God's Message

The Time For Unity
And For

God has spoken many times to the human race. His messages are most prevalent in His sacred word. We call it the Holy Bible. Even so, our kind just can�t seem to get the message. We claim that it is our message but it is not. It belongs to the all mighty one. In some ways, we lack the ability to understand because we assume that His message is just so complicated. Most of us believe that because God is such an infinite Powerful Deity that His message must also be the same. This is not the case. God requires faith, obedience and commitment along with reverent respect from his children. One must believe in His plan for human kind and that Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price when He died on the cross but rose again from the grave using his Father�s infinite Power over Death. The finer details do not matter to our tiny human minds but we must believe that it happened because this is crucial to the plan. Many get frustrated with their attempt to decipher its wonderful message and give up entirely. Some of us trust our own faulty interpretation of the Bible to be the real truth and fail because of it. In the end, many of our kind become bewildered or irritated with the effort and eventually give up. They go on to pursue other worldly endeavors.

These are just some of our mistakes. We all have much in common here. We can all share some of the blame here. When it comes to God�s Truth and our truth, the lines get very blurred. Our human mind is limited. Because of this, it is no wonder that religion has gotten such a bad name. Humans try to force upon the world their version of God�s Truth. We act when we should pray for guidance. The results of our human actions can become Tyranny and war. It becomes adversely political and counter-productive for God's plan for man. In the process, God�s Devine will for us is not realized upon the earth as it should have been because we did not pray for his complete guidance in all matters. The results of our faulty actions become our imperfect reality because we are not really qualified to lead. We were commanded only to follow. For this reason, man�s imperfections mar the reputation of Christianity throughout a world that desperately needs God�s Devine intervention and leadership. We must pray for guidance and accept God�s will in all matters in preference to acting alone in a harmful way on what we want for our own selfish purposes. We are not worthy. He will decide the plan, the timing of that plan, and how it will become a reality regardless of what you or I want or think. The decision is ultimately His. This is good because we humans are very reckless and cannot see the future consequences of our recklessness. God sees the present along with the future and he knows what consequences can arise from any action far out into the future. We cannot do this alone!

We are not worthy. This is the truth. No man is worthy to deliver the world unto righteousness. This was the mission of the Holy Messiah, Jesus Christ. He is the one and the only approved by God for the plan!

When Jesus Christ was here on this earth He proclaimed the real truth but few would take the time to understand what He was saying. His words were amazing! Jesus Christ defied the Norms of His time. He told those who would listen that those who were first on this earth would eventually become last in His Kingdom. He spoke of the Lilies of the field and how beautiful they were. He said they did not toil nor did they need to spin. They were perfect as they were. Their survival was blessed by Him. His advice to many was not to worry about the things of this earth but to seek heavenly things. He told His disciples that God takes care of the birds and the Lilies of the field and that He will take care of you, just the same. His mercy and love is abundant and complete.

Do not be mistaken about God's abundant mercy. He sets forth His rules. One must seek him to be saved. Jesus Christ professed to be the Son Of God and the Messiah. He proved His statements by performing miracles as He traveled among the poor and the destitute but He also performed healings for some in the establishment as well. He was not concerned with earning a living or digging up buried treasures or satisfying earthly powers. His search was for those who would follow him and learn how to become more spiritual in their earth bound life. He was looking for searchers of spiritual wisdom and followers who would be true to His Powerful Message and His Father's ultimate Eternal Plan.

Jesus was anti- earthly- establishment. We can see this in how He lived. Jesus Christ was so irate about the business people of his times that He threw the money changers out of His Father�s Temple. He did this because they were turning his Father�s house into a place to profit. He also knew that if they continued to do this sacrilege that it would not be long until they occupied every step and corner of this sacred place in search of more wealth. If He did not enforce His Father�s will upon them the established business people would soon control the temple for their worldly economic gain! For their ignorance and their disrespect Jesus Christ acted as a man. He used His masculine strength to throw them bodily from the Temple area. When it was over He had proved His point and had gained much attention and understanding. Jesus Christ refused to be tolerant and he set new boundaries. This was His Father's House. It was non-negotiable. In doing this He had also angered the establishment of His time. In the end, that same establishment had much to do with His crucifixion on the cross at Golgotha. They thought that He was a threat to their evil earthly ways but they would never admit to it. Some of these things in our world remain the same down through the ages of time. Rome (America) believed that Jesus was trying to over throw their authority to establish His own earthly kingdom. Rome was wrong. In truth, Jesus Christ was their only hope for a Spiritual Deliverance. Jesus Christ was providing a path with Spiritual options that could triumph over Death! His authority was of the spiritual realm in and for all of Eternity. Rome's repugnant and sinful Economic-Military System would have no consequence for God�s Kingdom. Rome's status in this life would not impress the all mighty Father in the slightest, especially when the Day of Judgment arrived in the Spiritual World.

