The Show
Prue Halliwell
PERSONALITY:Prue Halliwell was strong,confident and a born leader,She was headstrong and this often got her into trouble,as did her fearless attidude.She would always put the lives of innocents before her very own,and this way to eventually end in her death,As she dived in the way of an energy blast to save an innocent the engery blast came from shax,the sources personal assain.Of course Prues strong charater and leadership skills she will never be forgotton

WORK: Prue was a hard worker,and spent most of her life at work.She spent much more time at work than with her family,She was very commited to her work aswell as her family.She worked for bucklands actuion house,she was a credit to the ferm as she could identify almost any artifact with detail.However,she grew tired of the commitment and went to follow her dream as a pro,photogrpaher for a successful magazine.

LOVE:Prues biggest love was andyPrue had known andy though highschool and school,but when prue left highschool she had to say goodbye to andy,then prue inhereted her powers round about that time andy met up with prue again.for the first couple fo years andy knew nothing about prues powers or her being a witch altough he had had a lot of cases involoing prue as being as he was a cop.But Prue finally told andy her secret.andy was shocked but deiced that the couldnt havea  releastionship.although they both knew that if things where different they would be together as they loved eachother.Soon andy got killed by a demon.Then prue started dating a college from work named jack but the two never worked out.

POWERS:Prues first power was to move things with her eyes and mind-the power of teleikeniskis but later prue worked out she could do ti with her hands.Late ron prue got the powers of asteral projection the power to be in two places at once.Prue was always the most powerful witch.
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