Something Stolen that is so Fake

Something inside you takes a part of me
I've lost it, not I can't see
Why do you always fuck with me
I try to stay away
But I'm driven to you
Sometimes I want to cry
I want to stay all night with you
I lay next to you, so silent and afraid
I have prayed for this for so long
Our angel must have heard me
Night after night
You felt it, I know you did
That lasting kiss
Your taste in my mouth
Holding me, keeping me calm
You sucked me dry
ANd left your scent and emotions on my pillow
Again and again you come back to me
My guilt you took
Can you feel my pain?
Moments for me to keep
Close to my heart
Do you dream of me at night
We became united again
Do I wait longer for more from you
Did you really care for me enough
To come back to me again
I want to lock youu up in my locket
So I can keep you close to me
God, why did I wake-up
Why did I open my eyes

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