Reality TV Show Host of the Year Reality TV Show Host of the Year
Yes, that's right. I decided to cash in on the whole reality TV show craze that just seems to be getting stupider and stupider each year more new "reality TV shows" come out. Thanks a lot, "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?"! So... i decided to milk it for all it's worth. And no, it's not Ryan Seacrest...
That's Jesse James. The fangirls are now currently asking The outlaw? Oh, wait... they probably aren't that smart... they're probably saying something like Who's Jesse James? I'm asking myself, why is his name Jesse? But that's getting totally off-topic, eh? Jesse James is the host for Monster Garage. He gets to ride around in whatever is created on his show... the best one ever was this huge barbecue SUV complete with beer taps and plasma screen TV so you can watch the football game from the parking lot while enjoying your cheaper-than-in-the-stands hot dogs, burgers, and beers... In his free time (if he has any), Jesse is boss at a chopper building place... hahaha. Choppers are cool... especially the custom-made ones (choppers being motorcycles... not... helicopters...)
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