That One Sweet Day

You try your best to hurt me. Saying things that are mean but they do no harm. You did love me. I know this well. I am sure there will be a day where we will meet and you will finally understand that what they say and do is all wrong. can't hold things against you. Believe me, I have tried. But some times the heart is stronger than the mind. Holding in the thought, I have only cause myself pain. But I know thats what everyone wants to see. I will not be your victim. I will not be their victim. I know I am stronger than that. At one point it my life I was. Now I am again. You do hurt me. But my heart gets stronger from your hateful words and thoughtless meanings do me no good. When that day comes. When that day comes, when your heart remembers our love. I will be there. Waiting. And willing to give in to everything. And learn to love you. And not hold in the love and be afraid to tell you everything. I believe this. Oh, how I think. Oh, how I believe.

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