The Qabalistic Cross ~

Stand and face east. Imagine a brilliant white touching the top of your head. Reach up with the index finger or blade of a dagger to connect with the light and bring it to the forehead.

Touch the forehead and vibrate "Ah-tah" ("Thou art").

Touch the breast and bring the dagger blade or index finge down until it touches the heart or abdominal area, pointing down to the ground. Imagine the light descending from the forehead to the feet.

Vibrate "Malkuth" ("the Kingdom").

Touch the right shoulder and visualize a point of light there.

Vibrate "Ve-G'Boo-Rah" ("the Power").

Touch the left shoulder and visualize a point of light there. See the horizontal shaft oflight extending from the opposite shoulder to join this point of light.

Vibrate "Ve-G'Doo-Lah" ("the Glory").

Imagine a completed cross of light running from head to feet and shoulder to shoulder.

Bring the hands outward, away from the body, and finally bring them together again, clasped on the breast as if praying. Vibrate "Le-Olahm, Amen" ("Forever unto the Ages").


Thou art the Kingdom of Power and Glory, Forever unto the Ages.


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