Submit your poetry here. In the subject area place the title. At the end of your poem include your name and the date. You can send multiple poems at a time. Expect your poem to be posted within 1 to 3 days. When you send your poem, please make sure you include your name. We have been having a bit trouble with people not giving us their name so we can't give them their proper credit and therefore cannot post the poem on the site for them.

Our Apologies

We are sorry if your poem that you sent us wasn't put on here within 1 to 3 days. With school, jobs, and whatnot it is hard to keep putting everything on the site in a given time period. We, the people at the Coffee House would like to say we are sorry if we caused you any inconvenience.
If you don't wish your e-mail to be presented to the public at the page on this site, please inform us.
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