Holy shit! Its a survey!
How many new useless facts can you learn about me?

1. First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Adams

2. Last person you kissed: John

3. Last word you said: okay

4. Last song you sang: Chariots of fire.. while I was running...no lie.

5. Last person you hugged: someone from MO...prob John cuz hes the last person I saw

6. Last thing you laughed at: a message someone let me

7. What's in your CD player: the new MSI CD

8. Who is your favorite star/s: Rob Shnieder

9. What socks are you wearing: my feet are naked

10. What's under your bed: boxes of pictures

11. Current status: single

12. Current taste: blueberry pop tart

13.Current Hairstyle: braid

14. Current clothes: wife beater and spandex shorts

15. Current Hate: not knowing for sure whats going on...

16. Current longing: The day where I can actually call a place "mine," whether a room or house

17. Current desktop picture: the Red Hot Chili Peppers back when their original guitarist was alive

18. Current worry: will I make the time cut for the XC team?

19. Current Love: my bass and my friends

20. Story behind your screen name: its from a song and I think it suits me

21. Current favorite article of clothing: my jeans I wear almost every other day

22. Favorite physical feature(s): uhh... my back?

23. Last CD that you bought: MSI

24. Favorite place to be: with people that care about me

25. Least favorite place: In Michigan?

26. Time you wake up in the morning: 7:30

27. If you could play a new instrument, what would it be? drums!

29. Current favorite word/saying: "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction"

30. Favorite book: anything by Terry Goodkind

31. Favorite Movies: Cheesy karate movies, Bad action flicks, Comedies, and hardcore action flicks

34. One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: Jeremy

35. Favorite day: every time its the night before I leave to visit my friends

36. Where do you want to go: Home

37. What is your career going to be: Reasearch Professor in Chemical Enginering... But more so I'm hoping to get in a bannnnnnnnnnnd

38. Who is your best friend/s: I have a few... they should know who they are

39. What kind of car do you have: mazda 6 for now

40. A random lyric: "we got a fellowship we got a mellowship"

41. Eye Color: Brown. Boring.

42. Hair Color: brown

43. Righty or Lefty: righty

45. Zodiac Sign: cancer

46.Innie or Outtie: innie


47. Your heritage: Oh god do I have to? ...italian, irish, sweedish, scottish, german, british, french, jewish, hungarian, black, native american.. I think thats it...

48. The shoes you wore today: my running shoes

49. Your hair: longish and curly

50. Your weakness: the people I love

51. Your fears: being alone forever

52. Your most recent secret?: yeah.. that question makes sense...

54. Your thoughts first waking up: that was a sweet dream

55. The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: everything at first..

56. Your bedtime: I try to go to bed by 10.. but sometimes I get distracted

57. Your most missed companion: don't feel like sharing that

58. Your perfect pizza: hot wing pizza at marios!

59. Sweet and Chewy or Salty and Crunchy: sweet and chewy

60. Single or group dates: both are cool

61. Dogs or Cats: cats

62. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: nestea cold, and lipton hot

63. Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla

64. Cappuccino or coffee?: niether.. tea

65. Smoke: yuck

66. Curse: if i'm mad

67. Sing: not in front of people

68. Take a shower everyday:2x a day usually

69. Have a crush: yep

71. Think you've been in love: i know I have

72. Want to go to college: accepted on scholarship! (NJIT!!)

73. Want more than what you got: yes, but not in the conventional sense

74. Want to get married: yes

75.Type with your fingers in the right place: yeah

76. Think you're attractive: i don't think I'm ugly..

77. Think you're a health freak: yes

78. Get along with your parents: either extremely well or extremely bad

79. Play an instrument: quite a few

IN THE PAST 3 months

80. drink: yes

82. Done a drug: almost ...well.. yes technically

83. Made Out: yep

84. Go on a date: no

85. Eaten an entire box of Oreos: I'd have a sugar coma... so no

86. Eaten sushi: nah

87. Been dumped: no

88. Made homemade cookies: i don't care enough...

89. Caused a fire: hell yes!

90. Gone skinny dipping: god no

91. Dyed your hair: almost (red!)

92. Stolen anything: nope


93. Had too much to drink: yes

94. Been caught cheating: no

95. Been called a tease: haha yeah

96. Gotten beaten up: nope

97. Changed who you were to fit in: yeah

98. Cried at something beautiful: yes

99. Spent too much money on something you didnt need? heck yes

100. Cried when someone died?: no

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