for private meditation during the onset of your menstruation.



1 oz (30gm) musk amberette
1/2 oz (15gm) dragon's blood (resin used in violin staining)
4 drops patchouli oil
4 drops civet oil
4 drops of blood from your own finger

Blend at the dark of the Moon, put in a jar and bury in the earth for 6 weeks (a flower pot of peat in a cool cupboard will do).



The olive is sacred to Athene, so use pure olive oil as anointing oil in particular, rub between the palms of your hands and anoint your feet, forehead and lips. For the Incense:

1 oz (30gm) Cedar wood chips
1/2 oz (15gm) camphor
7 drops musk oil
Female sweat (as much as possible)
6 olives unstuffed and preferably black

Blend the first four ingredients well, at the full moon, and add the olives. Put in a jar and leave for one month to mature. Then remove the olives (Which will have imparted their essence to the rest) and throw them away. Stuffed olives, both black and green, are an obvious food for a ritual of Athene, also stuffed vine leaves, a very Athenian dish. If possible, of course, the wine should be Greek - especially retsina, though that is an acquired taste.



It is recommended that it be made in the hour and the day of the Moon - i.e. the first or eighth hour after sunrise, or the third or tenth hour after sunset, on a Monday. Thoroughly mix equal amounts of the following:

Gum mastic
Orris root

Add a few drops of wintergreen oil and moisten with a little clear mineral oil.



1/2 oz (15gm) Meadowsweet flowers and leaf (gathered when the plant is in full bloom and dried
1/2 oz (15gm) finely chopped pine needles
1/2 fl. oz. (15cc) lemon verbena oil


Sun Incense

3 parts Frankincense resin
2 parts Sandalwood powder
1 part Bay leaf
1 pinch Saffron
few drops of Orange essential oil
Source=Scott Cunningham's Incense, Oils & Brews pg.94

Prosperity Incense #1

2 parts Frankincense resin
1 part Cinnamon powder
1 part ground Nutmeg
1 part Lemon Balm

(You can use lemon balm from tea bags--check to be sure that there are no other ingredients in the tea.) Also note that Cunningham's version adds 1 part Citron to the mix.(pg.84)

Prosperity Incense #2

3 pinches Comfrey,
3 pinches Cinnamon,
3 pinches Ginger,
3 pinches Nutmeg,
3 pinches Frankincense,
3 pinches Patchouli,
3 pinches Galangal root

Grind 3 generous pinches of each of the herbs. Each time you add an herb, say:

1st pinch:

"Herb of _____, I awaken you and ask for the use of your power in perfect peace and perfect love."

2nd pinch:

" _____, help me to bring money and prosperity into my life and the lives of those dear to me."

3rd pinch:

"For free will of all and harm to none, as I will it, so mote it be.


Shower of Gold:

1 oz. bayberry herb
1 oz. powdered sandalwood
1 oz. powdered frankincense
1/4 oz. powdered myrrh
1/4 tsp. saltpeter
1 dram cinnamon oil
2 drams tincture of Benzoin

This incense is used in rituals pertaining to matters of money and prosperity


Money Incense #1:

1 part basil
1 part cinquefoil
1/2 part galangal
1/2 part hyssop
1/2 part incense base


Money Incense #2:

3/4 part cinnamon
1 1/4 part cascara sagrada
1/2 part dragon's blood resin


Money Incense #3:

1 1/4 part lavender
1/4 part chamomile
1/4 part comfrey
1/4 part acacia
1 part red clover


Money incense#4:

1 part lovage
1 part bay
1/4 part jalap
1/2 part meadowsweet


Money Incense #5:

1 1/4 part thyme
1 part red clover
1/2 part spikenard
1/4 part nutmeg


Money incense #6:

red ginger


Money Incense #7:

2 parts frankincense
1 part cinnamon
1 part nutmeg
1 part lemon balm
1 part citron


Money Incense #8:

1 TB. wood base
10 drops patchouli oil
5 drops heliotrope oil
pinch powdered basil
pinch powdered patchouli
pinch ground cinnamon
pinch powdered peppermint


Money Incense #9:

1 part cypress
1/2 part alfalfa
few drops patchouli oil


Money Incense #10:

1/2 dram frankincense oil
1/2 dram myrrh oil
1/2 dram sandalwood oil
1 oz. charcoal powder
7 drops tincture of benzoin
pinch saltpeter


