Irish of the Year
Gods... i love my "ethnic men" don't you? hahaha... so there's only one guy out there who's like IRish and in the news all the time. I can't say i know him that well as an actor, seeing as i've only seen one movie he was involved in, and that was "Minorty Report" No, really... i'm serious. I think he should be in like a romantic comedy or something. I'd watch that.

Yeah, i suppose imagining Colin Farrell in a romantic comedy is pretty unrealistic, but a girl can dream incredibly weird dreams, can't she? So why Colin? Why not? I mean, he's frickin hilarious. I love him because he's always cussing. Always. I watched him on Conan a couple of months ago, and he just cussed his way through the entire interview, and wanted to name his kid "Fokker Farrell" if it turned out to be a boy (Which i think it did, but i'm pretty sure he didn't end up naming him "Fokker"). I've narrowed down the residency of my expartriatism to England, Australia, and Ireland... good fun... Colin's promiscuity is of question to me, and i'm not attracted to his so-called "bady boy" style... but i find him to be incredibly funny... i wish i could cuss like Colin Farrell... hahaha!
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