Serve The Servants

Autobiographical, recounting and summing up the experience of being in a band fraught with the stress of success.

Scentless Apprentice

Based on the novel "Perfume" by Patrick Suskind.

Heart Shaped Box

Heart shaped box manages to convey complex themes of love and entrapment. It deals with the aspects of Kurt's relationship with Courtney and his addictions to her and heroin.

Rape Me

Rape me tells the tale of poetic justice when a rapist is put in prison for his crimes and is then raped there himself.

Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle

Inspired by Frances Farmer and the injustices she suffered at the hands of Mccarthy's America and her own parents.


Dumb is a drug themed song which basically draws the conclusion that 'ignorance is bliss'.

Very Ape

About the macho male in all its stereotypical splendour of stupidity.

Milk It

A kind of sequel to 'Drain you'. It examines co dependancy.

Pennyroyal Tea

About abortion, the dilemmas and difficult issues surrounding the subject, the arguements for and against, and the inevitable guilt that will follow.

Radio Friendly Unit Shifter

About the record industry marketing techniques, particularly the corrupt 'plugger' system used to get radiplay for singles.


Tourette's takes it's name from the syndrome which causes sufferers to move jerkily and shout, spit, or swear spontaneously and without control.

All apologies

Dedicated to Courtney and Frances.

Gallons of Rubbing alcohol flow through the strip

A poem with guitars. it's about Kurts feelings of impotence and romantic loneliness, and the disatisfaction he has with nirvana's sound.

Lyrics Meaning
Click On The Side-Bar To Return To The Top.
  1. Serve The Servants
  2. Scentless Apprentice
  3. Heart Shaped Box
  4. Rape Me
  5. Frances Farmer Will Have Her.. ...Revenge On Seattle
  6. Dumb
  7. Very Ape
  8. Milk It
  9. Pennyroyal Tea
  10. Radio Friendly Unit Shifter
  11. Tourette's
  12. All Apologies
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