Money Incense #11:

1 tsp. benzoin resin
2 tsp. cinnamon
Burn on charcoal


Money Incense #12:

2 parts talc
1 part cassia
1 part crushed allspice
1 part frankincense
1 part marigold petals
3 drops frankincense oil
2 drops clove oil
color: green


Money Incense #13:

2 oz. green incense base
1 oz. fresh pine needles
1/4 dram bayberry oil

Holiday Incense
(cheerful, relaxing)

2 parts Pine needles or resin
1 part Cedar powder or resin
1 part Juniper berries
2 parts Frankincense

(This blend is nice to burn on a log in the fireplace.)

Love Incense

2 parts Sandalwood powder
1/2 part Basil
1/2 part Bergamot
few drops of Rose essential oil
few drops of Lavender essential oil
(this definitely comes from Scott Cunningham again pg.75)

Shiva Blend Incense

5 parts Sandalwood powder
2 parts Myrrh resin
1 part ground Cloves

Meditation or Prayer Incense

3 parts Myrrh resin
1 Part Cinnamon powder
3 parts Frankincense resin

(with a FERTILITY variation)

2 parts nutmeg
2 parts sandalwood
2 parts minced dried fig
1 part cinnamon
1 part honey
a pinch of hawthorn leaf if for fertility
a splash of peach brandy/cordial, just enough to moisten

Mix well in a waxing moon and let dry before bottling. For fertility, burn this incense during lovemaking.


1 part all spice
1 part myrrh
2 parts orris
2 parts patchouli
2 parts white sandalwood
1/4 part frankincense
1 pinch benzoin

helps achieve goals and eliminates obstacles

(for vibe-cleaning your house after winter)

1 part bay
1 part benzoin
1 part lavender
1 part cedar
a small pinch of thyme

Spiritual Harmony Incense

1 part Benzoin
2 parts Frankincense
1/2 part Rose Petals

Grind together and burn on charcoal block

Dark Lady's Dreams Incense

1/2 palmful Cinnamon
3 whole seeds Allspice
1/2 palmful Sweet Dittany of Crete
1 pinch Cedar
1 pinch Fennel
6 drops Hyacinth Oil,
2 pinches Rosemary
6 drops Cinnamon oil
1 1/2 palms Mullein
1 1/2 palms Mugwort
2 pinches Benzoin gum
1 palm Witch hazel
4 pinches Saltpeter -- more or less to suit


Dream Incense

2 parts Sandalwood
1 part Rose
1 part Camphor
A few drops of Jasmine Oil

Burn a bit in the bedroom to produce psychic dreams. Note that Cunningham likes to add a few drops Tuberose Bouquet oil to this. (pg.65)

Dreaming True Incense

1 part Camphor
1 part Wood Aloe
1 part Jasmine
1 part Cucumber seeds
1 part Sandalwood

Dragon Love Incense

Mix 1/3 cup cinnamon with vanilla extract until you make a muddy paste. Roll into a ball, place on wax paper and let dry one week.

After week is up, fold the wax paper over the cinnamon/vanilla and crush with hammer.

Grind in mortar and pestle until fine powder.

Mix with dragon's blood resin (substitute another resin, if you don't have dragon's blood),
add more vanilla extract and mix into muddy paste again.

Roll into ball, place on wax paper, dry for one week. Crush again, and grind. Burn on charcoal disks.

source unknown


Lay incense coals on a bed of sea salt. When the coals are hot, add a pinch or two of the following blend.

1/2 teaspoon of myrrh gum
1 1/2 teaspoons of copal resin
1 tablespoon of sandalwood chips
1 teaspoon of dried Irish Moss
3 drops of Oakmoss Oil

Mix together! by Edain McCoy

Night's Incense

1 pinch Marshmallow root
1 pinch Wormwood
1 pinch Coltsfoot
1 pinch Jasmine flowers
2 pinches Copal resin
10 drops Jasmine oil
6 drops Vanilla oil
40 drops Black food color

Very decadent. Crush the resins and add the oils. Chop both the root, rosehips and leaves finely
before adding (or crush the leaves if dried).

