Surinya D'istolla
    She was truly an enigma.  Sometimes, it seemed, even to herself.  She has always and a sharp mind and quick wit, and she is norally quite cool and calculating.  Her cloudy grey eyes seldom miss even the most minute of details.

     Her parents had raised her since birth as a follower and devotee of the Lord of the Abyss, Hades.  In His service, she has learned a wide variety of skills... no few of which would likely make her an outcast should they be known.  Most of her life has been spent travelling the countryside doing His bidding, as she has been blessed enough that He calls upon her directly.

     She rides upon the back of a Nightmare she calls Vengeance, a 'gift' from Hades for an 'errand' she completed particularly to His satisfaction.

     One such 'errand' recently brought her to the city of Arytiris Benerel; her mission was to be the assassination of the King, Torlan Aki'rae.  Despite the specialized equipment Hades provided her with, the mission was ultimately a failure.  However, He gave her another task: to instead assassinate all of the Ambassadors and Emissaries and assorted other official foreign guests in residence at the Palace at the time. 

     This mission was somewhat more successful; she left a wake of carnage behind her in the Ambassadorial wing, with the exception of one Drowess who had been out of her room at the time; and the occupant of the last room in the hall, a giant of a man from the ice continent Orkhelek far to the north, who went simply by the name of Viltram.  For an assortment of reasons, she found herself unable to kill him; but when Hades realized that she in fact would not kill him, He came to the room they were in Himself, and would likely have killed them both; except that another divine personage put in His own appearance - Odin too came there, and transported them both away to an island that he said Hades could not reach them on.
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