Hero of the Year
Whoa nelly... to open up, Peter PArker's shoes are awfully hard to fill... especially when you don't even wear shoes. Heh... so anyway, this was kind of tough, as the last time we used an LOTR character, it was back when we still though Josh Hartnett was sexy... and also still thought Legolas was hot. Sorry, Captain Obvious. You lost out this year...

That's right! Meriadoc Brandybuck, hero of the year. He's a hobbit who rides off the fight for what he belives in with the help, of course, of the good lady Eowyn. Eowyn was so much cooler in ROTK, it's not even funny. So Merry... what can we say about Merry except that he's usually the brains of the operation? No, he's not gay. He just loves Pippin very much. First of all, (Ahem, Linn...) they're cousins... related to Frodo, too, so you have to keep in mind that the genetic pool needs to continue being stirred or else we'd have deformed hobbit children... possibly without hairy feet... i consider that handicapped. Secondly, eventually Merry gets... er, well... married. And it's not to Pippin, mind you. In fact, the only one of the four hobbits who never gets married is Frodo. That doesn't mean that i'm impressed by Dominic Monaghan's ability to make his sexuality questionable. He must be very okay with himself to kiss Orlando Bloom like this:
Yeup... Don't worry, Dom... i still find you incredibly sexy. If you don't believe me, i still have a multitude of Dom pictures stashed away... because my Dom fetish really, really rivals my Elijah fetish...

Many thanks to Jon who helped me find two-thirds of the above pics... hahaha...
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