
June 5, 2000
Niroth has been updated slightly. DM's are still needed to start the games. If you are interested in hosting your own campaign please click on the scroll DM Your Own Campaign

June 6, 2000
We Still need some DM's to get the games going. Please fill out a application to become a DM.

June 8, 2000
DM's are starting to make some games, keep in contact with this site! For maximum D&D fun click on the banner to the left! AOL has chat rooms, e-mail, and MUCH more tro make D&D more fun.

June 9, 2000
ARCHIVES section has been added! check it out! Just about all the links come from so visit there site also!

June 22, 2000
WotC is releasing AD-&-D 3rd Edition in August (if there's anyone who didn't already know this). I got hold of a pamphlet today with some info about the upcoming changes, and they lood pretty interesting. Apparently they're going to completely overhaul the entire game by stripping it down to the bare essentials and then re-building it in their own image. For example, all characters will advance in level using the same number of experience points, replacing infravision with "Dark Vision" and "Low-Light Vision", etc. And (hooray!) they're bringing the Half-Orc race back. It all looks pretty interesting. Anyone else know any more about what's going to change?
-Ravinn The Bard 1
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