Landlord notice interval   DD / MM / YYYY
Lease renewal date :
EARLIEST date for the landlord notice : At most, 6 months before the lease ends
LATEST date for the landlord notice : At least 3 months before the lease ends
Rent calculator
Percentage rent increase for each year : (i.e. 1.5 if the yearly increase is 1.5%)
Current monthly rent (incl. parking and appliances) :
First year covered by the new lease : (ex. 2003)
Duration of the lease in years :
Year :
New rent :
Delay for rent increase refusal   DD / MM / YYYY
Date of the landlord's notice :
Reply BEFORE the : At most one month
Version 1.02 Contact N.I.T.A or
the R�gie du logement for more information.
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