Knightgale's Poems of Memories

Poems I have written over the years, and would like to share with all my cyberfriends.


Love grows into full bloom,
as beautiful as a butterfly straight from it's cocoon.

To be cared for and nourished,
Being kind and gentle, it will flourish.

You can see it in the spring,
You can hear it when birds sing.

You can feel it in just a touch
by letting that someone know you care so much

You can tell by that look in his eye
you don't have to ask yourself "why?"

Love is always around,
It is here, but not a sound.

Love is a special feeling within,
a kind for child, hubby or kin.

It will put smiles on many faces,
and will even help tie shoe laces.

Love will dry up all those tears,
that we'll experience thru the years.

Love is sunshine even in a storm,
like the moon peeping thru clouds in an early morn.

Love is peace and warmth on a cold winter night,
knowing he loves you and will hold you tight.

Love is special to those we hold dear,
but most of all, it's knowing you'll always be here.



Lord, why am I so used and abused
When my heart is honest and pure?

I try so hard to do my very best
I'm really being put to the test.

So many demanding, for their own gain,
While driving others totally insane.

I give my all each and every day,
Only for them to say,"Hey!!".

How much more am I to take,
When inside my heart breaks?

I am accused and blamed,
til my heart is sorely maimed.

I try to keep on going,
But at times my wounded heart is showing.

Seems no one really cares,
Just to continue to throw dares.

I want the best for everyone,
so they too, can continue to see the rising sun.

Lord, please help me to make it thru each day,
To always have a kind word to say.

To listen well with all my heart,
To be able to continue my work,
and always be a part.

Those who abuse,
Help them to understand,
They, too can change,
and become a part
and help mend a WOUNDED HEART.



He gave me a rose so pretty and alive,
bet that was to help cover up a lot of his jive.

He is so keen and very witty,
but too, very charming and sweet like my little kitty.

The pleasure he brings to mom is so very nice,
tho I sometimes have to ask him to do things twice.

His humor really gets out of hand,
but glad he has the ability that he can.

His laugh is so sweet and honest,
it is like a dream thrust upon us,

Tho he gets mad and thinks I am so mean,
he still loves me and thinks I am keen.

He trusts me to see him thru many ordeals,
and at the same time, while he wheels and deals.

He is so alive and always on the go,
a word of caution to take things slow.

His ambitions now aren't really much,
but to set his goals are now to touch.

He'll be a man very soon,
he then, will have to sing his own tune.

I've stood by him all these years,
and hope he'll remember all the tears.

When I am old and grey, down and out,
hope he'll remember I still love him, and have no doubt!

Written for son, Michael Wayne, Knightgale~2000(c)


Seems like only yesterday we met,
savoring all the memories we can get.

Tho we are wiser and bolder now,
We often think back and wonder how

We made it thru the years,
without shedding many tears.

Friends may come and go,
But you'll always be here, I know.

To count on you when in need,
is a quality of friendship indeed.

Your smile only a phone call away,
Just enough to make my day.

Bright and cheerful making my spirits soar,
To stay in touch with you more and more.

Nothing to stand in the way, not even our tasks,
Hoping OUR FRIENDSHIP will always last



When I whisper in your ear,
I want to be close so no one will hear.

What's in my heart and on my mind,
that ONLY you will give me time.

To walk with you in a summer breeze,
I feel so content and at ease.

To smell the flowers along the way,
and being with you makes it a BEAUTIFUL DAY.



Each day I gaze at the heavens,
in awe of the beauty that surrounds me,
the smell of fragrances, only God can send to us.

The rain upon my face in a summer shower,
The sun gently shines upon my cheek.
I cherish those moments
for there may be no tomorrows for me.

For those who have entered my life,
My soul is soothed by your presence
Your smile and laughter keeps me warm,
Your joy creates a wonder I will always behold,
for there may be no tomorrows for me.

In this life, I was given you, as a friend,
to always hold in my heart
sharing my world, my treasures
for there may be no tomorrows for me

When I leave this world behind,
I shall take with me, such sweet memories,
of the love I knew, I received from you.
The times we shared, will forever last,
but there may be no tomorrows for me


I share with you a website of Poems written by me, where the webmaster has beautifully set the poems to backgrounds and wonderful music, I will add to these as I have the time to do so.

Knightgale's Poems


� 2009 [email protected]

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UPDATED 25 Mar 2009 1