It's Alright
I see you in my dreams
I feel the regret
How can you love something
You've never met
You're daddy dan't know
How I still feel
The hurt I feel inside
The pain I caused him
You're laughter I imagine
You're face I can't place
It wasn't right
Why did I do it?
On that day, I lost you--
I lost my respect, I lost my love
Does it make it right?
Will I ever bare again?
Is it fair to you?
Is it fair to your daddy?
With some time, new things will happen
Why can't I let go
Why am I haunted by your very existance
I feel dirty
My words are never good enough
I am a murderer in my own heart
It hurt, not a lot
I cried the whole time
"It's alright"
"You'll move on with your life"

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