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Times Have Changed In America.
Old Mistakes Must

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Subject: FORWARD/ Working For Invaders, Spies or worse?

Why Aren�t Our Congressman Working For Middle and Lower Class America?

Why are they betraying you by working for the invaders?

Hello everyone. My name is Forrest and I�d like to take a little of your time to talk about this immigration reform bill that the politicians are all hot and steamy about. Why are our elected officials working for the invaders? Why are ill-legals and other foreigners so important? What about us? Politicians are supposed to be working for us! What went wrong with our American dream? How come we Americans have lost millions of our jobs to cheap labor? Why aren�t our leaders learning from past failed immigration policies? Why aren�t they doing what they were elected to do, to protect and work toward our interests?

First of all, at www.natureiswonderful.com I tend to look at this problem from the logical point of view that Nature might help to solve. What natural logic could ever hope to solve a problem like 12 million ill-legal foreign invaders on our soil? What natural reasoning would serve to fix this dilemma? Is there anything in Nature with similar consequences?

First of all, you are dealing with the power of numbers. This can be very bad! Consider the problem of mice. If you were going to legislate a bill to control mice in the USA what would be the necessary approach to this problem?

Would you have to identify every mouse and take a sample of its DNA along with its cute paw print and a whiskered photo? Would you have to give its young free health care? Would you have to solve the problems by training all of their young in a public schools system to be good little mice by squeaking their utterances in English? How about teaching them all to drive, and giving them drivers licenses with green cards, so that they will be much harder to find? What about teaching them all to write so that they can all write home and invite their 10 million relatives to come and stay for a while?

No, I don�t think that this approach would be helpful to our country or its middle or lower classes. It would not be very long until the mice population soared out of control and soon they would be telling the cats (politicians) what to do! The power of numbers can be a very bad thing! When populations get out of control it won�t be long before they are chewing holes in everything. Right now we have over 12 million of them but they aren�t mice and they are chewing holes in your children's future!

Unlike the mice, we cannot put out massive steel traps or claymore mines to stop this massive immigrant invasion. We can�t even treat them like rodents. We must be respectful of how we go about it all before some one gets killed or some maniac slaughters 32 innocent Americans at a college or some of them fly jets into a skyscraper somewhere! Cooler heads with logic must prevail but soon. If we aren�t careful someone might try to sneak into Fort Dix and kill a platoon of our finest or run down school children! (I'm not trying to be funny)

Our politicians have had many opportunities to do the right thing. They should have legislated bills to enforce immigration law and not to serve immigration. They should have studied the habits of the il-legals for a few years to determine how many were coming and who they were bringing with them. They should have determined what the reproductive rates were prior to any legislation. Population studies, behavioral studies and societal studies should have been employed to head off any future problems in our country with this massive immigration invasion! If they had been doing the right thing the power of numbers could have served us instead of betraying us. Employers should have been registered as using immigrant labor and penalized accordingly to subsidize the problems they have created with their importation of a new slave class.

I realize that the wealthy love their cute little chamber maids and their muscular gardeners, and I realize that their pool boys add a thrill to their daughter�s pool parties, but this is unconscionable! This is every bit as immoral as Rome ever was. Has humanity ever really learned anything from its past mistakes or will the elites pass another doomed immigration bill again just to make their wealthy friends happy?

We fought one terrible civil war over slavery! Are our leaders prepping our nation for yet another? I see nothing to tell me otherwise.

To understand the problem of immigration one merely has to read �The World Almanac�. It is plain to see that the politicians are fools to legislate bills they know nothing about or that they have never organized a study to support.

Two states, California and New York, are at the center of this problem. They have become a very bad examples for other states to follow, when it comes to enforcing, or to forming legislation bills, or enforcing laws about immigration. They have some of the highest prison population rates in the nation! Other states should find out what they are doing wrong with this immigration problem and they should reveal the truth regardless of what others might say. These two states are the culprits, along with Mexico, for causing the bulk of this invasion. Other states should demand a permanent solution before any new legislation is drafted or voted upon.

