Detailed research of local needs was undertaken by the late Brother Peter Sheehy, the first Director of Nisansala, Brother Michael O'Malley And Martin O'Neil.

Following their research findings and subsequent recommendations ,we built a residential and day care centre at Nisansala - (The Sinhala word for tranquility) in Ja-Ela.At that time we considered the centre appropriate to meet the needs of our service users, but it is now clear that we would have had greater impact through more sustained involvement with families , friends and the wider community.The Nisansala centre Tudella provides care, training and development Programmes for 61 persons with learning disabilities (Mental handicap) 46 males 15 females. There are 11 staff directly involved in the training and development programmes- 3 males and 6 females ,2 volunteers Training and development programmes are provide from Monday to Friday 08.00 to 15.30 hours.To date well over 123 persons with learning disabilities (mental handicap) Have passed through our Training and development programmes since the service commenced in 1992.

In the last 12 months 25 persons have left our service for further vocational training opportunities etc.Like many developing countries, Sri lanka has a range of needs such are as housing , unemployment, traumatized victims of violence and lack of appropriate services for people with special needs ,drug and other related substance abuse.The Brothers of Charity, colleagues, friends, associate and other agencies in both Britain and Ireland over the last twelve years have assisted (and continue) both professionally and financially.

The supportive care, education and training now being provided for the people using the service at Nisansala would never have been possible Without the support, encouragement of the Brothers of Charity, Co - workers Friends and others in Britain, Ireland.

The continued expansion of a volunteer service. At the end of 1994 we responded to the reguests of local parents by developing a children's service,which now provides social and educational training for twenty children under 12 years old.

A number of services users of Nisansala day center have attended for over three years and throught support and training are ready to move onto more challenging environments.

To date well over 100 persons with learning disability (mental handicap) have passed through our Training and development programes since the service commenced in 1991.

In the last 12 months 29 persons have left our service for further vocational training -employment or more appropriate training opportunities etc.

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