Alan Oatley - A contemporary folk singer/songwriter of incredible talent.  Go check him out!  No, really, do it!
Get a free e-mail account that PAYS YOU!
Dragon and Phoenix - Site under constant tweaking.  Currently has mostly various song lyrics. The Society for Creative Anachronism - A world-wide
medieval re-creation society
Just for fun:
The Elfwood Project
- Everything from 100-1000 pt Purity tests, to 'draconic purity test' to 'geek purity test'
Purity Tests
The Evil Overlord's Handbook
Writing.com - artwork of a literary sort
Various RPG Resources:
Fantasy name generator
Encyclopedia Mythica - A comprehensive guide to mythology from around the world
Drow Information - Everyone loves the drow..  but a lot of people don't know much about them.  A good primer for the Drow in general.
Elven *and* Drow Translator
- quick-loading, no frills page, and it can handle punctuation!
Drow Translator
Elven Language Search - by the Grey Company.  Very good vocabulary, but can only search one word at a time.
Elven Phrases - also by the Grey Company; a list of common phrases (at least to them) properly translated.
Draconic Translator - seems to have lots of 'issues', but it's the only one I've found, so maybe enough comments will get it kept up to speed
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