I know this Powerful story is true because I have seen it work in my life. Sin is why our world is so complicated and so miserable. I see it this way. This country is my Temple and humanity has taken over every corner of it to do their business and to enforce their man made law! I can�t even watch TV without an advertisement being flashed on the screen down in the corner of every picture. The streets are covered with their sales pitches. Every park, field and stadium bears their name. Man even defies the laws of Nature and proclaims that they have control over the rivers and of the oceans on our planet! The established enforce the separation between Church and State but at the very same time they ignorantly intrude into the sacred Church approved marriages with money making Divorce settlements! Sin has become a big business! It has also become normal for our times.

To add insult to injury, Our fellow man has transplanted God�s Law with their own law. It is the Law of Money! They claim their own brand of corrupt justice. When our judicial system fails everyone wonders why. Everyone points the finger at someone else and wonders what went wrong. We are all guilty because we tolerate this sinful path. To claim justice without God is foolishness! There can be no justice without Devine Wisdom and intervention.

To claim that God is dead is even worse. This thinking seals the doom of all who speak such foolishness. Some leaders of our nation (Politicians, Judges, Professors, Teachers, Employers) would have everyone to believe that God is foolishness. They say that they cannot believe in something they cannot see. With this belief they seal their own fate and along with it the doom of our Nation. Yet, at the very same time, they want us to tolerate the ungodly. The Professionals tell us that Tolerance of evil is good. What kind of sick philosophy would ever criticize God�s children with their ultimate goal to preserve and to uphold the perverted among you? It is time to beware of this ultimate Satanic Deception! Satan is the Master of deception. I speak the truth! We need to restore some basic boundaries so that our young will see the path to lasting peace of the Spiritual kind.

Think about this. I cannot see electricity but it works. I cannot see the atom but I believe in it. The same fools who do not believe in a God insist that Evolution is the key to all life but the Monarch Butterfly does not need evolution. It transforms itself from larva to butterfly in only one season. The Tadpole changes into a frog as well. A worm spins the finest of silk! How can they explain these contradictions in human terms? They ignore this and continue to lie. There are many more contradictions to their foolish atheism but I won�t get into it here. The evil ones have robbed themselves of a miracle. How stupid is that?

I am so tired of this earth and the fools who reside here, but even more so of the Professional Leadership who claim to be worthy of my respect and my allegiance. These are the same Leaders who rape our children and seek strange flesh over the comforts of their wives. These are the same men who refuse to prosecute known pedophiles for destroying the young and are the same men who claim to be respectable mentors and Judges over the same. These misguided men and woman will turn on their own in an instant if it will get them promoted. In the night they seek to manipulate our great Nation into something they can use for their own evil ways. In doing these things they pile up wealth for themselves and in all of the while disregard the blood of our children who die fighting foreign wars in foreign lands. They ignore our Constitution and tell their lies to pursue their selfish needs regardless of the harm that it might do to our Nation. In light of this, should we doom other Nations with our bombs for hating our kind?

For these sins God will deny any blessing to our nation. On this He will judge us! He will not support us in our time of peril if we continue on as we are. His judgment is now upon us. He is very disappointed at our foolishness. I promise you that! The danger of provoking God�s wrath is very near!

Have you noticed how much damage Hurricane Katrina did to Louisiana? What about the floods, mudslides and the fires in California? The ultimate Mega-Disaster is still to hit when an earthquake will drop most of California into the Ocean! I believe this judgment will come because Hollywood blatantly supports and exports evil. The entire state promotes materialism, Homosexuality and tolerance of Sin in preference to Spirituality!

I am not delirious or misguided. I have seen miracles and I have been warned of great disasters. All of these revelations have been a gift from God. Do not misunderstand me when I tell you of these things. I am not righteous, but I do seek God out, and I am alert to his voice when He decides to speak. I will warn you. God sees the heart and not the wallet.

