Lisere is a Gold Dragon, one hundred and twenty feet from nose to tail tip, with a two hundred foot wingspan(see below); but she is most commonly found in this, her human form, standing at four feet six inches...  often with the addition of golden dragon wings on her back.  The one thing that does not change from form to form, besides her gold coloration, is her eyes...  always pupilless, slowly swirling and glowing softly.  They are normally an intense green, but they will change colors, anywhere from a few sparks in the green to a complete change.
Often sweet and playful, she can be deadly serious when she chooses.... or if she is angered enough to go into a bloodrage.  Few are safe when an enraged Gold Dragon goes on a rampage.  Most of the time, however, she is quiet and even a bit meek, though she is a horrible flirt and has a quick wit. 

To those who have earned her loyalty...  no easy task...  she is undyingly loyal, even if they spurn her.  She can seem quite unpredictable, though, because friendship and earning her loyalty are not the same thing.  Many have found this out in the past, to their detriment. 

Despite her many human and humanoid friends and even those she loves, she is a proud beast...  dragons are naturally superior to all others in her eyes.  There is no point in arguing this with her, it is the natural order in her eyes...  and except for threatening her family or those she is loyal to, there is no quicker way to upset her than to treat a dragon with less respect than she considers appropriate.
   Lisere was born around one thousand, three hundred and fifty-seven years ago...  although getting her to admit her age, for obvious reasons, is nearly impossible.  Her mother was of a type of dragon almost unseen in these lands.  They lived in large communities, and color, rather than showing their alignment and abilities, merely indicated such things as gender and fertility.  They are instinctively very powerful shapeshifters, and their grasp of magic is normally almost as instinctive.  On her mother's mating Flight, however, she was caught by what they called a Wild Dragon...  the normal Rhydin creature.  She laid the clutch, and all were destroyed...  except Lisere's egg.  It was obvious by the size that it would be a Gold, and they were cherished above all others.  So she was allowed to hatch.  Her early few years were spent there, learning what she could from those willing to teach the little 'wildling'.  Eventually, frustrated at learning very little and tired of being spurned by all those close to her age...  and by the male she had her eye on...  she left her home to wander the world for a place where she might be accepted.

     For years she wandered aimlessly, being hunted in one place, run from in the next...  even when assuming the most common form of those she walked among, due to her coloration and eyes.  Finally, she stumbled into the land of Rhydin.  This, she thought, was a place she could call home.  Not all accepted her, to be sure, but enough that she might be able to stay there. 

     Time passed, as it does, and she met a man who she fell in love with...  and he seemed to return her feelings.  In time, he asked her to marry him, and she accepted...  but before they could make good on that, she found out that he had another woman, who also had the same claim on him, from a House that he belonged to, the Drow House EverHate.  When this blew up, as was inevitable, she was called before the leaders of the House to say her piece.  By the time the evening was over, he was expelled in shame from the House, and she was asked to join, and be adopted by the Matron Mother.  Finally, she had found her home; she would serve them loyally for many years.

     Over those years, several more times more she found those she would take as her mate; the next, a dark paladin, left her when he decided that the center of his life was his goddess and wished to devote it entirely to her service.  She would also find one within House EverHate, whom she grew quite close to, and who sired a clutch with her, but barely after the eggs were laid, he was killed in a deathmatch.  The next was with her for some time, helping to raise the clutch she had, as well as sire another, but eventually he simply disappeared.  With the fifth, the relationship simply did not work and so she left.  She accepted that she would never have the 'happily ever after'.  She just tried to enjoy life and friends and her six hatchlings.  With the sixth, it seemed she had found someone who could bring the hope of the future back to her.  For a time, she was happy, but in the end, he had other callings which won out in his heart over her.  His loss nearly crippled her inside.  Eventually, though, she healed, as one always does from such blows, much due to the help of yet another male she hoped to make a life with.  But, as seemed her lot, he too disappeared without a trace, but not before siring yet another clutch.  This clutch, however, seemed abnormal and more; years have passed and still they have not hatched, though they are still warm and apparently alive within the eggs.  Some sort of stasis seems to be on them.

     Recently, she has wandered through the realms again, having too many painful memories around Rhydin.  She stumbled across a world called Or'anya Kaimelor, and has found the world - and a particular elder dragon she met there - quite fascinating.
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