
Nippon Choco is a site dedicated to bring news, data and graphics to the fans of asian music and culture. In this site you will find information and stuff about your favorite artist, may it be chinese, japanese or korean as well as graphics to be used online!.

About The Layout

This months artist spotlight falls on L'arc en Ciel who just released a new album as well as they would be appearing in Otakon of this year.
We went browsing DDG For some layout ideas. And we did. It's a great site to get some layouts and layout ideas.

Let's see who runs this site

- Sorceress Lixing/Heaven-chan
Role: Webmistress
Hobbies: sleeping, thinking, eating, bashing movies, anime, games, jrock.
Anime: Voices of a Distant Star,
Music: Malice Mizer, TM Revolution, Miyavi...(just to name a few)
contact: knock knock

~ moonlighter (moonie)
Role: Graphic Editor and Site Assistant
Hobbie: Drawing, reading, playing games
Music: Wide variety (Currently in the process of becoming a Jrock fangirl via Lixxy)
Questions, comments or requests:Email Me

- X
Contact: CLick here
Role: Reviewer
AKA: Ceres
Anime: Onegai Teacher
Manga: Sister Red
Games: Melty Blood, Silent Hill
Music: Japanese Visual Kei, too many bands to mention...but Vidooru is my favorite.
Hobbies: playing Bass guitar, listening to Japanese VK rock, planning on a VK band in Japan
words: -Pretty roses still have thorns-

Name: Kamih
Role: Writes profiles (Whatever they tell me to do)
Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Music, Marksmanship, Being a critic
Music: As far as J-Music goes, I like The Brilliant Green, TF6, Gackt, The Pillows and a lot of obscure indie bands (J-Alternative)
Questions, Comments or Requests: Mail to [email protected]

~ Triniti
e-mail/MSN: [email protected]
AIM: CraziRaverGurl
Yahoo! unique_triniti

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