I have not always been this way. I have changed. When man proved to me his wickedness I rebuked our kind and changed forever! To God be the Glory! We must all change toward God or suffer His Righteous Judgments.

To understand how God works is not as hard as you may believe. One merely has to read the story in the book of Exodus about the great one, Moses. The leadership by this man over the Jewish People as they left the land of Egypt can be a revealing look into our current world. It was a harsh world with deadly consequences for anyone who defied the will of God. Many thousands of those people would perish because they refused to listen to their leader as he fulfilled the will of our God. The same personal qualities that the Pharaoh admired in Moses were the same that God could see. A Real Leader can see ability. Yes, this was and still is our God, and He has not changed. In well over 3500 earth years He is the same God that He was when Egypt built the pyramids and served Idols of strange false gods.

Do not think for one earth second that because you have a great portfolio or make $2 Million a year that it will change anything in the eyes of God. This will not impress the Great One. He knows your heart and what treasure you have hidden there. God can also see your faults just as He knew Moses. What a man sows he shall also reap. This God has told us.

It is from the heart and very soul of a man that God chooses His Leaders. He doesn�t choose them based upon what college degree they have earned or the family from which they hail. Think about this for a while. I will elaborate.

In today�s world, Moses would have been charged with murder and jailed, possibly for life, or he would have been tried in the Haig for war crimes and such. He was a very powerful man and was not to be trifled with. God could see to the heart and soul of Moses and He knew that Moses had the drive and character that would be needed to establish God�s plan of a new beginning for the Jewish People. God knew that Moses had murdered the Egyptian Guard because Moses loved His people and was defending them. For these reasons, and some we will never know, God chose Moses to lead. He knew Moses would obey his every command because he had what it would take to get-er-done. Tough times require tough leaders! It requires a special kind of man who can deliver the ultimate decision about life or death. When God gave the Devine order Moses commanded his troops to exterminate several thousand of their own in a social cleansing that would rid his society of their worst defilers. The defilers were guilty of worshiping Idols and strange false Gods. The great one (unlike our leaders) knew how the evil would spread if it was tolerated. These same defilers were also guilty for many other crimes and sins against God and family. It was the will of God that they be eliminated, not of Moses. God�s plan created man and He can choose to do otherwise if He so pleases. This is a strength of purpose and of total Will of which America knows next to nothing. These were incredible beings and circumstances in different times. The fact that the Jews followed God and Moses was the only thing that saved their kind.

This proves my point. Egypt and Rome passed away. All of their great efforts to acheive Supremacy is now crumbling into dust! The fact that they once mattered, but no longer do, is a Great Warning from above. All of them, including the Nazis, were defeated but Israel remains strong! That was God�s Will. Who amoung you can stop the will of a God?

Some of you would logically ask, �why would God let the Nazis kill so many of His Jews if they were truly His chosen people?�. To answer that question one must be able to look at it from a differant angle but a spiritual perspective. God does not see death in a gas chamber or a work camp as being the final solution. True, It is the ultimate test of Faith! God has his own perspective of death. It is only with the blink of an eye that death provides the gateway and the transition to the spiritual life of a human. In that spiritual realm God decides the final solution. God's Love for his own is great and it lasts forever!The flip side to this will be unimaginable. I can say with much certainty that God will deal with His enemies because vengeance is his! His Vengeance is Great and it is Infinite !!!

I would not expect you to believe me. Read it for yourself. The book of Exodus in the Holy Bible has nothing to hide. It is all there for anyone who has the desire to seek it out and read it for themselves.

America has reached a comparable place in time. America has learned very little from the unholy ways of the Romans or the false ways of the Egyptians. We see their great pyramids and proclaim them to be superior. God does not agree. Many of our leaders do not have a clue. 2007 years after the resurrection of Jesus Christ and probably 3200 years since Moses lead his people out of Egypt, God is asking the question. Are you going to listen to God and believe, or are you going to believe in man�s corrupt Law, acept sinful tolerance and die Spiritually, forever?

The values that we tolerate and accept will form the bedrock for all future generations. To tolerate Evil is to admit that it has a right to exist without opposition! How can any God fearing person accept that?

God is watching to see what we do next. Will we stand on His rock or will we cave in to unjustifiable political and social tolerance in the knowledge that it breeds more Evil? The social and political tolerances that I speak of are a grave threat to the Christian family values of this world! They threaten the future of our children. This is true for the Christian as well as any of the unbelievers. Eventually, all will realize the consequences of this issue.

