Inilah karya-karyaku yang memotivasi ku untuk belajar lebih giat lagi dan meyakinkanku bahwa aku bisa menjadi yang terbaik.

"There are no shortcuts to life's greatest achievements" My Achievements





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Many things that I have achieve, since i study in the school. In SMAN SUMSELI have got many achievements by joining competitions inside and outside. Overall, this achievements could motivated me to study harder and focus to what I want to reach. Here are the list of my achievements and also some leadership roles:

1. The 1st winner CSPC Malang

2. The 1st rank in semester 1(XI Science 3)

3. The 2nd winner in recycling competition.

4. The 2nd winner in speech competition

5. The 3rd winner debate competition

6. The cleanest Class in the school

7. Participant In LKIR LIPI 2012

8. Participant in OSN Biologi

8. Participant in Essay FEKSI competition

9. Participant in quick and smart competition (Hari Kartini's day)

10. Participant in AFS (Student Exchange)

11. Room Captain

12. Vice Building Coordinator

13. Assistant Librarian

14. Vice leader in English club

15. Treasurer in XI Science 3

16. and many others.