
~ 1. The portion of the body in the pelvis occupied by urogenital passages and the rectum, bounded in front by the pubic arch, in the back by the coccyx, and laterally by part of the hipbone.  2.  The region between the scrotum and the anus in males, and between the posterior vulva junction and the anus in females. 

chakra name:               root/base, Muladhara
symbol & element:       Earth, square
musical note & sound:  middle C (OOO)
mantram:                     Lam
attribute:                      vitality, kundalini, life force
minerals:                      ruby, pyrite, garnet, hematite
astrology:                     fire signs, Aries, Leo, Sagitarrius
senses:                         smell, external visual, movement
healing food:                 proteins, red fruit
common addictions:      alcohol, sex, compulsive cleaning
healing property:           circulation, blood pressure, colds and shock

~ 1. One of the largest lympnoid structures, a visceral organ composed of a white pulp of lymphatic nodules and tissue and a red pulp of venous sinsusoids in a framework of fibrous partitions lying on the left side below the diaphragm, functioning as a blood folter and to store blood.  2. A homologous organ or tissue in other vertebrates.  Also called "milt".  3. Obsolete.  a.  This organ considered the seat of mirth.  b. Merriment.  c.  Caprice.  4. Archaic.  a. This organ considered as the seat of melancholy.  b.  Melancholy.  5.  Ill temper. 

chakra name:               spleen, Svadhist Hana
symbol & element:       water, pyramid
musical note & sound:  D (Re), oh
mantram:                    Vam
attribute:                     creativity, reserve, energy, sexual
minerals:                     coral, moonstone, fire opal
astrology:                    Water signs, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
senses:                        taste, emotional feelings, kinesthetic
healing food:               water, juice, tea
common addictions:     sugar, food, alcohol, relationships
healing property:          muscles, reproduction, detoxifying, emotional balanc

Solar Plexus
~ 1.  The lare network of symphathetic nerves and ganglia located in the peritoneal cavity behind the stomach and having branching tracts that supply nerves to the abdominal viscera.  2.  Informal.  The pit of the stomach. 

chakra name:               solar plexus, stomach/navel, Manipura
symbol & element:       fire, circle
musical note & sound:  E (Mi), aw/ah
mantram:                    Ram
attributes:                    inspiration, intellect, wisdom, psychism
minerals:                     yellow topaz, citrine, amber, tiger's eye
astrology:                    Earth signs, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
senses:                        sight, auditory/digital, hands-on
healing food:                complex carbohydrate, grain
common addictions:     food, caffeine, details, compulsive cleaning
healing property:          digestion, laxative/constipation, headache, adrenals 

Center of Chest
~  1.  The heart thought of as the vital center of one's being, emontions and sensibilities; the seat or repository of emotions.  2.  a. Emotional constitution, disposition, or mood; a heavy heart; a change of heart.  b. Capacity for sympathy or generosity; compassion: He has no heart.  3.  Love; affection:  The child won his heart. 4.  Inner strength or character; fortitude; men of heart.

chakra name:               heart, Anahata
symbol & element:       air, cross
musical note & sound:  F (Fa), (ay)
mantram:                    Yam
attributes:                    love/healing, balance, Akashic memory
minerals:                     emerald, tourmaline, jade, rose quartz
astrology:                    Air signs, Gemini, Libra, Aquarious
senses:                        touch, internal visual
healing food:               green vegetables, dark leafy greens
common addictions:     cigarettes/nicotine, marijuana, etc.
healing property:          heart trouble, lungs, ulcers, hypertension, blood/circulation


chakra name:               throat, Vishuddha
symbol & element:       ether, cup/chalice
musical note & sound:  G (Sol), (eh) (a/uh)
mantram:                    Ham
attributes:                    clairaudience, cooling, relaxing
minerals:                     turquoise, aquamarine, chrysocolla
astrology:                    higher expression of all signs
senses:                        hearing, auditory/visual
healing food:               raw fruit
common addictions:     cigarettes/nicotine, nasal inhalant
healing property:         throat, fevers, asthma, lungs, thyroid, antiseptic stimulation

Pituitary Gland
~  1.  A small, oval endocrine gland attached to the base of the vertebrate brain, the secretions of which control the other endocrine glands and influence growth, metabolism, and maturation.  The Third Eye or blue flame between the and above the eyebrows.  Associated with perceptions and psychic awareness of the mundane.

chakra name:               third eye, Ajna
symbol & element:       thought, Star of David
musical note & sound:  B (Ti), e (ee)
mantram:                    Aum/Om
attributes:                    Christ conciousness, inspiration
minerals:                     lapis lazuli, purple flourite, clear quartz
astrology:                    higher expression of all the astrological signs
senses:                        telepathy, clairvoyance, etc.
healing food:               breath, air, chlorophyll
healing property:          purifier (blood), obsessions, coagulant, sinuses, headaches, stroke afflictions

Pineal Gland
~  1.  A small rudimentary glandular body of uncertain function, in the brain at the roof of the third ventricle.

chakra name:                crown, Sahasrara
symbol & element:        light, lotus
musical note & sound:   B (Ti), e (ee)
mantram:                     Om
attributes:                     Christ conciousness, inspiration
minerals:                      amethyst, diamond, alexandrite
astrology:                     higher expression of all signs
senses:                         knowingness, oneness
healing food:                sun, juice, fasting
healing property:          soothing to the nerves, stress, confusion, neorosis, insomnia, skeletal problems
White                                                                         Soul Star

chakra name:              
symbol & element:        spirit
musical note & sound:   high C (above midle C)
mantram:                     Om
mineral:                       diamond
attribute:                      that part of soul linked to matter; link to out true spirtual essence
healing property:           building the Body of Light, key to burning away negative thoughtforms that hinder physical and spiritual                                          health for discipleship  
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