Robert Carter Aressted -
Posted by ConnieB on NCOST.

Courtesy of the KeyNoter Newspaper in Marathon Fl

Celebrity Carters' patriarch is jailed
Keynoter Staff

Robert Carter, father of Marathon residents Backstreet Boy Nick
Carter and his brother Aaron, another pop sensation, landed in jail
Thursday night on a charge of domestic battery after allegedly
pushing his wife in a shower, bruising her head.

The arrest followed a heated argument over the division of property,
according to a Monroe County Sheriff's Office report.

The report says that Carter, 50, and his wife went for a ride in his
racing boat during the day, then had dinner at Burdine's Waterfront
at the end of 15th Street. Then they returned to their home, and
he "started yelling at everyone."

A witness statement says that when the Carters returned to their
house from dinner, Robert Carter said he noticed photos of Aaron, the
younger son, were missing. "He then became angry and loud," the
statement says.

Robert Carter allegedly threw a coffeepot and other things at his
wife, then entered a moving truck and started tossing boxes out of it.

His statement says he "got mad because [she] took things that did not
belong to her. She got upset and made believe that I was beating her
and calling people to be a witness to that."

However, in her statement, she said he followed her into the house
and she locked herself in a bedroom and he kicked the door in. She
then locked herself in a bathroom, but he kicked in that door, too,
then shoved her in the shower, "causing her to fall and hit the back
of her head."

Robert Carter remained jailed early Friday afternoon in lieu of
$5,000 bond.
Before you read: Please take into consideration that this article is true and does involve very close information to the Carter family. This took my a very long time to decide to post on here, because this is private, but after seeing it posted on, and a message board, LiveDaily, I have decided that my readers are mature enough to handle such information and deal with it properly.  I ask of you now, before you read this article and acuse me of giving out false information and acting like an immature child and not wanting to believe anything, that you act like a mature adult and respect the Carter's during this time, no matter what is being stated in this article. I know how some fans can act, and it's not pretty.  Bob Carter was arrested, yes, but we will never know what happened during that time.  A newspaper will not tell us that.   This article come from a Florida newspaper in Marathon, where the Carter's live. 

I do not believe that I am being disrespectful by posting this, as the news is almost every where now.  Sad enough, reporters are going to have a feild day with this one.  Just like Nick's arrest. 

Just support, don't bash. 

Your webmistress,

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