Prophetic Dreams Incense

(to help with prophetic dreams, divination and astral projection)

1/2 oz. Sandalwood
1/4 oz. Bayberry
1/2 oz. Rose petals
1/4 oz. Lavender
1/4 oz. Orris root
1 oz. Lemon peel
1/4 tsp. Saltpeter
3/8 tsp. Frankincense Oil
1 tsp. Tincture of Benzoin

Prophetic Dreams Incense #2

2 parts Frankincense
1 part Buchu

Burn before going to bed to have prophetic dreams.

Meg Bradley`s Purification Incense
(from Words of the Witches)


mortar and pestle
1 part dried parsley
1 part dried rosemary
1 part dried thyme
1 part dried white sage (sagebrush)

Put equal parts of the herbs in the mortar and grind them with pestle. As you grind, focus your intent on the purifying qualities of the herbs, and project your intent into the herbs, charging them with magickal energy. If you don`t have a mortar and pestle, you can use a food processor, but the physical effort of grinding the herbs by hand is magically more effective because it helps to focus intent. If you like you can chant while grinding, perhaps something like:

"Parsley, thyme, rosemary, sage
Drive all baneful energies away."

(or you could sing the folk song "Scarborough Faire," which has "Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme" in the chorus!). When finished put the incense in an airtight container and store away from light.

Burn this incense on a charcoal briquette when magickal purification is needed. It has a pungent odor, so be sure you have plenty of ventilation. You may wish to experiment with the proportions of the herbs to adjust the scent according to your own personal tastes.

A note on the herbs used: Parsley, rosemary, and thyme can be found in any grocery store. White sage (sagebrush) is sold at metaphysical shops and other stores that sell supplies for Native American religious practices. If you can�t find white sage, you can substitute regular kitchen sage. This herb is not usable for purification, but it does have a quality of magickal protection, so using it would make a purification/protection incense.


Riches and Favors Incense
(Burn when you need favors and wealth)

2 parts Benzoin
1 part wood aloe
1/2 part pepperwort
1/2 part clove

Scrying Incense

1 pt. mugwort
1 pt. wormwood

"Burn a small amount before scrying in a quartz crystal sphere, in flames, water, and so on.
Be warned: this one doesn't smell so good." Scott Cunningham (pg.90)

[note: as an alternative, I like to either rub dried mugwort onto my divining tools (ouija, cards, etc.)
prior to use or store a little mugwort with the item.]

Sweet Summer Incense

2 Parts Sandalwood
1 part Mugwort
1 part Chamomile
1-part Gardenia petals
a few drops Rose Oil
a few drops Lavender Oil
a few drops Yarrow Oil


2 parts Pine resin (pitch) or needles
1 part Patchouli
1 pinch finely powdered Salt
a few drops of Cypress oil

Burn for evoking the powers of the element of Earth, for money, stability and so on


AIR INCENSE (caution!)

4 parts Benzoin
2 parts Gum Mastic
1 part Lavender
1 pinch Wormwood
1 pinch Mistletoe*

Burn to invoke the powers of the element of Air;
or to increase intellectual powers;
to obtain travel;
for communication;
study and concentration;
or to end drug addiction.

Smolder during divinatory rituals. Scott Cunningham (pg.58)

The air element is related to both fire and water, and fact it is the balance between the active and the
passive activities of fire and water. The air element has the dryness of fire and the humidity of water.

House Purification Incense

3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Dragon's Blood
1 part Myrrh
1 part Sandalwood
1 part Wood Betony
1/2 part Dill seed
A few drops Rose Geranium oil

"Burn in your home to cleanse it at least once a month, even on the full moon. Burn this mixture in
a new home before moving in. This incense can be burned on a charcoal brick."

(Source=Scott Cunningham's Incense Oils & Brews pg.71)

Wolf Spirit Incense
by Ebon Lupus

18 parts powdered Makko (Tabu no ki)
5 parts powdered Yellow or White Sandalwood (Santalum album)
5 parts powdered White Sage (Salvia officinalis)
5 parts powdered Aloeswood (Agarwood, Od, or Oud)
2 parts powdered Saffron (Crocus sativus)
2 parts powdered Amber Resin (Copal)
2 parts raw Pine Resin (preferably dried and powdered)
Warmed rain (or filtered) water.

Using a mortar and pestle grind dry ingredients into a fine powder, mix well with a silver fork. Add warm water, not boiling, a few drops at a time while mixing, until dough is formed that can be easily shaped. Kneed until smooth and shape into cones or sticks. Store in a dry place at room temperature and allow drying to occur naturally over a period of 3 to 7 days.

