The Show
The triquetra
       The Power Of Three
Closer look at madien-morther-crone traid and it indavidul unfloding helps us understand thw power of relastionships between woman of differnet ages and stages.Such relastionships in 'charmed' are *prue-piper-phoebe*  or *melinda warren-patty halliwell-halliwell sisters*
The triple goddess
Madien mother and crone are the 3 stages of a woman's powerfull and prowend life.
As a maiden she is blessed with innocence, A new awakeing and changed level of concuisoness,As a mother hse is blessed iwth the birth of a nother human-being and the begging of time and nutering,as the crone a new cycle of life begins  this is infiente wisdom
                              The new moon.
As a girl grows phicsicly and mentaly she crosses form the world of child,into that of the madien.Madienhood is a time of freedom and exploration.idellay its a time where the body is not burdened by the demands of others and the soul is free to wander around though its self and its surrondings. The madien has to work harder to understand and envision how her future  concissiness intercects wwith the triple goodess
sound like pheebs er YEA!!!!!

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