My First Shot
I chose to take you all those times
I couldnt belive I would be the one helping you get your fix
All the tings Ive done in the past to keep you around,
To make you think I was still cool
I had to see it to believe it
I guess I finally beileve, as I was wiping the blood off your arm
Ive never felt this low
I was going to do it, one last time
So we could share that high
You did it infront of me to prove what?
That you're a man?
You can take on any thing?
What kind of monster has that little pill make you
I ponder my hit
But Im too good for it
I back down
As the look of worry leaves your face
I remember your face on that night
I hear a solf distant tone, holding still
You've go so much life left inside you
Why are you letting a needle ruin everything?
In my dreams at night when I open my arms to you
only be be awaken again--
to see you with the needle in your arm


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