Tommy Lee and Nick Carter
TOMMY LEE To Co-Produce Solo Album From BACKSTREET BOYS Singer

Former M�TLEY CR�E drummer Tommy Lee is reportedly co-producing several tracks for the sophomore solo album from BACKSTREET BOYS singer Nick Carter.

It is not presently clear if Lee will be co-writing any of the material, which is set to surface in early 2004.

Nick's first solo record, 2002's "Now or Never", debuted at No. 17 on The Billboard 200 chart with over 67,000 copies sold during its first week of release.

>>>In response to this news blab, people started bad mouthing Tommy and Nick.  Here is what Tommy had to say to them....hehe

       If you go to the postings you will see moronic statements by many who just don't get life/creativity/exploration and music at all! Am I never supposed to write a song for anyone else?...... Am I never to change my style as I and music evolve???....... It just blows my mind how retarded people are!! I've been asked to write for OZZY, I've written many songs for the CRUE, my solo stuff etc.......

    Who gives a flyin fuck who I write with! I only want to work with talented artists!
Fuck........I'm not joining the Backstreet Boys, I was asked by Nick after he heard my last 2 CD's production and sound if I would help him get a more aggressive sound for his new CD!!.........And why not?.......That mother fucker can sing his nuts off!!.......And what?......Is he never to do anything but pop music?? He's a huge rock music fan.....You all would be very surprised.

    I hope you people over there find something better to do with your time like move the fuck on and roll with the times and let people be themselves!! Do I judge your work!?!!?..........Trust me...It wouldn't get me off posting to everyone how you burn the burgers you flip at Jack in the Box!!
So run along..... Your boss is calling you.
Tommy Fuckin Lee

"That mother fucker can sing his nuts off!!" I  especially like that...hehe. :)

Thanks to rds25 @ LD for posting this last night and to BML!!! (June 28th, 2003)
**Of course, anything that Tommy says is rated R for langauge.
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