If each part equals one gram, then this recipe produces about 40 grams of incense.

Mantra to say over the incense each night as it dries.

I howl the song of life
Wolves do an ancient dance
By conception is this magick

I howl the song of life
Wolves are born once more
A soul returns again

I howl the song of life
Wolves are of the of Earth
In their body dark

I howl the song of life
Wolves breathe the still night air
In their mind light

I howl the song of life
Wolves in hunger feed the flame
In honor may they fulfill

I howl the song of life
Wolves drink from the crystal brook
Deep and ancient bond

I howl the song of life
Wolves living deep in the spirit
Know how cold Luna shines

I howl the song of life
Wolves whimper and whine at death
Their soul returns once more


Honoring the Ancient Voices of the Wolf, the Fox, and the Coyote.


Burn during divination & healing rituals

4 Parts Frankincense
2 Parts Myrrh
2 Parts Cinnamon
1 Part Bay

(source=Scott Cunningham's Incense, Oils& Brews pg.59)
Copyright � The Candle and Cauldron 2001-2002
All rights reserved.


Burn while honoring the Goddesses & Gods and as an offering.

2 Parts Frankincense
1 Part Myrrh
1 Part Cinnamon
1/2 part Rose petals
1/2 part Vervain

(Source=Scott Cunningham's Incense, Oils& Brews pg.82) Copyright � The Candle and Cauldron 2001-2002
All rights reserved.


Mix, empower & burn to promote psychic awareness.

2 Parts Gum Mastic
2 Parts Juniper
1 Part Sandalwood
1 Part Cinnamon
1 Part Calamus
few drops Ambergris Oil
few drops Patchouli Oil

(source=Scott Cunningham's Incense, Oils&Brews pg.90)
Copyright � The Candle and Cauldron 2001-2002
All rights reserved.


Pour a bit of incense (leaving the crystal in the jar) onto charcoal. Smolder & pass the crystal to be purified through the smoke wafting away the stones impurities. Naturally, this incense can be used in connection with the others recommended purifying rituals, or in place of them.

2 Parts Frankincense
2 Parts Copal
1 Part Sandalwood
1 Part Rosemary
1 Pinch finely powdered salt
a small purified Quartz crystal point

(source=Scott Cunningham's Incense, Oils& Brews pg.64)
Copyright � The Candle and Cauldron 2001-2002
All rights reserved.


Once upon a time, pebble incense was one of the things that nearly every young woman in the English-speaking world knew how to make before she left her parents' home. Like many of the forgotten crafts of our great-grandparents' time, it's well worth reviving.

What You'll Need:

A mortar and pestle, a mixing bowl and spoon, and a flat surface covered with wax paper are all the equipment that you'll need. Ingredients consist of the herbs, flowers, and other scented material you intend to use in the incense, the essential oil or oils, and the whites of one or more eggs, depending on the quantity you want to make.

How It's Done:

Grind up the solid ingredients thoroughly in the mortar, then pour the powder into the mixing bowl and add the essential oil a drop at a time, stirring between drops to disperse the oil. When the mixture smells right, begin stirring in the egg white a little at a time until the mixture is moistened all the way through, but not yet sloppy. On the wax paper, roll small amounts of the mixture into little balls one-third to one-half inch across. Dry these until hard; if you live in a humid climate, drying them in an oven set on "warm" may be a good idea. Put one or two of the resulting pebbles on hot charcoal to release the scent.

Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 06:57:02 -0700 (PDT)
From: steve swartz
Subject: Basic Guide to Incense (Scents)

Basic Guide to Incense (Scents)


As a well-used scent, Jasmine provides strength in matters of spiritual love and money. It has a soothing effect on the inner-self and lends its scent well to meditation and contemplation. You may experience dreams of a visionary nature, thus triggering further thought processes. Pay close attention. Jasmine acts as a conduit for knowledge you are given from sources not always distinct. Jasmine is of the feminine principle and is ruled by the moon. Any moon ritual or meditation will be enhanced by the scent of jasmine.


Also feminine with the moon as ruler, Sandalwood is a necessary item in your spiritual cupboard because of its potent protection properties. As a sealer for entrances,gently blow the smoke of sandalwood around the doors and windows of your home, or leave some to burn in the entryways. Sandalwood powder mixed with your potting soil adds strength to the plant's root system. Sprinkle the powder lightly at the four corners of your property, calling on the moon as an energy source for the shield you build to reflect negativity away from your home.


