Erika A.


Would you notice if I dissapeared?
Do you notice me now...
You used to make a point to see me
inspired me to better myself for you
inspired me to better myself for me
I should have known that you had bad intentions
I should have know you only wanted attention
Would you notice if I dissapeared?
Do you notice me now...
You used to write me notes and call
I thought I had a friend in you
You knew you had a friend in me.
I should have forgotten you before you forgot about me
I guess you don't care that now you're without me
Will you notice when I disappear
Do you even notice me now?
Thats it, I give up. I'm tired of trying
I'm done, its over. I'm sick of crying


Was I just a slut to you, just an easy fuck?
Soumeone you could call on when you had nobody better to do.
I was there for you,
Supported you even when I knew it was wrong.
You knew how it made me feel,
but you still went along.
You liked making me feel sad,
but I brought it up and you got mad.
I gave you all the feeling I could,
Can't you appreciate that,
Couldn't you see that?
I waited for you every night but you didn't get it
You only wanted one thing, and that was to hit it
I never loved anyone more,
Thanks for turning me into a whore.


I loved you so much
that I can't stand to be around you
I needed you so much
that now I have to avoid you
Why wasn't I good enough for you,
when I had the chance?
Fuck you
now you don't have a chance.
I loved you so much I hate you
because you never treated my right
Anyone deserves better
Everyone needs someone there every night.
Now I'm happier with you gone,
I don't have anyone treating me wrong.
Now its easier to wake up
knowing you won't be on my mind when I put on my make up
I think of my real friends when I do my hair
because my real friends are actually there

My Own Cage

Unfufilled hopes,
Ignored prayers,
It starts to seem like nobody cares.
Unanswered promises,
Unspoken words
Can't you see how much it hurts
Please don't let me down
I don't know how many more times
I can hit the ground.
Be careful who you step on
Because someone is gonna break,
you have to give, don't always take.
I wish I could tell you everything I wanted to say,
I can't its my fault,
I let you get away.


I have nobody,
nobody to listen when I have something to say
maybe its because I push everyone away
Nobody to listen and try to understand
to show they care for my by holding my hand
just call me to let me know you care
and just let me know you'll always be there
All I want is to be treated right,
and to know we can get over the biggest fight
Notice little things like the color of my eyes
I promise I'll never tell you any lies.
You never will have to doubt me
maybe you were doing a little worse without me
Always keep me close to your heart
Let me know how you feel when we're apart
I'll try my hardest to make you feel good,
because if I deserve you, I know I should
I'll pay attention to what you like to eat,
and make it for you just to be sweet.

Cherry 2001

Don't foret to say "Goodbye"
because some day you'll regret it
Don't forget to say "I love you"
because otherwise you'll forget it
Don't forget to kiss her,
because when she has left you'll miss her
Wipe away her tears,
Calm her biggest fears.
Let her know how your heart lights up,
whenever she appears
Play with her hair, look deep into her face,
Make sure she knows she can never be replaced.
I'll stand by and watch as you treat her like a queen,
and know in my heart it can never be me.

Copyright Erika A. 2001. All rights reserved.
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