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The Big Secrets Of Capitalism.
Why Capitalism Is So

To understand Capitalism you must first know what it is. If you are like most Americans that I know, you have never really been told the total story about capitalism. Read on.

Websters Dictionary defines Capitalism as being the following. I quote.

�Form of economic, industrial, and social organization of society involving ownership, control, and direction of production by privately owned business organizations. ��

How can this be? I was always told that we live in a Free Market system and a free Democracy! The previous definition of Capitalism has absolutely nothing to say about Free or Democracy. The Capitalist system is privately owned therefore it is not Democratic nor is it free. How could this happen? This is but one of Capitalisms many closely held secrets!

In that definition it also says that this is also a social organization of society. What? Could it be a secret elite club? The term social is defined as the following. I quote. The word �social�;

��a. pert, to society; affecting public interest; living in communities, as ants; sociable; companionable; convivial; n. social meeting.�

Has your boss ever been sociable; companionable; convivial to you on a regular basis? What does this definition have to do with Capitalism, Democracy or freedom? None of these words are listed in the definition for social or capitalism. Why not? If what we have been taught about capitalism is true there should be a positive and undeniable link to the definitions of these words and their true meanings but something is askew.

How can this be? It says nothing in the definition for word ��social� about capitalism or democracy. There is no mention of the word freedom, either! The four words Capitalism, Democracy, Freedom and the word Social have almost nothing to do with one another according to Webster�s dictionary.

This is but another of capitalisms many closely held secrets! These are things they will not tell you, ever.

Could it be that they were free to give you only the definition that they thought you should have in preference to the real truth? Could it be that Freedom can describe this discrepancy between the meanings of the words? Is this the true meaning of free or is there more that they have never told you? Let us look at the word �free� to see how it relates to Capitalism, Democracy and or the word Social.

Free is defined as, �having political liberty; unrestricted; loose; independent; open; liberal; spontaneous; exempt from impositions, duties, or fees; adv, without hindrance.�

In this definition there is nothing said about Democracy, Social or Capitalism. I tend to think that they have very little in common, just as before. When our leaders speak of our great nation they always say that it is a free democracy or a free economy or a free economic system but they never say how different the words are or that they all have very little to do with each other. For this reason I can see now why everyone is so confused about it all. There is nothing free in this country except the air you breathe or the lies they speak. They put a price on bottled water and even (potting soil) dirt! What can be free about that? You even pay to take a dump. Dahh!

They never tell anyone this fact but here is another secret that they protect as well.

Capitalism is more of a cult than most cults. Yes, you heard me right! Listen.

Webster defines the word �cult� as, ��a system of religious worship and ceremonies.�

Now, I know that you are saying that this cannot be. Capitalism is business and business is not a religion. True, but if you look at the actual operation of Capitalism in the world you will find that it is closer to the word meaning a cult than any of the other words that I have previously mentioned. For example; the members serve a system each and every day of their lives. They dedicate themselves to it. They protect that system from outsiders who do not believe in their plans and who might do their system harm. They hold the dollar in high regard and the accumulation of the dollar is the only thing they strive for. Their high priest is the top CEO and their members follow him in every way. This is part of the ritual. Their allegiance is to him and the system, entirely. Nothing else matters. The system is not Democratic and it is not free and it is different than any other social organization. Their ceremonies include following of company policies, respect for rank and doing as they are told. Social activities are restricted to Fine dining, golf or the occasional awards dinner where certain members of the system in good standing must receive their awards in reverence to the CEO and the system (cult) they all serve. If they receive that award and they disrespect either one in that process their career could be over in a very short time (doomed to economic hell). The social aspect of this system is probably the smallest element of the entire system because it takes up the least amount of time and money. This is the only time it even comes close to including the word social to their organization activities. The worship of the system and the accumulation of money and therefore power is paramount to showing their high priest how much they truly believe in that system. Nothing gets in the way of that successful system unless it is Death or illness. When that happens a new replacement is standing close by to assume the position. (draw your own conclusions)

This is another of their secrets and this is one of the reasons it is effective. However, none of their faithful would ever compare or refer the word �cult� to anything that they do. That would be heresy!

Let us get back to the definition of Capitalism.

Websters Dictionary defines the word Capitalism as the following. I quote once more.

�Form of economic, industrial, and social organization of society involving ownership, control, and direction of production by privately owned business organizations. ��

However, this is still not quite complete for a total definition. I will elaborate further.

Capitalism is all about getting it all for yourself and to hell with everyone else. This system (cult) specializes in capitalizing on the environment, on society, on Democracy,on the Economy, on the Military, on the law, on your fellow Americans, or on any freedoms expressed or implied, and on any other resource (including you) or any other facet of our world to aid in that ultimate goal. There is nothing free for you in the concept of Capitalism. You will pay for everything but this is only part of your problem! Capitalism spurs corruption and this too is a BIG secret that no one will tell you! Your government serves them. Your Laws serve them. Your Colleges and institutions serve them. Our military serves them when they need more oil, more gold, more timber and more diamonds. That is why we fight in Iraq or anywhere else this country declares that we need a war. It�s not for you, or the hungry homeless sand people who need democracy shoved down their throats. It is not about your freedom. Its all about their freedom to exploit and Capitalize on everything using your Tax money to Get-er-done and to gain control of the world market on whatever makes more money! Most of Everything else that you ever heard about Capitalism is a Lie and don�t forget it! They know how to keep their dirty secrets away from the dangerous minds of unbelievers. Soon your jobs will be going to Iraq and Afghanistan just like they went to South Korea and Japan after those wars. I�m not a believer in their systems of deception but I�m not done with you yet.

Capitalism has caused more misery, death, and destruction on this planet in its pursuit of wealth than any army, race of people or religion ever did but they will blame someone else for their evil greed. This is a secret! They will blame religion,(Christianity, Islam) race (black vs, white), politics (Capitalism vs. Communism Vs. Nazism), poverty, inequality (slavery), hunger, and anything else they have to blame in order to avoid being accused of it themselves. This is their smoke screen and their secret. You aren't supposed to know this! Most never do.

If you are a true capitalist you are greedy for wealth, power and privilege. You crave these things like an alcoholic craves booze and the junky needs a fix. You need more, more, more! You think your better than everybody else and that you deserve the very best when all others around you are insignificant problems to be denied. It�s a disease of the mind but that�s another of their secrets that no one will ever tell you! The only personal relationships you have with other people are dictated by that greed or business. In most cases your families were a mistake and have now become a drain on your bank account. What you sowed you now reap! With little concern in your heart for others, or the welfare of your own soul, you are lost and are definitely headed for Hell. You serve one master, that money making system, but that system has nothing to do with God. This is another secret that you have never known. Let me ask you this. What shall it profit you if you gain your financial goal but lose your only Soul? Let us tell the truth about it all, here and now.

Capitalism is the Devils� tool because the road to Hell is paved with good intentions (making money). It is one of Satan�s favorite tools! He uses it to keep you busy and away from using your time to find God. It is a perfect distraction technique and it works because we have all been taught that nothing is more important than making money. Right? The Devil has to bait your trap with goodies if he wants to capture you! That is the real reason why Capitalism is so powerful! Hear me NOW! Jesus Christ is your only hope. See your local Pastor for guidance to the hereafter while you still can. It is much later than you think! Soon, all of a man�s efforts shall pass away. Where then shall be your hope and reward?

You now know the truth about Capitalism�s BIG Secrets!

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