Is an extraordinarily potent masculine scent ruled by the sun. Burned as protection, it's unequalled. In a sick room (not burned, merely its presence) it will help to dispel the negative energy of the illness itself. Cinnamon can be used for love work. And lends great strength to any lusty venture. (Specialty coffees dressed with a cinnamon stick for e.g.. )


As a feminine scent, ruled by Venus, rose stands out as a scent to be reckoned with in relation to love. When doing a reading or divination, use rose oil or rose incense for more clarity in matters of the heart. Let the under-essence of the scent capture you as you divine the images. The expression "rose colored glasses" has a distinct meaning within the scent experience. Rose picks up the spirit, sooths the angered soul and relaxes a space.


Mars rules this incredibly strong scent. Masculine and potent, pine has many facets. The two strongest, in this writer's opinion, are prosperity and ridding an area of spiritual interference. This may be exactly why pine is used at Yule/Christmas. Unconsciously, people may be aware of a "clean" feeling about their home during this time. An uncluttering, if you prefer.


As a scent to attract lusty ventures, Patchouli certainly ranks up there with the most potent. A feminine scent ruled by Saturn, Patchouli brings out an almost primal evocation of memories for some people. When mixed two parts patchouli to one part sandalwood, it makes a lovely scent for women. Using the essential oil Patchouli, some find it unpleasantly "turpentine" smelling. Depending on your purpose, patchouli can be mixed with many other oils to take the edge off the scent itself. It works well with sandalwood, poppy oil and musk.


As fiery Saffron's color shows, the Sun rules this masculine scent. It has healing powers, but its extraordinary vein of strength lies in its power to greatly enhance psychic work. Any type of exercise of the psyche is made more powerful by burning saffron. The power (prohibitively expensive some areas) is well-added to incense mixtures which will be used for divination, dreams and channeling.

Egyptian Kyphi Incense

Finally, for traditionalists, here is the most famous of all incenses, the classic blend of ancient Egypt. There are many different recipes for kyphi, even in documents dating from the time of the pharaohs. The following version is based on two of the surviving accounts from Egyptian papyri.

Take two parts each of juniper berries, galangal root, calamus root, frankincense, and pine resin; one part each of orris root, broom flowers, myrrh, and styrax; three parts each honey and raisins; and enough red wine to moisten the final result. Pound the raisins into a paste, and mix with the honey; grind all the other ingredients (except the wine, of course) together in a mortar, and mix the result into the honey and raisin mixture, moistening with the wine as needed to produce a paste. Roll the result into little balls, and let dry thoroughly before storing.(source=unknown)

Egyptian Kyphi Incense (Cunningham version)

3 tsp Frankincense
2 tsp Benzoin
2 tsp Myrrh
1 tsp Juniper berries
1/2 tsp Galangal
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
1/2 tsp Cedar
2 drops Lotus Bouquet oil
2 drops wine
2 drops honey
a few raisens

Grind and mix dry ingredients thoroughly. Let sit in an air tight container for two weeks. In a separate bowl mix the oils, wine, honey and raisens. Add to dry ingredients and blend together with hands. Let sit in air-tight container for an additional 2 weeks then grind into a fine powder.

(source=Scott Cunningham's Incense Oils&Brews pg.74)


SAMHAIN: Heather, Mullein, Patchouli and Sage.

YULE: Bay Leaf, Bayberry, Chamomile, Frankincense, Rosemary, and Sage.

IMBOLC: Basil, Bay Leaf, Benzoin, and Celandine.

OSTARA: Celandine, Five Finger Grass, Jasmine, Rose, Tansy and Violet.

BELTANE: Almond, Ash, Five Finger Grass, Frankincense, Honeysuckle, Marigolds, Queen of the Meadow, Woodruff

LITHA: Chamomile, Five Finger Grass, Elder Flowers, Fennel, Lavender, Mugwort, Thyme, and Vervain.

LUGHNASSADH: Cornstalks, Heather, Frankincense and Wheat.

MABON: Benzoin, Marigold, Myrrh, Sage and Thistle.


Balance: Basil, Chamomile, Comfrey, Mullein and Woodruff.

