No. Hebrew Letter English Pronunciation Definition Joining Sephiroth No. Value Path Astrology Tarot Trump Meaning Element
1 A Aleph Ox Kether to Chokmah 1 11 Air The Fool Power Air
2 B, V Beth House Kether to Binah 2 12 Mercury Magician Attention Air
3 G, J Gimel Camel Kether to Tiphareth 3 13 Luna High Priestess Memory Water
4 D, Th Daleth Door Chokmah to Binah 4 14 Venus Empress Imagination Air
5 H Heh Window Chokmah to Tiphareth 5 15 Aries Emperor Reason Fire
6 V, O, U Vav Nail Chokmah to Chesed 6 16 Taurus Hierophant Intuition Earth
7 Z Zayin Sword Binah to Tiphareth 7 17 Gemini The Lovers Discrimination Air
8 Ch Cheth Fence Binah to Geburah 8 18 Cancer Chariot Receptivity Water
9 T Teth Serpent Chesed to Geburah 9 19 Leo Strength Suggestion Fire
10 Y, I Yod Hand Chesed to Tiphareth 10 20 Virgo Hermit Response Earth
11 K, Ch Kaph Spoon* Chesed to Netzach 20 21 Jove Wheel of Fortune Rotation Fire
12 L Lamed Whip Geburah to Tiphareth 30 22 Libra Justice Equilibrium Air
13 M Mem Water Geburah to Hod 40 23 Water Hanged Man Reversal Water
14 N Nun Fish Tiphareth to Netzach 50 24 Scorpio Death Transformation Water
15 S Samekh Prop Tiphareth to Yesode 60 25 Sagittarius Temperance Verification Fire
16 O-nasal Ayin Eye Tiphareth to Hod 70 26 Capricorn The Devil Bondage Earth
17 P, F Peh Mouth Netzach to hod 80 27 Mars The Tower Awakening Fire
18 Tz Tzaddi Fish Hook Netzach to Hod 90 28 Aquarius The Star Revelation Air
19 Q Qoph Back of Head Netzach to Malkuth 100 29 Pisces Moon Organization Water
20 R Resh Head Hod to Yesode 200 30 Sol Sun Regeneration Fire
21 Sh, S Shin Tooth Hod to Malkuth 300 31 Fire Judgement Realization Fire
32 T, S** Tau Tau Cross Malkuth to Yesode 400 32 Saturn World Cosmic Conciousness Earth
* More often it means "palm of the hand."
** In the Askenazic dialect Tau can be pronounced as "s";. In the more common Sephardic dialect Tau is pronounced as "t" or "th"
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