Studies of old and failed legislation should be conducted by experts, (Not Politicians), to gather the appropriate facts from which all decisions can be made for new immigration policies. New legislation should be based upon understanding old policies along with any consequences that might be caused by future birth rates, life expectancies, wage and job loss. They should consider the drain on our educational, medical and law enforcement systems before approving additional immigration.

Back in 1988 there were 1.4 million aliens seeking amnesty in America, now, look at what has happened! 71% of those entered America from our troubled neighbor to the south, Mexico. Since 1995 we have lost well over 3 million jobs to American families. The numbers cannot support this nightmare of an immigration bill. If it passes you can expect the immigrant population to reach 80 million in less than 10 years time!

President Bush�s father was president when they passed an amnesty immigration bill in 1990. The evidence of old failures was plain to see but the administration at that time trumpeted the bill as a wonderful success.They never consulted the voters on how they felt about it. It has lead us to this.

His son, our current President, learned nothing from his father�s mistakes about immigration and he is perfectly willing to sign a bill that New Gingrich called the worst bill in the history of the Republican Party! He said this bill will destroy our current two party systems and it could possibly unleash unintended consequences within the nation of staggering political and economic proportions! I don't care how hard you try, You can�t put a candy coating on that.

This comes at the worst time in our history. We are fighting a war! Our national security is at risk. We may become the first super power to let the enemy just walk right on in and take over in any way they choose! Are they Mexican reserve units working under cover? Are they spies? Can we ignore this after the Virginia Tech Massacre. Can we look the other way after 911 and ignore the threat? They almost got us a Fort Dix! What about all the other innocent victims across America who are being killed and maimed by unknown il-legal immigrants, aliens without identities? Are you going to tell me that our politicians are being honest with you and doing the right thing for you and your family with this idiotic immigration reform bill? All of the most important vital statistics are against it!

I agree with Newt�s assessment and I�m not a Republican. We must do something different to get the attention of the right people. We must do it fast! If you forward this email to as many people as you can and they do likewise, it could reach millions of people who might be willing to do the same in just a week or two. The power of numbers is amazing and 12 million immigrants proves it!

We need to force our politicians to bet their political careers on their next amnesty vote! Every one of them should be held accountable for this debacle.

Many feel that we cannot deport them all. I disagree. Look at how many soldiers we moved to engage in all of our foreign wars. How many did we move in World War one and II? In Korea, In Vietnam, and now to fight another war on terrorism? How many beef cattle do we ship every year to auction? How many school children do we move every day to their schools? I don't want to hear it! We can do whatever it takes and of that I have no doubt! America has always done what others could not. This is no differant. This is the time when we must be strong!

I can hear all of the cries from the bleeding heart dreamers now. They want to give a piece of your american dream pie to one of the poor down trodden invaders. Well, all the dreamers need to wake up. They need to understand that even the american pie is going to run out. I want my child to get a piece because if she doesn't she will be the one crying. That is unacceptable.

Please do the following. Use this link www.numbersusa.com and go to the following web page to fill out a quick enrollment script. After you choose a username and password you will be able to instantly send several faxes to your representatives and to take a voting poll and sign a petition on this immigration bill with ease. I was amazed at how simple it all was. You can do the same thing. Forward this letter to everyone you can and ask them to do the same. The power of numbers is amazing! Beleive me, Your country's future will depend on it.

Why Aren�t Our Congressman Working For Middle and Lower Class America? Why are they trying to eliminate America�s middle class. Do they hate us?

Our politicians and our President are willing to risk your children�s future on the uncontrolled massive immigration problem. They think that the answers to all of our country�s problems are low cost maids, pool boys and shoe shines. From their ivory towers and their bullet proof limousines they feel safe. Do you? Please pass this on!

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