Blessing: Chamomile, Elder Flowers, Fennel, Mint, Rosemary.

Cleansing/Purification: Betony, Benzoin, Burdock, Clove, Fumitory, Hyssop, Lavender, Mullein Flowers, Patchouli, Rosemary, and Yarrow.

Courage: Mullein Flowers and Rosemary.

Fortune: Bay Leaf, Bergamot, Five Finger Grass, Lemon Balm, Orange Peel, Star Anise and Woodruff.

Happiness: Honeysuckle, Jasmine, Lavender, Linden Flowers, and Rosemary.

Healing: Five Finger Grass, Comfrey, Coriander, Hops, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Mullein, Sage, St. Johns Wort, Tansy and Thyme.

Spirit Contact: Lilac, Purple Heather, Mint, and Solomon's Seal.

Wisdom: Sage.

from �Botanical Bliss�

~Incense Meanings~

It really does not matter if you use incense in powdered form, cones, or sticks. You are using incense to set a particular magical atmosphere. Included here is a list of appropriate scents long known for certain magical energies, scents that are often burned as part of ritual. However, you can always substitute the all- purpose scents of lotus, frankincense, or frankincense and myrrh combined in either stick or cone form.

Balance - Jasmine, orange, rose.

Banishing, release - Cedar, clove, patchouli, rose, rue, vervain.

Binding - Apple, cypress, dragon's blood, pine, wormwood.

Blessing, consecration - Carnation, cypress, frankincense, lotus, rosemary.

Changes - Dragon's blood, peppermint.

Contacting and working on the astral - Frankincense.

Creativity - Honeysuckle, lilac, lotus, rose, vervain.

Determination, courage - Allspice, dragon's blood, musk, rosemary.

Divination, clairvoyance - Acacia, cinnamon, honeysuckle, lilac, nutmeg, rose, thyme, yarrow.

Energy, power, strength - Allspice, bay, carnation, cinnamon, dragon's blood, frankincense, ginger, lotus, musk, pine, thyme, rosemary, verbena.

Exorcism - Basil, bay, cedar, frankincense, lavender, myrrh, pine, rosemary, vervain, yarrow.

Good luck, fortune, justice - Bayberry, cedar, cinnamon, honeysuckle, jasmine, lotus, mint, nutmeg, strawberry, vervain, violet.

Happiness, harmony, peace - Apple blossom, basil, cedar, clove, cypress, fir, gardenia, jasmine, juniper, lavender, lilac, lily of the valley, lotus, myrrh, orange, patchouli,rose, rosemary, vetiver, vervain, ylang-ylang.

Healing - Carnation, cedar, cinnamon, clove, cypress, eucalyptus, gardenia, lavender, lotus, myrrh, orange, peppermint, rose, rosemary, sandalwood.

Inspiration, wisdom - Acacia, clove, cypress, fir, laurel, lily of the valley, rosemary, sage.

Love - Amber, apple blossom, frangipani, gardenia, honeysuckle, jasmine, juniper, lavender, marjoram, musk, patchouli, rose, strawberry, vanilla, vetiver, violet, ylang-ylang.

Meditation - Acacia, bay, cinnamon, frankincense, jasmine, myrrh, nutmeg, wisteria.

Money, prosperity, wealth - Bayberry, bergamot, cinnamon, honeysuckle, jasmine, musk, vetiver.

Protection, defense - Basil, bay, bayberry, carnation, cinnamon, citronella, cypress, dragon's blood, fir, frankincense, jasmine, juniper, lilac, lily of the valley, lotus, marjoram, patchouli, pine, rosemary, sandalwood, vervain, violet.

Psychic abilities, opening psychic centers - Ambergris, honeysuckle, lemon, lotus, mimosa, nutmeg, wisteria.

Purification, cleansing - Basil, bay laurel, cedar, cinnamon, citronella, dragon's blood, eucalyptus, frankincense, lavender, marjoram, myrrh, peppermint, pine, rosemary, sage, thyme, vervain.

Removing hexes - Cedar, myrrh, vetiver.

Spirituality - Frankincense, lotus, myrrh, sandalwood.

Success - Ginger.

Visions - Acacia, bay laurel, frankincense, lotus.

Will power - Rosemary.

(Updated 04/18/04 D.J. Russell ) ***** Music=Strawberry Alarm Clock's "Incense and Peppermints"


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