Australian of the Year
That's right. We skipped one year of Australians. ONE YEAR. This is... unrepremandable. I should die for my sins. That's right. DIE. There's so many good looking Australian guys out there. So let's think... since we've narrowed down our future location to Ireland, England, or Australia... we'll have to, of course, weigh our options before making a final decision... heh heh heh... I seriously hope someone appreciates this.
Finding pictures of Heath Ledger was not thrilling as i found one perfect picture and then spent the rest of the night trying to find the full, bigger version of it. Thank goodness i found it or else i would have been pissed for the rest of the night. So this is Heath, Amy's baby. She did this fantastic painting of him. IT's so awesome, i've been pining away to see it again. hahaha. Heath's coming out with "The Ned KElly Gang" soon, starring him and Orlando Bloom with spiffy beards and stuff. Spiffy... beards...i don't particularly think facial hair is fantastic. Anyway, didn't really like Heath in "10 Things"... he was a bit too hairy and i was too busy watching Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Liked him tons in "Knight's Tale". Really cool movie if you haven't seen it. This year, Heath came out with "The Order"... which is a bit too scary for me, the wimp who got scared just watching "The Sixth Sense". Seriously. I have no tolerance for scary movies... unless they're slashers... cuz generally slasher movies are just so dumb they're not even scary... like "Valentine's Day"... *rolls eyes* No, offense, David Boreanaz...

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