This is not the invitation to a bloodbath. It is a call to be vigilant. God�s Ten Commandments have always been about family and His requirements for His people to maintain the proper social environment to raise and to educate their young was always a priority with Him. The social environment must be maintained to within strict requirements. Every individual must adhere to the rules because boundaries must be set. Proper habits of hygiene and traditional values are essential if the family is to remain healthy and productive in the future of America. The family is the first building block for a nation. All care must be taken to preserve the family. Without the healthy family any nation will fall into ruin and chaos. There can be no exception. The Ten Commandments are the Law for the family. All opposing options are detrimental to social stability.

Now is the time to change course in favor of a more family friendly nation. If we wait much longer to make the change our chances for success are much weaker. This fact is very important because America is the most powerful nation on earth and we are one of the very few who support Israel�s right to exist which was pre-approved by God Himself. Also, America is the only nation to have won a world war and pose a serious threat to terrorism. Most others do not care. If we lose this fight and cannot maintain stability for Christianity in the world the Islamic Fascists will sit atop much of the world�s oil supply just when the rest of the world needs it to fight Satan! Make no mistake here. This is a very dangerous time for the world! A Third World War could begin at any moment! Heed what I say because it was inspired by God.

It is important to note that the Republican and Democratic political parties have done little to fight the onslaught of Secularism and Liberalism in this country. They also failed to put Saudi Arabia in its proper place, with respect to the 911 Terror attacks. Saudi Arabia should be paying for this war, not us! Their people were responsible for most of the suicide pilots who were flying the planes into the New York Towers on 911. Osama Bin Laden hails from there. Many of these Political Cults (that is what they really are) are a threat to the stability of the traditional Christian family values. It is also important to note that they have done next to nothing to stop the influx of non-christians into our Christian based Nation. There are now way too many Islamic Moscs on American soil now and these people breed like rats! The ruling parties have not solved the immigration mess yet and seem gutless and spineless to do so. Another problem is their inability to win the war on drugs and gangs. Both of these are a major threat to any traditional American family. These are several major reasons why we make the justifiable claim that these two parties are not worthy to guide or guard America much longer. They passed the laws to approve of abortion for profit, divorces for profit, and to spread affirmative action and social tolerance to de-stabilize the American Family. In the foreseeable future, other options must take over if this Nation is to turn around into the right direction. As long as the Christian Conservative base continues to accept politics (Republicans or Democrats) as usual the problem will continue to spin out of control. There is a point of no return and only God knows what that point is. He tells me that it is time for a change!

I have a wise point to deliver to the masses and it is this. Christians do not have to become suicide bombers or gun toting maniac killers to win this social-cultural-political war. We do not have to embark on a war for social or ethnic cleansing. We must bring up our children to become politicians in preference to engineers and truck drivers. It is time we raised the young to guarantee the political and social change God wants for America. For this to work, Christians merely have to be in all of the right places when it comes time to vote on any of the most important issues. If we saturate the political system with our kind, Christian children will become the future law of this Nation. They can decide, with God's guidance, what will change in America and what will remain. From here you can fill in the rest of the blanks. I know for a fact that God can do the rest. It is up to us to begin!

At this point in time we are inviting all people who believe in what I have said to join us at the National Family Council(NFC). We are a Family Oriented Party that is paving the way for a more secure future for traditional Christian family values in America. We support home schooling and a new family driven political system that is free from secularism, liberalism, corporate corruption and Political deception. I believe that we are what God wants for the future in America. It is up to all of us to make the change and to do so you can begin here!

If you agree with the most important points here that God has revealed to me to be forwarded to you I want you to do the following. 1.)Forward my previous E-Mail to other Pastors and Peers but not to those who are less mature in the Spirit. 2.) Pray to our Heavenly Father about what I have conveyed to you. 3.) Sleep on it for a few weeks and roll it around in your mind to get the full meaning of it all. Understand that this is the most effective way to bring change into American Politics without violence in the shortest amount of time possible. 4.) Ask God to clear up anything about it that you do not understand and have faith that He will do so. 5.)Get back to me with this E-Mail [email protected] by May 01, 2008 and I will reveal the next step in our mission that God has revealed to me. Much preperation must be done by the faithful if this is to become reality. I thank you for your valuable time and your consideration in this matter. God be with you and yours.

© Copy Right 2007 National Family Council (NFC)

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