Memorial Book

The Kurt Cobain Memorial Book at the Hoquiam Timberland Library

A memorial Book has been established at the Hoquiam Library in memory of Kurt. Hilary Richrod had asked that I help get the word out to any fans interested in contributing to it. Below are the details of how and where to send your submissions.

we're starting a memorial book for Kurt in the Hoquiam Library. We want anyone who would like to write a brief message for or about Kurt, what he meant to them, or just a memorial. It would need to be on ONE piece of standard paper, (writing on both sides of the page is fine) with enough margin to use a 3-hole punch, so it can be inserted into a notebook. Typed or handwritten is fine. Art is fine, too.

Send to:

Hilary Richrod

Hoquiam Timberland Library

420 7th Street

Hoquiam, WA 98550

The book will probably never be complete, as long as his fans are out there. The book will be available in the Hoquiam Library.