The first Nirvana album, Bleach, edited in 1989 by Sub-Pop, showed since now this new band music style . It was the only Nirvana album edited by Sub-Pop.

1 - Blew (2.53)

2 - Floyd The Barber (2.15)

3 - About A Girl (2.46)

4 - School (2.40)

5 - Love Buzz (3.33)

6 - Paper Cuts (4.04)

7 - Negative Creep (2.52)

8 - Scoff (4.07)

9 - Swap Meet (3.00)

10 - Mr. Moustache (3.21)

11 - Sifting (5.21)

12 - Big Cheese (3.40)

13 - Downer (1.42)


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