Tattoos are sexy.
..Regaurdless of what Landon says.
So heres the scoop. I'm getting a tattoo for my birthday (July 12th) and I need to decide what to get... All the pics below are of things I'm deciding from. I'm gonna get them all eventually, but for now I need to decide which one to get first, and where to put it. Gimmie your input bia!

Okay.. for this one just pay attention to the heart with the stars and the moon. I'd do it in black ink.. I was thinking maybe on my shoulder? I don't think it'd be good for a first tho.
I think this is my favorite so far.. I was thinking on my lower back above my crack... the space inside the lines would be completley filled with black, but where the lines meet (ie. the star and the wings) thered be white space between them.
This would be just a tiny little tattoo done on my foot or hand somewhere.. I'd probably wait until I was older and had an established job tho.
Another favorite.. This would be in black and I'd do it where my leg meets my hip.. think bikini line... yeah..
Other ones I haven't drawn out yet incude: The Hermes (messenger god) wings on both of my ankles, since track is my life, and see these two japanese words? They both mean Fuki, but fuki means two different things. It can mean liberty, or lawlessness. I'm going to incorperate them into my tatoos somehow too. But yeah... Input is very desired!! Shoot me an e-mail and tell me what you think!
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