The Show
Actor Bio's
Piper halliwell
PERSONALITY:Piper was always the quite charmed one.she was often afriad to tell people what she realy thought and constantly had to act as a peace keeper over her two sisters prue and phoebe.

WORK:PIper origianly worked as a chef at a resturant called quake as cooking was one of her strong points and had always been a passion of hers.she soon became bored and went on to follow her own dream with a little help from her sisters as she went on to own her own club of the hottest clubs in san fransisco.

LOVE:Pipers true love is leo wyatt Leo was the charmed ones handy man and came round to fix stuff in the manor.piper soon fell in love with him as leo did for piper without knowing that leo was a whightliter and piper was a witch they soon found out eachother secrets,but the elders didnt allow them to theystopped dating but soon relised that the couldnt be they didnt care about the elders and got married the soon had a double blessed child called wyatt.

POWERS:Pioers first powers where to stop time int he room she was in by her hands she also could freeze one perosn and her and her sisters werent affectieed by it. this power soon became so piper coukd blow up demons and objects.
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