Life is what you Make               
When you believe in yourself
and on your mission of life,
you will get a force within
yourself which will lead you to
your goal. If you believe in
yourself other will automatically
 believe in you. A certain
 pervasive influence which will
 inspire others to your confidence
 and follow your leadership will
 make you a good leader.
But a good leader must be
confident to himself and of his
ability to accomplish his task.
Your future will depend entirely
 on your today's work. Your
attitude and duty will ultimately
decide your success and happiness
            You have to make good
things to be happen by your hard
 work and iron will.
            Success comes through
positive thinking , planned action
and profound enthusiasm with
fame and fortune. Life is what you
 make it. Put your heart and soul
in what you do..
                                KAUSHAL SUBBA.



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