Debut of the Year
Well, i truly don't know if it's his debut debut. All i know is that i've never seen him before his first movie came out this year. Call me pedophilic all you want, but in about ten years, they won't be kids anymore, aiite? Besides, just because i like the younger ones doesn't mean i don't like the older ones, too. Pfft... "Pay no attention to these hypocrites, Neo. To deny our own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human." Damn straight. You tell 'em Mouse! Still doesn't mean that i don't find Michael Jackson to be extremely creepy...
this would be an apprpriate time to play the song "Clocks" by Coldplay... only because i've seen the "Peter Pan" preview enough times to associate that song with the movie. At the time of this writing, i still need to go see that movie. Seriously. I want to. IT looks so much more kick-ass than 1) the cartoon version and 2) the versions in which Peter Pan was played by a woman. Trust me... there's nothing more disturbing than PEter Pan being played by a woman... since he's CLEARLY a boy. I'm not being sexist, truly... if Peter Pan is a boy, let him please be played by a boy. IT really ruins the effect when he's played by a grown woman. So enough about Peter Pan. Let's talk Jeremy Sumpter, who happens to play him this time around. According to Eileen, he's even cuter when he smiles, and yes, we have big crushes on him even though he's only like... i dunno... 14. Please... he's not THAT much younger than us... I mean... Hugh Jackman's married to a woman who's like... 7 years older than him... pfft. IT's not like we're going to marry him. We just think he's cute. And i still want to see "Peter Pan"... no, i frankly don't care if it looks dumb to you, Jon... ;)
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