Real Name: Shivonne Dhermot Gillespie  
Age: 16 
Birthdate: December 31st
Location: Uk, Scotland, Glasgow 
Favorite Nirvana Song: Dumb or Territorial Pissings

Bio: Er, I'm an only child, I live with my mother (Elizabeth) and her boyfriend (Billy), my dad (Dhermot) passed away when I was 10, my best mate is stef we've been mates for only a yr n 6 month (since 11th july 2002) er.. I've just left school and i might be at collage in january ! um my fav colour is blue and I'm a sarcastic bitch.. and I'm honest always.. and er.. dunno what else.. er aye a like to read poems and write them, i love writing scripts and stories to and eh.. like to skate board and run about n jumop around cos .... er.... I'm mental.. ?? nah a no but rite anyways i dunno wot a wee bio is so this'll do... 

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