About Author (Niraj Agarwal)
About Author : Niraj Agarwal

I am Niraj Agarwal from India. I have been graduated in Bachelor of Engineering from M. B. M Engineering College, Jodhpur, India and then I did my Masters from IIT Kharagpur, India in 1999. Since then I am working as a software consultant in a consultancy company. Currently I am working in California.

This utility (FAssistant) is outcome of my hobby of trying to develop tools or utilities to minimize day to day manual work. I started developing this utility in year 2004 for my personal use only. I wanted to have a desktop application to track my expenses and incomes. I have been working in Java, J2EE field since my post graduation (1999). Hence I started developing this application in Java Swing, as for desktop application swing is one of the best option. Staring form very basic application with 2-3 screens it went to a medium size application with about 65 screens (as of today). I worked on this application in my spare time after office hours. In year 2005 this application was in it's initial stage with about 15 screens, and I was using it very often for my personal use. One of my friend came to know about this application and found it very useful. That triggered me to upload it on internet so that other people can also use it, hence I uploaded it on geocities in Apr-2005. Currently application has about 35,000 lines of code. I always try to make it more usable, user friendly and robust when ever I get time or get valuable feedback from users. One thing I am willing to do since long time but not getting time and courage is creating help or user guide for the application. I know that is missing in this application since a long time but creating user guide will make the size of this application from about 2MB to 10MB and then it will not be possible to download it from my free geocity account as it has download limit of 4.2MB per hour. There is a ReadMe.txt file provided in application deployment directory (you can also view it from application by Help -> Read Me... menu option) which describes most of the functionality in simple text with out any images. I am also planning to add online help for most of the functionalities (screens) this application provides. This will be available on Screen Shots page.

Users can drop me an email on [email protected] for any questions, suggestions or feedback about the application.

There are few java utilities which i wrote to address project specific requirements. These are the utilities which are required many times during software development and are generic in use. Like sorting a HashMap based on values (not keys). Date difference (in days, months and years) between 2 dates. These can be downloaded form this site and be used or modified as per individual's requirement.

Hope these utilities will help you somewhere sometime.

!!! All the Best !!!
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