Villain of the Year

WELL! THIS was tough... they don't make sexy male villains very often, now do they? I mean, look at Gollum and the Duke and... and... Gaston! so anyway... you don't understand just HOW LONG it took me to find a DECENT picture of this year's villian that had NOTHING TO DO WITH PEAGREEN FROM "The Borrowers". I have a fight to pick with whoever did the casting for the Harry Potter movie... you DON'T cast PEAGREEN to be DRACO MALFOY... even if Tom Felton IS cute.

I cut the picture... but he IS wearing pants! *cough* "GOD, YOU'RE SICK!" the fangirls scream. And i snarl at them "YOU TRY FINDING A PICTURE OF DRACO MALFOY THAT MAKES HIM LOOK DECENT, YOU ANNOYING HARPIES!" *sigh* if you find a better picture, i'd be happy to have it, but for now i'm sticking with Blackrose's rendition. If you would like to see Tom Felton, who is cute as the dickens, just... not right for MAlfoy (who is NOT supposed to be "cute as the dickens") keep scrolling down. DRACO AND GINNY FOREVER!!!!!!!!!! w00t!
Well... if you twist your head upside down and tilt it like THIS... they KIND of resemble each other... just a smidge... if Tom didn't smile... maybe. Major droolage all the same... *drool* Malfoy darkness? Certainly not in sweetly grinning Tom... *drool* whoops.. i drooled twice.. ^^; Villain of the Year
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